Blog — Colorado Trout Unlimited

CTU Annual Dinner & Gala: This Friday Night - April 3

Join Colorado's "Angler in Chief" Governor Bill Ritter at the CTU Dinner & Gala for an evening of camaraderie, great food, live music (including Schubert's "Trout" Quintet), lively auction bidding and a fantastic view of the mountains from the Grand Hyatt's Pinnacle Club - 17th and Welton in Denver. Admission ($100) includes dinner and complimentary beer and wine. Click here for an auction item preview. The auction is CTU's most important fund raiser. You can play a key role in helping us Protect, Preserve and Restore Colorado's Coldwater Fisheries and Their Watersheds.

Click here to purchase tickets

Colorado Department of Natural Resources: Solving Colorado's future water supply needs


March 26, 11:03 AM

I caught up with Trout Unlimited's Western Water Project Director, Melinda Kassen, via telephone last week to discuss the March 16th Interbasin Compact Commitee Meeting and the presentation (pdf) detailing progress on the visioning process for Colorado's water needs that is being spearheaded by DNR Director Harris Sherman.

During the presentation, Kassen -- the only committee member representing the environmental community and recreation -- became alarmed by the Department of Natural Resources' emphasis on transmountain diversions and four pipeline projects as the solution to the Front Range water supply gap.

How did the plan presented mesh with Governor Ritter's, Colorado Promise, she asked herself? Where is conservation and reuse in the plan? What about the idea of smaller, incremental projects to satisfy future needs?

Proposal would kill, then restock fish in Long Draw

BY TREVOR HUGHES  March 26, 2009

Federal officials are proposing to spend tens of thousands of dollars to poison invasive fish and then restock streams with native trout above Long Draw Reservoir and in parts of Rocky Mountain National Park as part of plans to keep the reservoir open.

The 10,800-acre-foot reservoir, about 50 miles up the Poudre Canyon, supplies water to Front Range cities, including Greeley and Thornton, and to Fort Collins-area farmers.

Trout Unlimited in 2004 sued the U.S. Forest Service, which permits the reservoir, to force changes. Trout Unlimited argued the reservoir was harming fish and other wildlife downstream.

In response, the Forest Service is proposing mitigation efforts known as Alternative 3 that include killing all fish in sections of area streams and creeks, then replacing them with the threatened greenback cutthroat trout.

The Forest Service released a draft environmental impact statement about a year ago and has now issued a final statement, with a formal decision expected within the next few months.

Congress passes wilderness bill; 2 West Slope canyons protected

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Years of work by western Coloradans finally paid off Wednesday when new protections for the Dominguez Canyon area cleared Congress.

The U.S. House of Representatives voted 285-140 in favor of the sweeping Omnibus Public Lands Bill. It now heads to the desk of President Barack Obama, who is expected to sign it.

It includes creation of the 210,000-acre Dominguez-Escalante National Conservation Area on the Uncompahgre Plateau. The area will include the 60,000-acre Dominguez Canyon Wilderness.

The measure also creates nearly 250,000 acres of wilderness within Rocky Mountain National Park.

The wilderness designations are the first in the state since 2002.

Chris Hunt of Trout Unlimited said 26 million acres nationally have conservation area status. The omnibus bill gives them permanent protection under law, rather than protection by order of presidential administrations, which can be reversed, Hunt said.

Omnibus Public Lands Management Act of 2009

 by Chris Wood: Trout Unlimited Chief Operating Officer TU Friends:

As you may have heard, yesterday the House of Representatives passed the Omnibus Public Lands Management Act of 2009 (see for more info), a measure that would protect more than two million acres of wilderness in California, Oregon, West Virginia, Idaho, and elsewhere. It set aside 1.2 million acres of the Wyoming Range from new energy development—an area that provides vital habitat and fishing and hunting opportunities for mule deer, elk, and three of Wyoming’s four native trout. It creates the National Landscape Conservation System, a network of protected public lands managed by the BLM including the Gunnison Gorge, a phenomenal fishery in Colorado. In addition, the bill includes measures to end water disputes along the San Joaquin River in California, and to promote collaborative solutions to other water disputes. Many conservation organizations worked hard to make this day a reality. I’m particularly proud of TU’s role. Once President Obama signs this bill, it will serve as a validation of TU’s approach to conservation. A lot of land and water is protected by the Omnibus but this victory is less about land and water than it is people. People like Rick Murphree, Squeak Smith, Kirk Otey, Loren Albright and Duke Welter, TU Trustees who took the time to recently meet with Members of Congress to advocate for the bill’s passage. It’s about the 5000 TU members who wrote to their Members of Congress in key swing districts and states in recent weeks urging them to support passage of what may be the most important land conservation bill in 25 years. It’s about people like Bruce Elliston, Dan Beck, Dan Heinz, Jerry Becker, Sean McCormick, John Ross, Denis Morra, Mike Wilson, Brooke Gunsallus, Gary Amerine, Agust Gudmundsson, Tom Sadler, Terry Pollard, Walt Gasson, Dennis Schroeder, Bill Perkins, Duane Hyde, Drew Irby, Stan Griffin, Drew Irby, Jerry Becker, Jim Rogers, Robert Bittner, Jr., Randy Kesling, Chris Byrd, Don Garvin, and Larry Harris. These TU volunteers gave up days, in and some cases, weeks of their lives to protect some of the finest coldwater fish habitat and areas to hunt and fish on the planet. They came to Washington to put a face to the charge that sportsmen and women wanted to see this bill become law. And it’s about people like TU staff Tom Reed, Chris Hunt, Mike Beagle, Sara Tucker, Sam Davidson, Steve Moyer, Bryan Moore, Scott Stouder, Steve Kandell, Dave Glenn, Brad Powell, Greg McReynolds, Cathy Purves, Kathy Lynch, Corey Fisher, Laura Ziemer, Melinda Kassen, Chuck Bonham, Kendall Van Dyk, and Elizabeth Maclin. These are the people who in some cases helped to shape language for the bill. They negotiated complicated agreements with competing interests. They helped build support and divine the strategy to bring the bill to a vote. These people are members of the finest conservation staff in the country. But don’t take my word for it. Go fish or hunt in Idaho’s Owyhees, West Virginia’s Wild Mon, the eastern Sierras in California, Oregon’s Copper-Salmon, and form your own opinions about the value of their work. I’m certain I missed people to thank, if so, I apologize. But know this, there are a lot of organizations taking credit for the Omnibus getting through the Congress, and for many of them it is well-deserved. But few who deserve it more than the people mentioned above.

Thank you.

Rancher proposes water pipeline from Mo. to Colo.

Would tap Mississippi River to alleviate state's increasing demands for water

[Durango] Herald Denver Bureau

The Gunnison rancher wants to build an 18-foot-wide water pipeline from the Mississippi River to a hill south of Denver and bring in enough water for millions more people. Read the story


Shell water rights opponents band together

By Brandon Gee (Contact) - Steamboat Pilot & Today

— Routt County, the Upper Yampa Water Conservancy District and the towns of Oak Creek and Yampa will pool their resources in opposing Shell Oil’s application to take 375 cubic feet of water per second from the Yampa River west of Craig. Read the full story

Good News x 2 From CEC

Yesterday was a day of celebration, as two bills that CEC and our coalition partners [including CTU] have been working on for years (even decades) passed -- one federal, one at the state level.




Dominguez-Escalante NCA, protected with the passage of the Omnibus Public Land Management Act!

Victory for Dominguez-Escalante National Conservation Area and Rocky Mountain National Park Wilderness In Congress, the Omnibus Public Land Management Act, HR 146, passed the House yesterday. The bill (which includes the Rocky Mountain National Park and Dominguez Canyon Wilderness bills) would permanently protect more than 2 million acres of America's wilderness, including 316,000 acres in Colorado. The omnibus lands act would provide the greatest expansion of the National Wilderness Preservation System in 15 years and the first wilderness designation in Colorado since James Peak Wilderness was passed in 2002. With last week's passage by the Senate, the bill now heads to President Obama's desk, where it should be signed into law within a few days!

» Read Full Press Release » Learn more and comment on the CEC Blog!

Protections from drilling help create healthy energy industry In a major victory for Colorado’s future, the state Senate yesterday passed a broad series of new protections that will safeguard the state’s public health, environment and wildlife and promote a healthy, thriving energy industry. The new safeguards embody common-sense approaches such as prohibiting new oil and gas facilities within 300 feet of a public water supply, requiring companies to identify chemicals used in drilling and opening communication between oil and gas operators, the Colorado Division of Wildlife and Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment to help protect wildlife and public health from long-term effects of drilling. We anticipate that Gov. Ritter will sign it into law sometime next week.

» Read Full Press Release » Learn more and comment on the CEC Blog!

Both of these bills represent a huge victory for public lands, healthy wildlife, and protecting Colorado's incredible natural beauty!

Thanks for all the work you've done one these bills over the last few weeks, months, and years!



Carrie Curtiss Colorado Environmental Coalition

Oil, gas laws get final Senate OK

A industry advocate group is already considering filing a lawsuit as the new rules await Ritter's signature. By John Ingold - The Denver Post

The controversial new rules for oil and gas drilling in Colorado won final approval in the legislature Wednesday, and one industry advocate said his organization is already considering filing a lawsuit over the rules.  Read More

Colorado & Western Water Project Staff Notes

March 2009



We attended the Ex Loco Carpe Diem "convening" in Las Vegas w/ a number of NGOs, water providers, gov't agency personnel and funders to discuss the Federal Role in Western Water Issues in the Face of Climate Change. We also worked w/ TU staff and other NGOs to put together a memo with suggestions to the new administration on water adaptation strategies to include in a climate change cap and trade bill.


We worked on a couple of letters to the editor that were published, including one in the Denver Post explaining TU’s (qualified) support for rainwater catchment bill (we support a version that guarantees return flows to streams):


And another in Pueblo Chieftain raising questions about Aaron Million’s pipeline project and calling instead for more comprehensive, collaborative water planning:


The Colorado Water Project (CWP) staff submitted recommendations for instream flow water rights to the Colorado Water Conservation Board (CWCB) at the CWCB’s February 2009 Instream Flow Workshop. CWP used TU’s Conservation Success Index to identify two greenback cutthroat trout streams in the Poudre River watershed that were not currently protected by state-held instream flow water rights. Field data was collected in October 2008 and it was used to quantify the instream flow needs of these creeks. Recommendations were presented at the Workshop which then initiates a one-year public review process by the CWCB. The recommendations will be presented to the CWCB in 2010 for appropriation. Once decreed, these instream flow water rights should provide a reasonable level of flow protection for stream segments that support healthy populations of greenback cutthroat trout.


The CWP is also continuing to evaluate and or monitor the progress of several Environmental Impact Statements for various water development projects around the state such as the Windy Gap Firming, Denver Moffat Expansion, and Northern Integrated Supply Project.


 CWP staff is continuing to provide environmental perspective on several large cooperative endeavors including the Halligan Seaman Shared Vision Plan and the Colorado River Wild and Scenic Management Plan Alternative.


CWP staff is cooperating with the Colorado Division of Wildlife, Bureau of Land Management, and United States Forest Service staffs to identify and prioritize stream reaches for instream flow water right protection and to find opportunities to restore and reconnect trout habitat. For example, CWP and USFS staffs are currently working with a landowner on the western slope to discuss opportunities for reconstructing a headgate on USFS land which diverts native cutthroat trout as well as water onto irrigated lands. This headgate also serves as an upstream migration barrier and diverts the majority of the streamflow during certain seasons of the year. CWP staff will continue to work with state and federal government staffs and local landowners to protect, reconnect and restore aquatic habitat.


We are supporting a bill this legislative session that would create a state income tax credit for parties who donate water rights to the CWCB for instream flow use. The bill has passed the House Agriculture and House Finance Committees. It will next go to the House Appropriations Committee.