FAQ — Colorado Trout Unlimited


(click the + to expand answers)


+ What does it mean to be a TU member?

Being a member means you are part of a community of about 300,000 members and supporters dedicated to protecting, reconnecting and restoring North America's trout and salmon fisheries. Our hope is that clean, cold, fishable water exists for generations to come, but we can't do it without the support of committed anglers and conservationists like you. Membership also means being part of a local fishing and conservation community with your chapter, where you can meet others who share your commitment and take part in local fishing and volunteer activities. Together, we can preserve the thrill of chasing wild fish in wild rivers.

+ How do I change my membership to a Family, Lifetime, Business, etc?

If you are a renewing member, you can easily upgrade or downgrade your membership by following the link here. If you would like to see the different membership levels new or renewing, click here.

+ I represent/own a Fly Shop - can we be a member of TU?

Fly shops and outfitters are some of the most important voices for rivers and trout and as TU's valued partners you can become "TU Business Members". You can learn more or purchase a business membership here, or if you make in-kind donations of $1000 or more over a year you can be nominated by Colorado TU or your local chapter for a complimentary membership in recognition of your generous support.

+ If I'm a TU member, does that mean I'm also a CTU member?

Yes! When you sign up as a member in Colorado you are automatically a member of Trout Unlimited, Colorado Trout Unlimited, and your local TU chapter based on your location or selection you made when signing up.

+ How can I change my Chapter membership to a different one?

First, please contact the Chapter you would like to switch to so that they can get you on their mailing list. Then, send an email to tumembership@tu.org OR call their 1-800-834-2419 number to request a Chapter Membership switch.

+ I want to join as a new member, but would like to select the chapter to belong to rather than being assigned by zip.

When you join as a new member through our sign-up page here, you can choose the Colorado TU chapter to which you would like to belong. If you have already joined and want to change your membership to a different chapter, just send an email with your request to trout@tu.org or call 1-800-834-2419.


+ When I donate to CTU, how much of that goes to TU?

Donations made to Colorado TU stay right here in Colorado for programs benefiting your home waters. When you join or renew your membership in Trout Unlimited, those dollars go to support Trout Unlimited nationwide.

+ If I sign up for a TU membership in Colorado, what portion of the proceeds go back to CTU?

As a member of TU in Colorado, $2.50 from your new or renewed membership comes back to CTU to support Colorado programs. For new members, an additional $15 returns to your local TU chapter to support work right in your community.

+ How do I sign up my business to become a financial sponsor? Can I desginate the funds to a specific project?

While most donors make unrestricted gifts that can be used where they are most needed, Colorado TU can and does accept donations dedicated to specific projects or programs such as youth education, greenback recovery, or the Colorado headwaters program. If your business is interested in becoming a Colorado TU "Protect Our Rivers" business partner, please contact Development Director Shannon Kindle for more information at shannon.kindle@tu.org.

+ Are donations to Colorado TU tax-deductible?

Yes, Colorado TU is a 501c3 nonprofit organization and donations are tax deductible under the Internal Revenue Code. If you receive a premium gift (such as a CTU shirt or water bottle), only the portion of your donation above the value of the gift will be deductible

+ What is your tax id?

Colorado TU's tax ID number is 84-0628113.


+ If I'm a member of a chapter already am I allowed to join another one?

Membership records will assign you to one local chapter of your choosing, but you are always welcome to attend meetings and events, and to participate in fishing and conservation activities, with any TU chapter.


+ What is CTU's relation to TU?

Colorado TU is the state affiliate of Trout Unlimited for our state; all TU members assigned to any Colorado chapter are also members of Colorado TU. As the state branch of TU, we work as advocates for Colorado's coldwater resources, support local chapters in their conservation and education efforts, and tackle projects and issues that are beyond the scope of an individual local chapter.

+ What is a chapter's relation to TU?

Local chapters are the grassroots voice and affiliates of TU; every TU member has the opportunity to be part of their own local community of angler-conservationists. In Colorado, 24 chapters have members from watersheds across our state. As a chapter, each one has a membership made up of the TU members in their communities (or members from elsewhere but who choose to affiliate with the chapter based on its activities and the waters on which it works).

+ What is the difference between a chapter and a council?

Chapters are more the most local, grassroots portion of TU - engaging members from their communities. A council (like Colorado TU) represents all TU members throughout a state and can work on issues of broader scope. The two levels of TU work together - and with the National organization - and to ensure grassroots representation each local chapter president in Colorado is a voting member of the Colorado TU board of directors.


+ Report a Spill

If you see: petroleum product in the water, any releases to waterways, mercury spills, sanitary sewer releases, releases that result in injury and/or death, or any deliberate releases or dumping you can call the National Spill Response Center, which notifies all local agencies at (800)424-8802

Colorado also has a hotline to report a new emergency related to a health facility, community public health, or a hazardous substance spill that can be reached at (877)-518-5608

Want to learn more about Environmental Spill reporting as well as other reporting numbers? Read the information brochure here.

+ Report a wildlife issue

To report injured or problem wildlife (fish, birds, mammals, etc.) please contact your local Colorado Parks and Wildlife office(M-F 8am - 5pm). You can find your local office/region numbers here. For an after hours emergency, call the Colorado State Patrol at 303-239-4500.

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