Colorado Trout Unlimited

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Trout in the Classroom Update: The Trout Eggs Are Here!

By Natalie Flowers, CTU Youth Coordinator

It was a busy fall for Trout in the Classroom (TIC) in Colorado, as sites, chapters, and volunteers worked diligently to fundraise, purchase, and set up TIC equipment across the state. Trout Egg Delivery Days finally came on September 28th for 27 tanks across the state, then on October 25th, another 23 tanks received their shipment. Approximately 11,600 Rainbow Trout eggs from Colorado Parks & Wildlife’s Crystal River Hatchery were transported and delivered successfully to these 50 TIC tanks.

John Davenport

John Davenport, CTU Statewide TIC Coordinator, arranged the Trout Express teams, recruited volunteers, and then pitched in as the rainbow trout eggs were transported across Colorado. CTU staff and volunteers then delivered the eggs to their specific schools. TIC educators, students, and volunteers took over by tempering the eggs so they would not experience shock and settled them into their new homes.

Once situated, educators and students began monitoring tank levels and surveying, supporting the growth of the fish. Most of the trout eggs hatched within 7 to 10 days after delivery, and some of the alevins began to swim in another 7 to 10 days.

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This year, the TIC story has just started. Educators and students are eager to see how their fish will grow and will be monitoring their trout throughout the school year. Students will learn about the trout lifecycle, weigh their fish weekly, and maintain tank health. At the end of the school year for each school, students will celebrate a big day that culminates all their hard work – The TIC Trout Release Day.

CTU would like to give a special thank you to some amazing people and organizations that made our TIC Egg Delivery Days possible; John Davenport, John Covert, Ray Nagashima, John Bryant, David Nickum, Fred Miller, Madi Shaheen, Cory Neumiller, Michele White, Dennis Cook, Bret Linenfelser, Brendan Besetzny, Colorado Parks and Wildlife, US Fish and Wildlife Service, A. Alfred Taubman Foundation, Rafael Levy Memorial Foundation, TIC educators, TIC chapter volunteers, TIC students, TIC volunteers, and all the other incredible Trout Express Delivery volunteers.

If you would like to support the Trout in the Classroom program or help fund any TIC sites that are currently on our waiting list please email Natalie Flowers, Youth Education Coordinator for CTU.

To learn more about the Trout in the Classroom program visit