Volunteer — Colorado Trout Unlimited

Why Volunteer?

“The best part of volunteering with TU is meeting people who share my passion for keeping our waters clean.”
—  Bob Bush

We are proud that our 11,000 members consistently volunteer over 44,000 hours of their time every year. This is a tremendous accomplishment for a conservation organization and it happens in part because CTU makes it easy for you to get involved. We have a wide range of volunteer opportunities that meet the interests of a wide range of people!

We are Fishing for Volunteers!

Join our Volunteer List by completing the form below. Thank you for volunteering and if you have any questions please email us at info@coloradotu.org.

Want to learn what CTU Volunteering is all about? Check out our Volunteer Orientation below.

Testimonials from Volunteers

“I know I volunteer because I love trout, trout habitat, and trout fishing. Of those three, I think it’s the habitat I love best, and not just because without it we can’t have the other two. It’s because I just love it, everything about it. I get a thrill every time I approach a trout stream.” -John Trammell

“With all that Trout Unlimited has done and is doing here in Colorado, it’s hard not to take an active role. Whether meeting an urgent need, preserving the livelihood of our precious waterways, or educating a new generation of students on how they can contribute, being a Trout Unlimited volunteer makes us feel good.” -David and Susan Person

“Yes, I am passionate about fishing and about saving our coldwater resources, but I am also passionate about the individuals I have met through my work with TU. On fishing trips, in chapter meetings, at youth camps – it doesn’t matter how I met these people. I see their passion and it inspires me to donate my time to TU.” “Yes, I am passionate about fishing and about saving our coldwater resources, but I am also passionate about the individuals I have met through my work with TU. On fishing trips, in chapter meetings, at youth camps – it doesn’t matter how I met these people. I see their passion and it inspires me to donate my time to TU.”- Sharon Lance

“There’s something special about a Colorado River. Crisp, clear water flowing from the majestic Rocky Mountains, sprouting aspen and willow trees from its banks, sustaining trout and deer, and quenching the thirst of literally millions of people along the way. I volunteer because I believe in protecting our rivers, Colorado’s most precious natural resource.” -Rick Matsumoto