Take Action — Colorado Trout Unlimited

Whether you are writing to your legislators, voting on water legislation, or volunteering at an event, you can make a difference. Become a member, get involved, volunteer and be part of the grassroots movement!


Current Action Alerts

Make Your Voice Heard

+ Speak to your Legislator

Your government works for you and therefore needs to hear from you! All government employees have physical addresses, emails, and phone numbers to reach them at. Our action center above has easy forms to send emails directly to your correct representative or senator for specific issues.

Click to Find your Colorado Legislator and their contact information.

Click to find all of your elected officials.

Click for tips on calling your representatives or senators.

+ Send a Letter to the Editor

You want to let people know what you think about a certain issue. But, you want to reach an audience larger than just your social bubble. Letters to the editor can be an effective way to get the word out to the masses.

Some easy tips on writing and submitting a Letter to the Editor can be found here.

Denver Post's Letters to the Editor Section.

+ Social Media for Change

Key Findings

  • Senators and Representatives are more inclined to use social media than they were in the past. Both communications and legislative staffers indicated their bosses have become more open to social media in recent years. Most of the respondents (84%) said Members of Congress have become more inclined to use social media while only 1% said their bosses had become less inclined to use it.

  • Staff generally feel social media have improved relationships between constituents and Congress. More than three-quarters (76%) of the respondents "agree" or "strongly agree" with the statement "social media enabled us to have more meaningful interactions with constituents," and nearly as many (70%) agreed that "social media have made Members/Senators more accountable to constituents."

  • **Thirty or fewer similar comments on a social media post are enough to get an office's attention, but they need to be posted quickly or they may not be seen. **About one-third (35%) of the respondents said it takes fewer than 10 similar comments for their offices to pay attention, and nearly half (45%) said their offices will pay attention to between 10 and 30 similar comments. However, the more time that passes after an office posts on social media, the less likely it will be that staff will review the response.

  • Social media posts by constituents can influence undecided Senators and Representatives, but staff generally do not feel social media posts provide enough information to identify constituents. Many respondents said constituent input via social media would have "some" influence on their boss if he/she had not arrived at a firm decision on an issue, but staff also indicated that they have a hard time identifying when social media posts are from constituents. Just over one-third (36%) of the respondents indicated they "agree" or "strongly agree" with the statement, "Most of the social media posts to our platforms provide us enough information and context to determine if the post is from a constituent."


Good practices for informed constituents

  • Attend Town Hall Meetings, Office Hours, and Public Meetings

  • Get to know Who your local and national Elected Officials are

  • Research candidates and VOTE in elections 

  • FIND trustworthy public News resources

  • and Always ask questions