Blog — Colorado Trout Unlimited

Chapters and volunteers recognized for their leadership at CTU 2018 Rendezvous

Emma and Heather both received the Outstanding Volunteer Award. Image credit: Emma Brown

Emma and Heather both received the Outstanding Volunteer Award.

Image credit: Emma Brown

Each year, CTU recognizes individuals and chapters that have shown great leadership in Trout Unlimited across the state. This year, they had 11 awards presented on Sunday April 29, 2018 up at Keystone, CO. Congratulations to everyone who was recognized, your hard work was noticed! The awardees are as follows: 

Outstanding Volunteer

Josh Anaya – for his leadership in strengthening communications for the Southern Colorado Greenbacks Chapter and spearheading the Frostbite Fishoff

Emma Brown –for her work with The Greenbacks in leading youth education and trout conservation projects including the Outdoor Mentors program

Anna Drexler-Dreis –for her Grand County community leadership including developing and implementing riparian restoration efforts with the Fraser Flats project

Dick Shinton –for his work with long-time dedication to youth education including the Colorado TU youth camp, chapter fly tying programs, and mentorship for young anglers

Jason Groves – for his leadership in revitalizing the Ferdinand Hayden Chapter as a viable, active local TU presence in the Roaring Fork Valley

Heather Sees- for her vision and leadership in strengthening The Greenbacks and programming for native trout, youth education, and partnerships including with the Mayfly Project

Exemplary Youth Education

Rocky Mountain Flycasters – for its diverse youth offerings including a summer day camp, multiple Trout in the Classroom partnerships, and community education partnerships


John Connolly Outstanding Chapter Communications Award

Grand Valley Anglers – for their exemplary newsletter and online engagement efforts with both their membership and the local community


Exemplary Project

Gore Range Chapter – for its Blue River Explorer Hike program to educate and engage local and visiting youth with the river

Colorado River Headwaters Chapter – for the Fraser Flats Project, the first partnership effort under the “Learning by Doing” program, dramatically improving the local fishery


Exemplary Chapter

Collegiate Peaks Anglers – for its strong community-based partnerships promoting youth education and trout conservation in the Arkansas basin

60 trout released by Lyons Elementary students

Fifth grade students from Lyons Elementary School released around 60 fry back into the wild in collaboration with the St. Vrain Anglers TU Chapter, Colorado Trout Unlimited, and Colorado Parks and Wildlife. The release was part of their ongoing  Trout in the Classroom (TIC) Program where students are engaged in trout biology and environmental sciences. Students raised trout from egg to fry - monitoring their growth, tank environment, and life cycle. Along with raising adorable trout, students gain an appreciation for water resources, conservation ethics, and become involved in their local watershed!

2018 Gomolchak Grant helps fund 6 different Colorado projects


The Leo Gomolchak Conservation Grants Program, named for Leo Gomolchak, a longtime CTU staffer and volunteer who worked tirelessly to promote wild and native trout restoration in Colorado helps benefit conservation efforts and organizational development at the chapter level by providing seed money which can be used as a starting point in financing grassroots conservation and/or education activities. This year at the 2018 Western Regional Rendezvous on Sunday, April 29, Keystone, CO, six projects across Colorado were awarded each $1300. Below are those recipients and their corresponding projects. Congratulations!

Boulder Flycasters: Trout in the Classroom and Watershed Education. The chapter, in collaboration with Lefthand and Fourmile Watershed groups, will establish four new Trout in the Classroom locations as part of a broader watershed education program to engage Boulder County students in watershed education and conservation.

The Greenbacks: Rock Creek / Black Canyon native trout. The Greenbacks are part of a multi-agency partnership to restore native greenback cutthroat trout in Rock Creek and its tributary Black Canyon (located in the upper Tarryall drainage). These funds will be part of the matching resources for construction of the final permanent barrier at the bottom of the total project. The Greenbacks will be holding a fall 2018 fundraiser with 100% of proceeds going toward this project, as additional matching resources for this grant.

Gunnison Angling Society: Adopt-a-Trout 2.0. Building on the well-received adopt-a-trout program conducted with Colorado Parks and Wildlife and Gunnison area students on Tomichi Creek, this project will involve area students in a similar monitoring effort to assess fish migration among Tomichi, Cochetopa and Quartz Creeks.


Southern Colorado Greenbacks: Trout in the Classroom. The Southern Colorado Greenbacks will help launch a new Trout in the Classroom site with a Pueblo-area middle school, where the partner teacher would use the program to engage her students with hands-on learning about nature including the understanding of water quality. The chapter will match Gomolchak Grant funds with proceeds raised through their Frostbite Fishoff.

St. Vrain Anglers: Trout in the Classroom. The St Vrain Anglers are will be bringing Trout in the Classroom to a Lyons elementary school. The Gomolchak Grant will help cover the initial capital costs for equipment, with the chapter than providing annual support to cover site operating costs as a match on this grant.

West Denver: RiverWatch. The West Denver Chapter is tackling a water quality monitoring project with RiverWatch on three sites along Clear Creek, including not just basic water chemistry but also macroinvertebrate sampling. One of the sampling events would be conducted in partnership with a Forest Service kids day education event on the Forest.


Contact David if you have any questions (, or 303-440-2937 x1).

CTU named beneficiary of Anglers All Trout Clave with match from Patagonia



REPOST: Anglers All and Patagonia Raise More than $11K for Conservation

MAY 9, 2018

We are thrilled to announce that more than $11,000 was raised for conservation at our 2018 Trout Clave on April 21! These proceeds will go to Colorado Trout Unlimited, and will be used to carry out important river conservation and habitat work in Colorado.

Anglers All and COLORADO TROUT UNLIMITED (CTU) co-hosted this year’s Trout Clave, an annual spring event here at the fly shop. When Anglers All committed to donate a portion of the sales from the event to CTU, Patagonia generously agreed to match that donation.

“The 2018 Clave was a huge success,” said Anglers All owner, Chris Keeley. “I’m personally proud of the commitment to conservation that our staff, clients, and friends displayed this year. We can make a difference together.”

Photo Credit: AnglersAll 2018

Photo Credit: AnglersAll 2018

In addition to Patagonia's support, key sponsors for the event included Fishpond, Sage, and Breckenridge Brewery. In addition to raising funds for CTU, the event promoted successful membership drives for the Bonefish and Tarpon Trust and Backcountry Hunters and Anglers.

“Colorado Trout Unlimited so appreciated the opportunity to participate in the 2018 Trout Clave,” commented CTU development director, Shannon Kindle. “We had a fantastic day sharing our conservation story with attendees and recruiting a great group of new members!


"As the beneficiary of Anglers All’s generosity and the matching funds donated by Patagonia, we look forward to putting those dollars to work on the ground in Colorado through habitat restoration, native trout reintroduction, and much more,” Kindle added. "A big thank you to all the Anglers All customers who helped to make this day such a success and to their part in helping Colorado TU continue our work protecting and restoring the fisheries we all love!”

We do owe a huge thanks to our friends, customers and the fly fishing community here in the Denver area. We're extremely proud to be a part of it. Thank you and here's to a great year of fishing ahead!




A new look for us

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Perhaps you have noticed, but we have a new look! The new logo has been slowly surfacing through our e-newsletters, social media posts, stickers, and publications - but now we will be rolling it out across all of our platforms. This new logo has been in the making for more than a year, and in the summer of 2017, concepts were drafted with four designs sent out to the Colorado TU board and chapters for feedback. The initial concept was to mimic National Trout Unlimited's logo to help foster the continuity between the council and national organization. The council's goals in the logo redesign were largely influenced by the "one TU" mantra stating that, no matter your role in Trout Unlimited, whether volunteer, donor, chapter, member, staff, or supporter - we are all part of "one TU". Sharing a similar look helps portray that message.

Early renditions of logo concepts in fall of 2017. 

Early renditions of logo concepts in fall of 2017.


Some ideas about incorporating the iconic Colorado Flag were discussed.

Some ideas about incorporating the iconic Colorado Flag were discussed.

Another goal in the redesign was to provide a banner that chapters and volunteers would be proud to unite under as a symbol of statewide river conservation - from ranchers mitigating flows on the west slope, to veterans getting on the river in the Denver Metro area. 

The new logo incorporates National's colors with a nod to Colorado's mountains and the downstream flows of of our water.

And while we were at it - why not throw in a new website? Out with the old and in with the new! If you are reading this post, then welcome to our new website! We have prioritized the important pages that people look for when visiting our site, such as membership, events, chapter locations, news, and advocacy alerts. We've also simplified the look and navigation to make it easier to use.  The new site will be able to grow with us and help bring you the content that matters most. Feel free to take a look around!

A huge thank you to Steve Lopez, Corrine and Garrison Doctor, and all the volunteers and staff who have helped us redefine the CTU look across the state and beyond. And thanks, too, to the dynamic duo of CTU's Annie Smith and board member Michael Ledger who helped spearhead the new-look website to accompany our new logo launch.

CTU's current logo.

CTU's current logo.

National Trout Unlimited's current logo.

National Trout Unlimited's current logo.

A legislative trifecta for natural resources

It's about time we all pat ourselves on the back for a job well done! In Colorado, we have seen an upswell of advocates that care about our natural resources and the investment in our lands.