Blog — Colorado Trout Unlimited

Senator Udall's 2013 Sportsmen's Agenda

Sportsmen and women are a vital thread in the fabric of the West. They fuel a significant part of the Colorado economy - generating more than $3 billion each year in Colorado and supporting 34,000 jobs, especially in rural communities. And sportsmen are some of our greatest conservationists, proudly carrying on the traditions of Colorado's first settlers. It is a valuable tradition to pass along to the next generation, as well, because it teaches healthy lifestyles, responsible gun ownership and our Western heritage. As I look ahead to 2013, I will do everything I can to support our hunting and angling heritage and ensure it remains a vital part of our state.

For starters, I plan to complete work on my bill to expand safe public shooting ranges. This common-sense and bipartisan piece of legislation doesn't cost taxpayers a dime, gives states greater flexibility regarding federal money they already receive, provides sportsmen a better return on investment for the fees they pay on ammunition and sporting goods and results in better, safer places for shooters to practice their sport responsibly.

We were very close to U.S. Senate approval of my legislation last year as part of a bipartisan package of bills benefiting sportsmen. Sadly, the bill failed to pass when a minority of senators objected to an unrelated provision on duck stamps - during the "lame duck" session of Congress, no less. I will be back again to take up the fight this year.

I also will continue fighting for common-sense access to our public lands for sportsmen. For example, we should fund the Land and Water Conservation Fund fully and set aside a portion of it for sportsman access. This critical fund uses natural resource extraction royalty payments to reinvest in conservation, wildlife habitat and outdoor recreation for future generations. Unfortunately, this program rarely has received the full funding it deserves. As a result, the program moves forward in fits and starts.

Moreover, I plan to continue my work to protect and enhance conservation and quality wildlife habitat. Last year, I began a community-driven, ground-up process to designate new protections for public lands in Colorado. Backcountry wilderness is beneficial for hunters and anglers for obvious reasons: Cleaner water and undisturbed wildlife corridors make for more robust game populations and quality hunting and angling opportunities.

And I will continue to develop proposals in 2013 to protect Brown's Canyon on the Arkansas River, the San Juan Mountains in southwest Colorado and pristine areas in Eagle, Pitkin and Summit counties. These efforts will strengthen rural communities whose economies depend on hunters and anglers and reinforce Colorado's position as a top destination for sportsmen and women from across the world.

In a related victory, late in 2012, I secured a major positive step in the cleanup of abandoned mines. These mines pose big environmental problems for Colorado, poisoning thousands of miles of rivers and streams, killing aquatic life and hurting water quality. At my urging, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency developed a new policy encouraging cleanup of this pollution using third-party groups who volunteer to clean up the sites - so-called good Samaritans, like Trout Unlimited. I will continue to fight for cleanup funding and to remove any remaining legal impediments to good Samaritans willing to help preserve our streams and waterways.

Lastly, any sportsman's agenda must acknowledge that the status quo on gun violence is unacceptable. Hunters represent the model of responsible gun ownership and can offer valuable advice about how to protect our children while respecting citizens' constitutional right to own guns.

And we all too often have endured the nightmares of mass shootings, here and across our nation, perpetrated by deranged individuals outfitted with equipment designed for the battlefield. There is no single solution to curbing gun violence, and everything must be on the table for discussion, but we have an obligation to promote policies that will keep guns out of the hands of criminals and the mentally ill. I will be seeking input from sportsmen and many others on any measure designed to curb gun violence.

Taken together, these measures will bolster our sportsman legacy and outdoor economy as well as benefit all Coloradans who enjoy the outdoors. I look forward to continuing to work directly with Coloradans on these issues and advancing their views in Washington, D.C.

Mark Udall serves on the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee and is Colorado's senior senator.

Originally printed here in The Steamboat Pilot.

Tell Denver Water: Don't Kill The Fraser River!

Denver Water already sucks 60% of the annual flows from the Fraser River, and they now want to take more: another 15%.  Sign the Defend the Colorado petition today and tell Denver that before they take more water, they need to protect the Fraser River.  Tell Denver Water:  Don't Suck the Fraser River Dry!  

If you see a lost-looking trout walking the streets of downtown Denver in coming weeks, don’t be alarmed. He’s just looking for some water. Any water.

He urgently needs your help.

We recently filmed this trout’s sad dilemma. Left high and dry in the Fraser Valley, where Denver Water is sucking the life out of the Fraser River and its tributaries, our refugee trout hitchhiked to Denver to try to find out who moved his water and where he can get a few drops.

Check out the short video– it’s a lighthearted effort to highlight a serious problem: Denver Water is diverting the Fraser River to death.

You can make a difference by sending a message to Denver Water: sign the petition telling Denver Water to protect – not kill – the Fraser River.

You might not know that much of Denver’s water comes from across the Continental Divide, in Grand County, where the Moffat pipeline each year drains 60 percent of the Fraser River’s annual flows, leaving dozens of tributaries sucked completely dry. Denver Water’s proposed expansion of that pipeline would take another 15 percent of flows, leaving an already damaged river on life support.

It’s not just trout and wildlife at risk—our mountain towns and state tourism economy are also threatened. If you love to fish, ski, raft, hike, camp or otherwise recreate in the mountains, this hits you where you live.

We simply can’t keep sucking the lifeblood out of the Fraser and expect it to remain a living river.

If Denver Water is to move forward with the Moffat expansion, they must take steps to ensure it is done in a way that won’t destroy the Fraser River. For months, a coalition of conservation organizations, landowners, and recreation businesses have been calling on Denver Water to take a few responsible, cost-effective steps to protect the Fraser:

  • ensure healthy “flushing” flows in the river to clean out silt and algae.
  • avoid taking water during high water temperatures, when trout and aquatic life are vulnerable.
  • monitor the river’s health and take action as needed to prevent further declines.

We’ve presented these concerns to Denver Water, but so far they’ve been unwilling to work with us to adopt this common-sense package of protections.

This is where you come in. Denver Water  will listen to their customers. We need Denver-area residents—and anyone who cares about Colorado’s rivers and wild places—to  tell Denver Water that you want them to “finish the job” of protecting the Fraser River.

Please—go right now to the Defend the Colorado webpage to sign a petition asking Denver Water board members to protect the Fraser. We know they will respond to public pressure—but that means you need to take a few minutes and sign the petition. It will make a difference for the Fraser River and for our homeless trout, but only if you act now.

Denver Water won't act if they think Coloradans don’t know enough or care enough to demand a higher level of river stewardship.

So do something good for our rivers today. Sign the petition and tell Denver Water: don’t suck—protect the Fraser River.



Healing Waters - Battle at Boxwood

Charlie Hensel and his Healing Waters group visited Boxwood Gulch, a private fishing operation on the North Fork of the South Platte River.  Each veteran was paired with an NHL hockey player, and they competed in Battle at Boxwood, a charity fishing competition. Curtis Fleming with Fly Rod Chronicles was on scene to film the event.  You can check it out on the Outdoor Channel on Friday morning (1/18) at 10 am or Saturday afternoon (1/19) at 4:30 pm.

A teaser from the show can be viewed by clicking here.

TU praises Windy Gap, criticizes Moffat projects in Denver Post

Drew Peternell, director of TU's Colorado Water Project, had an op-ed piece carried in the online edition of the Denver Post that highlights the ways in which the Windy Gap Firming Project is moving forward to meet water needs while protecting river health - in contract to Denver's Moffat Project where Denver Water continues to balk at taking actions to offset the impacts of their new project.  Check out Drew's column here. The fact that Boulder County recently declined to sign on to an intergovernmental agreement by which they would lend support to the Moffat project simply underscores the fact that Denver Water is not yet taking the actions needed to make its project work not only for water supply, but for the health of rivers and communities on both sides of the Continental Divide.

Students and Volunteers Collaborate to Promote Conservation and Fly Fishing at CC

In an effort to inspire the next generation of conservationists, Trout Unlimited is working to promote our mission on college and university campuses throughout the country.  As part of the 5 Rivers College Outreach Program, TU volunteers and staff are giving college students the encouragement and tools to engage the next generation of conservationists. Here in Colorado, a budding partnership between the Cheyenne Mountain Chapter of Trout Unlimited (CMCTU) and students at Colorado College (CC) is showing great promise.  With the help of TU and Angler’s Covey Fly Shop, several students have started a campus organization with the goal of attracting, educating, and uniting fly fisherman at CC.  The CC Fly Fishing club is an official TU-affiliated college club under the 5 Rivers College Outreach Program.  TU affiliated clubs have the opportunity to take advantage of deals with manufacturers, have stickers and banners with their logo printed by TU, connect with and receive support from their local chapter, and connect with other clubs in Colorado and throughout the country.

The CC Fly Fishing club has already begun hosting weekend fishing trips, casting clinics, movie nights, and other events.  Club president Brooks Pinnick said, “As a new club we need as much support as possible.  The guidance provided by TU was helpful as we develop a successful campus organization. Also, being a part of TU will help us get more involved in conservation in addition to fly fishing.”  Jacob Twersky, another club officer, said “When I came to CC I thought there would be a fishing culture present.  That wasn’t the case, so we are trying to make that happen and create a community of fly fisherman.”  Future projects include fly tying workshops with CMCTU volunteers, a fly casting contest, and further trips.  In addition several members have begun volunteering for CMCTU conservation projects.  Sam Humpert VP of education for CMCTU said, “This partnership is a win-win because it is a great extension of our current youth education and provides an opportunity for environmental conscious students to participate in chapter projects.”  He continued, “This has been a great opportunity to work with an age group we are targeting specifically to continue the legacy of TU.”

Aside from the new fly fishing club, CC students have had several opportunities to engage in stream restoration and fly fishing this year.  As part of a freshman orientation experience, 22 students and two student leaders participated in two days of service, performing trail maintenance and willow planting with the Coalition for the Upper South Platte.  After a couple days of camping and hard work, the students were rewarded with a day of fly fishing led by volunteers with CMCTU.  After casting lessons the students headed to Cheeseman Canyon to try their hand at some fishing. Maggie Mckeon, an orientation leader who led the trip and a junior at CC said, “Fly fishing is a growing interest at CC and TU has been a great resource.  Several participants were very excited and will likely continue fly fishing.”

Additionally, a group of nine students were led by Jacob Twersky, who is also a leader with CC’s Outdoor Recreation Committee, on a fly fishing trip to the Sangre de Cristo Mountains.  The students, who were mostly novice fly fisherman, hiked up to alpine lakes, beaver ponds, and streams where they caught some fish and had a good time.  CMCTU provided the group with nine fly rods and six dozen flies for the trip.

To learn more about TU’s 5 Rivers College Outreach program and how you can engage students at your local campus, please contact Jake Lemon, CTU’s Youth Education Coordinator. 720-354-2646