Blog — Colorado Trout Unlimited

Protect the White River Basin - The Time is Now

The White River basin is a national treasure. Take action to help ensure that energy development is balanced with our hunting and angling traditions! The BLM’s White River Field Office (WRFO) recently released its Draft Resource Management Plan Amendment (RMPA) for Oil and Gas leasing in the White River basin.  The WRFO covers over 2.6 million acres of Northwest Colorado and holds some of the best fish and game habitat in the nation. The basin is also home to some of the most extensive energy development in the nation, and conflicts exist over how to balance these resources.

Trout Unlimited is extremely concerned with the Draft RMPA. It fails to adequately balance energy development with other public land uses and fails to ensure that healthy fish and wildlife populations will be sustained over the life of the plan. We are deeply concerned about inadequate protections for water quality and streams, and the quantity of water required to develop at the levels the BLM has outlined.

The Preferred Alternative calls for drilling over 15,000 new wells over the next twenty years which would require over 1,300 miles of new roads, over 1.2 million truck trips, and 67.5 billion gallons of water all while reducing big game herds by 30% and doubling the population of Rio Blanco county. Moreover, the Preferred Alternative does not require that drilling operations be setback from streams and other surface water or require buffers between drilling operations and sensitive soils or steep areas. These deficiencies increase the likelihood of waters being contaminated by toxic substances or overwhelmed with sediment.

Possibly the most troubling of all is a lack of protection for Colorado River cutthroat trout (CRCT). The WRFO’s CRCT populations are vulnerable and isolated - they only exist in about 39 stream miles. The East Douglas Area of Critical Environmental Concern (ACEC) is designated for the protection of CRCT. However, after multiple requests by TU staff to apply protective stipulations in the area, the BLM continues to fall short in providing adequate protections for this area and others in the Draft RMPA. We believe that where an ACEC has been designated to protect a species, the management scheme in that area should reflect that protective intent.

You have probably heard about TU’s efforts to support responsible energy development. We are proud to seek collaborative solutions and to reach out to energy companies to find solutions to the toughest energy question of our times – how to balance energy production with conservation of other natural resources? However, when the BLM presents a development scenario like that found in the Draft RMPA, we have no choice but to call it what it is – an unsustainable plan that too severely degrades the environment and seats energy development as the first and most important use of our public lands.

We ask that our members help us spread the word and submit comments asking the BLM to change course and adopt a plan that sustains all natural resources in the WRFO, one that ensures healthy public lands and fish and wildlife populations even after energy development has moved on.

Key points to include in your comments:

• A 500ft or greater setback should be required for all surface waters. • A ¼ mile setback should be required for all cutthroat trout waters. • A No Surface Occupancy (NSO) stipulation should be applied to the East Douglas ACEC to protect fragile cutthroat populations. • Adopt the conservation alternative (Alt. B) and refrain from granting waivers and/or exceptions to protective stipulations. • Require mitigation measures for fish and wildlife and their habitat that is harmed during energy development operation. • Refrain from developing areas that are unroaded and/or have wilderness characteristics. • Assess the cumulative impacts of energy development within neighboring field offices when determining appropriate development levels. • Require a “closed loop” system for water use during energy development. This means that all waters must be recycled and reused. • Please visit to see our vision of how the WRFO should be developed.

Comments can be sent to:


Heather Sauls Planning and Environmental Coordinator White River BLM Field Office 220 East Market Street Meeker, CO   81641

Please contact Aaron Kindle at or 303 868 2859 for more information.


Support the Sportsmen's Act

Ask your member of Congress:  please step up and vote for sportspeople! The Sportsmen's Act of 2012 will make a difference for habitat and for hunting and angling.

The Sportsmen's Act of 2012 is made up of many previously-proposed bills that would improve access and opportunity for hunting and angling, promote habitat conservation, and reauthorize key programs like Partners for Fish and Wildlife and the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation.

You can help!  Visit our online action center now to learn more and contact your Representative along with Senators Bennet and Udall, urging them to support The Sportsmen's Act!  Your email can make a difference.

Cleaning up Kerber Creek

Trout Unlimited (TU) watershed activists from around the nation joined local government agency partners Wednesday morning to explore Kerber Creek and celebrate the ongoing restoration effort. The tour was a part of TU’s annual watershed retreat, bringing watershed experts from Oregon, Utah, Montana, Idaho and Wisconsin to the Valley to witness the long-term impacts of mining and contribute to the conversation about the clean up, especially in regards to water quality. TU’s purpose is to protect and restore North America’s coldwater fisheries and their watersheds. The group has protected more than 10,000 river miles nationwide and pioneered new scientific, legal and legislative tools to make America’s rivers cleaner and healthier. They have served as the fiscal agent for Kerber Creek restoration efforts, acquiring more than $1.14 million for on-the-ground restoration; provided technical and grant writing assistance; helped to develop documents crucial to the continued success of the project and donated countless volunteer hours via the Salida-based TU Collegiate Peak Anglers Chapter...

Since its inception, TU has significantly improved the 64,323-acre watershed thanks to the landowners’ enthusiasm and support from governmental agencies including the Bureau of Land Management, the U.S. Forest Service, the Natural Resources Conservation Service and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Improvements include over 6.5 miles of recuperated stream; over 53 acres treated; 289 in-stream structures; 4,000 feet of restored stream bank and four in-stream flow rights. The group has also acquired $415,000 in-kind donations, $2,096,306 received grant matches and 13,000 volunteer hours.

“I can’t say enough good things about the partnerships we have been able to build with the landowners and agencies,” TU Colorado Mine Restoration Project Manager Elizabeth Russell said. “It has just been great.”

Much of TU’s work is focused on restoring areas mine tailings have damaged. Mine tailings are materials left over after extraction of valuable minerals from ore. The nearly 100 years of mining that took place in the Bonanza area has left many tailings and impaired the creek’s water quality, aquatic invertebrate communities and fishery habitats, which the restoration efforts have been able to reverse to some degree and is evident in the returning fish population.

Visit the Valley Courier to read the rest of the story.

Photo courtesy of Kerber Creek Restoration Project.

Now Is The Time to Embrace-A-Stream

Embrace-A-Stream is the flagship grant program for funding TU's grassroots conservation efforts. Since its inception in 1975, EAS has funded over 1,000 individual projects for a total of more than $4.2 million in direct cash grants. Local TU chapters and councils contributed an additional $13 million in cash and in-kind services to EAS funded projects for a total investment of more than $17 million. In 2012, EAS funded 23 projects in 13 states. View the list of projects funded last year. TU is now accepting Embrace-A-Stream grant applications for eligible coldwater fisheries conservation projects. Chapters and councils are asked to submit proposals for conservation projects that best address the needs of native and wild trout following TU's protect, reconnect, restore and sustain conservation model.

Apply for an Embrace-A-Stream grant here.  The deadline for submission is Dec. 12, 2012. For further information or to participate in a webinar training on Oct. 29th at 8 p.m. EST, please RSVP to Rob Keith at or 703-284-9425.

Scouts and Trout's

Trout’s Fly Fishing and the Denver Trout Unlimited Chapter (DTU) have quite a bit in common: 1)   The South Platte River is our home water

2)   We both are committed to helping improve and restore Denver's South Platte River

3)   DTU and Trout’s love to introduce new people to fly fishing - especially kids

That is why it made perfect sense when a local Cub Scout Troop who was interested in getting their Scouts on the water approached DTU and Trout’s.  Here is what we were able to pull off after a morning volunteering at the Greenway Foundation's fall river sweep.

We talked about the river needs: sustained flows, improved habitat, improved water quality.

We talked about the different species of fish that call the Denver South Platte River home: common carp, mirror carp, brown trout, rainbow trout, smallmouth bass, walleye and catfish and others.  We also tried to find out what they ate.

We talked about the basics of fly fishing, stalking spooky carp, and sight casting to river fish.

Lastly, we showed the Scouts where Clint Packo almost broke his rod in 1000 pieces during the Carp Slam.

And then we had some fun in the river!




We’d like to thank Dr. Matt Esson who initiated this event as well as all of the other Dads and volunteers who joined us on the South Platte River.  We'd also like to give Randall Paetzold of R! Series Photography a big shout out and "Thank You" for volunteering his morning and taking all of these great images.

Reprinted with permission from Trout's Fly Fishing.

Join the Battle Against Post-Fire Erosion in the Poudre Watershed

The Rocky Mountain Flycasters Chapter of TU has helped establish the High Park Restoration Coalition (HPRC) whose mission is directly related to the restoration of targeted areas within the High Park Fire and Hewlett Gulch Fire burn areas.  These fires created a tremendous negative impact on the Poudre watershed and have also created water quality concerns throughout the Northern Colorado Community.  All of us can help lessen those concerns and begin a procss of ecological healing by simply committing a little time and energy.  As winter approaches, and snow pack increases, the stage is being set for a springtime of more soil erosion accompanied by landslides, flooding, road closures, and threats to fishery habitats in the Poudre. The HPRC is now focused on recruiting volunteers to implement near-term plans for carrying out preventive erosion measures. The complex scheduling, training, supervision, and support required to implement these measures is being coordinated through Wildlands Restoration Volunteers, a HPRC partner.

YOU CAN HELP!  The HPRC needs volunteers to provide labor and support for the remaining projects before the snow accumulates.  Project dates are Friday, October 19th, and Thursday, October 25th.  One hundred or more volunteers are needed for each of these days.

If you are concerned about the impact the fires have had on this wonderful area we are so fortunate to live near, please volunteer to help with these restoration efforts!

To register as a volunteer for either of these projects, please visit Wildlands Restoration Volunteers Sign Up.

Once you have reached the site, scroll down the 2012 projects list to the High Park Post-Fire Restoration project on the date(s) you want to volunteer. These two projects are near the end of a long chronological list of all 2012 Wildland Restoration Volunteer projects.  Click on: "Register Here" and then sign in. When completing the registration form, in the box titled Group Name, enter: RMF TU, and the Rocky Mountain Flycasters Chapter will be recognized for your participation.

We hope to see you there!

Photo courtesy of CNHP/Michael Menefee/LightHawk.

Greenbacks, West Denver, and BBBS Come Through for the Kids

The past two weekends were about the kids. Colorado Trout Unlimited, with the help of Jake Lemon, and Big Brothers Big Sisters (BBBS) of Colorado, with the help of Kaity Talmage-Bowers, teamed to create a unique experience for over a dozen boys and girls, along with their ‘bigs’. The first week was chalked full of stream entomology and biology, while the second focused on fly-tying and getting some lines in the water. On the first weekend, with the help of Charlie Horn of West Denver TU and Greenbacks volunteers, the kids and their ‘bigs’ got their feet wet collecting aquatic macroinvertebrates in the South Platte River at Reynolds Landing Park in Littleton.  Adults and kids alike showed great interest in the previously unknown world living under water and rock in their local river.  After sorting the bugs and discussing various physiological characteristics, the kids and their ‘bigs’ worked together to identify what they had found.  Following a brief lunch, the junior scientists worked in groups of three to investigate the behavior of aquatic macroinvertebrates.  Using brine shrimp as their subjects, they set up experiments to test the effects of light, gravity, and temperature.  After collecting and consolidating their data, they shared what their results told them about instream macroinvertebrate habitat and behavior.

With their interest in fish and bugs piqued during the first week’s activities, the kids were ready to fish the following Saturday. With help again from Charlie Horn, the kids first sat down at a table next to Overland Pond to try their hand at tying some flies. Charlie is such a good teacher, and when given the chance to tie a second fly or eat lunch, most hands were raised to stay put.

After the tying session, the kids were provided a gift courtesy of Denver Parks and Rec and the Colorado Division of Parks and Wildlife      – a brand new spinning rod they could take home and use in the future. We rigged the rods while they took a break, and then they were off fishing on Overland Pond – some with their own flies that they had tied.

It was great to walk around the park and watch these kids pull little fish in left and right. There wasn’t a huge number caught, but that doesn’t matter. What matters is that these kids got the opportunity to work with people that care about them. From their big brothers and sisters, to Trout Unlimited, to Denver Parks and Rec and Colorado Parks and Wildlife, kudos to all your efforts to team-up and create a unique experience that these kids will never forget. And maybe, just maybe, a few of these kids will become life-long anglers and the next generation helping to keep our waters clean and fishy.

Kyle Perkins, Compleat Thought

A Great Day for Bear Creek

On a day cloaked with freezing drizzle and fog, nearly four dozen brave souls headed to Bear Creek to get some work done. Before even realizing the incredible importance of the now known, one and only, greenback cutthroat trout population in the creek, folks from the angling, motorized, mountain biking communities and the general populace committed to showing up on October 6th . The goal was to clean up trash, restore stream banks, plant native vegetation and install signs about how to behave appropriately in a sensitive watershed. Two large sites that had been denuded of all vegetation and generally mistreated were chosen for the brunt of the work, along with numerous user-created trails that were contributing sediment to the stream and encouraging inappropriate behavior. These sites were cleaned of debris, seeded with a native seed mix, planted with native shrubs and had erosion control matting installed. The net result was some constructive progress towards better managing this precious creek.

This day came together after folks from Trout Unlimited, the Colorado Motorized Trail Riders Association and the Medicine Wheel Trail Advocates (a mountain biking club) joined together to ask for actions to protect the creek and to preserve the fish and recreation opportunities. We collectively asked Colorado Springs Parks (owners of this piece of land) to allow us to get a crew together to get out and address some of the easiest-to-fix problems.

Of course, much more needs to be done to ensure the legacy of the Greenback and of the unique recreation opportunities found in the Bear Creek watershed. The drainage holds one of the very few single track motorized trails on the Front Range, a world class mountain biking trail and a great hiking trail, very close to Colorado Springs. The fish and the recreation make this drainage a real treasure for both Colorado Springs residents and the general public alike. With these ideals in mind, the above-mentioned groups also asked the managing agencies to complete a few tasks that will both retain the recreation opportunities and preserve the fish. We have asked for a reroute of the trail to a less impactful area in the drainage, restoration of the creek and a remedy of the problems associated with a nearby road.

Once completed, these tasks will ensure the longevity of an amazing fish and tremendous recreational opportunities, and we be hailed as a true community effort. We at Trout Unlimited are proud to be part of efforts like this and hope that collaborative efforts where folks reach out to one another to get things done becomes the new paradigm. We think wild places, wild critters and people will all ultimately benefit.

Successful Clear Creek Cleanup for West Denver Chapter

On September 22, the West Denver Chapter of TU enlisted 15 ladies from the Colorado Women’s Fly Fishers organization and 5 students from the Colorado School of Mines Earth Works Environmental Club.  They were teamed up with 19 West Denver volunteers to pick up trash on Clear Creek and the adjacent U.S. 6 highway. The group started at Mayhem Gulch and worked its way up to the Mountain Gateway Mercantile store, approximately 10 miles upstream.  After the trash pickup, volunteers were treated to a cookout in the parking lot of the store (brats, baked beans, potato salad and soft drinks provided/cooked by West Denver volunteers).  Apple pie was furnished by the store’s proprietor.

West Denver’s chuck wagon was visible from Interstate 70, and grill activities furnished a tasty meal for anyone who stopped at the store. A good day was had by all!

Trout in the Classroom program hooks Centaurus students

Colorado Trout Unlimited's 2012 shipment of trout eggs to Centaurus High School only arrived on Wednesday, but that was more than enough to dredge up fish tales from years past. For the third straight year, Centaurus will participate in the Trout in the Classroom program sponsored by Colorado Trout Unlimited and Boulder Flycasters. As one of six participating schools in Colorado, Centaurus received 100 trout eggs and a 55-gallon fish tank in which to raise them to adulthood.

But the stories varied on the size of the fish in last year's batch when they were released into Lafayette's Waneka Lake.

"I'd guess they were around 2 to 3 inches when we released them in May," said Centaurus science teacher Craig Weinhold, whose classroom becomes the six-month home to the project fish.

Sophomores Ryan Elliott and Aaron Wilkins, who both participated in the Trout in the Classroom program as freshmen, recall things differently.

"A few of them got pretty big, more than 6 inches long," Elliott said.

"They got huge," Wilkins said. "One was at least a foot."

A whole new set of fish stories began Wednesday with the arrival of 100 tiny, bright orange trout eggs in Weinhold's classroom.

"Kids do better with it when they can go out and see it for themselves rather than looking at a poster or a worksheet," Weinhold said. "(The trout tank is) a valuable tool that I can use as a reference point. But it's also good to have something visual in the classroom to get kids interested in biology."

Though the trout aren't part of a dedicated instructional unit, Weinhold said he incorporates the trout's ongoing development into his lesson plan as often as possible.

"We watch the stages of life they go through," Weinhold said. "The whole purpose is to get kids invested and go over the different concepts we work with in biology and apply them."

Those concepts include ecology, developmental biology, cell biology, genetics and evolution, "all things we can relate to pretty much whatever we're working on," Weinhold said.

Visit Colorado Hometown Weekly to read the rest of the story about Trout in the Classroom at Centaurus.