Blog — Colorado Trout Unlimited

Celebrating Bud Isaacs, and Reconnecting the Colorado

Bud Isaacs, a longtime advocate for the Upper Colorado River and past recipient of the Silver Trout Award passed away last month. The Colorado TU family will miss Bud, but his legacy will live on through the Colorado River Connectivity Channel that he helped champion for many years. CTU Past President Tony Kay shared this statement at Bud’s memorial service.

 To my Dear Friend Bud,

Kaye asked me to explain the reference made to UCRA in the memorial notice and obituary and why it was so important to Bud. 

Bud and I shared a lot of interests. Hunting, fishing, tennis, to name a few, but above all, we shared a passion for preserving and restoring a small piece of the Colorado River.

Before I unravel UCRA for you I would like to talk about Bud, Bud the boy, and Bud the man we all came to know and love. Bud was a naturalist in the truest sense of the word. He loved the natural world and everything in it, all its inhabitants, bugs, birds, animals, plants and all the other wonders of nature. Growing up in Sumatra, Indonesia he knew jungles and the wonders they hid. Getting to interact with a baby tiger as a boy, may have been the spark that lit his fierce devotion to nature. He loved the outdoors. He was truly a man for all seasons.

 A consummate fly fisher, hunter, skier. Upland bird hunter with his beloved dogs, Pebbles and Riva. Everything about nature captivated him, whether he was fishing the Amazon, Iceland, Alaska, Mexico, Christmas Island or Chile. Africa was a favorite of his not to mention he and Kaye’s beautiful garden. Above all Bud cared about Colorado, his backyard and felt it was something he could do something about and he did.   

UCRA is the acronym for the Upper Colorado River Alliance. I am going to give you a little history on how it came to be. 

In 1998, Bud contacted me as he knew I was in my ex officio role as President of Colorado Trout Unlimited and was working hard to try to mitigate what was turning into an environmental disaster on the Upper Colorado River. We were losing all of the Colorado rainbow trout, due to the impact of whirling disease precipitated by a small dam just below Granby called Windy Gap.

Bud recognized the problem early on and we joined forces to help deal with it. Together we set up meetings between the relevant authorities and the Northern Colorado Water Conservancy District, who owned Windy Gap, to see what if anything they were willing to do to mitigate the problem.

Just to illustrate how long this process took, the proposed solution, which was to take Windy Gap offline and re-connect the river, was begun 24 years ago . We had willing participants and in early 1999 had our first engineering drawings to re-connect the river completed.   By the summer of 2001 we had made a lot of progress and just prior to an Intergovernmental Agency agreement being signed by all parties,  9/11 happened which among things put the project on hold.

Around 2010, Bud got wind of changes that the water buffaloes wanted to make, relative to their water rights on the Colorado River.  He sprang into action and hired the finest water lawyers to represent us. New research that he managed to obtain showed the river to be in far worse shape than we originally thought. The section of river below Windy Gap had lost 6 species of Mayfly and their prized Stoneflies in the short space of 20 years, and Windy Gap reservoir was to blame.

We began the hard fought battle of legal and public pressure to push our proposal to take Windy Gap offline and re-connect the river.  We began looking for allies.  Trout Unlimited National Office decided we needed help and assigned their resident legal expert to aid in our cause. Grand County, Colorado Parks and Wildlife and the Colorado River Headwaters Chapter of Trout Unlimited pitched in to help. In further meetings with all the parties involved, they soon learned that Bud was willing to do whatever it took and if need be, would fund it himself. Bud was a formidable adversary and with him leading the charge, a new agreement began to take shape.

In early 2011 we decided to form UCRA as a 501C3  non-profit corporation, dedicated to preserving and protecting the Upper Colorado River. We knew we would need help from our partners in the drainage and elsewhere and wanted to provide a mechanism whereby we could share the financial burden of the awesome task we had undertaken. Bud along with well-known author Steve Grace decided to write a book about Bud and the struggle to preserve the river for future generations titled “Oil and Water”, the proceeds from the book go directly to UCRA.  

Bud’s last project was to film a documentary about the struggle to re-connect the river and documentary film maker Nickolas Barris is currently working on completing this.

The day Bud died was the same day all the stakeholders were meeting in Granby. The Project was now in the hands of the Natural Resources Conservation Service, a subset of USDA, and well on its way to completion. Bud was going to attend the meeting via Zoom as he and Kaye were in Florida. I was driving up Berthoud Pass on my way to the meeting, when Kaye called to give me the bad news. To break the news gently to me she said, Bud won’t be able to attend the meeting tonight, but he will be there in spirit. This was the final public comment meeting for those in support or against the project. There were no dissenters, Bud knew that we had succeeded and that what he had fought for so long and hard was soon going to become a reality

As always there are many folks who have been involved in this project and I know Bud would have wanted to thank all of you who helped get us to this point. You all know who you are.

In the future as you take the drive over Berthoud Pass, down  through Winter Park and the Fraser Valley, just past  Granby, you will see just over a mile of beautiful new river with public access that wasn’t there previously, adjacent to a much smaller Windy Gap reservoir. Stoneflies the size of swallows will be bouncing off your windshield and you will remember that Bud Isaacs made that possible and you will say:

Thank you Bud!

  - Tony Kay

Gala 2022: Live Auction package details & more!

It’s Gala week!

Preview of Live Auction items & more below

Bidding already open for 100 items! ; register to bid on silent, live, raffles etc: REGISTER NOW

New this year: $20 per raffle ticket for custom Sarabella Fly Rod, $100 per ticket for grand prize stay at Madison Valley Ranch in Montana (max 100 tix being sold), and if you purchase a $75 admisson ticket, you are automatically admitted to our in-person Summer event at Coors Field in Denver!

-Bidding for LIVE AUCTION is now open! Auctioneer Jim Berz will introduce and auction off these premier items at 7:00 PM during our virtual gala on Thursday. Upon registering HERE you will receive the zoom link for the virtual program.

-LIVE AUCTION ITEM PREVIEW (bidding is open now, closes during live auction program Thursday):

1) Fish in Colorado with Pat Dorsey - Enjoy a full day of guided walk/wade fishing for 2 with one of Colorado's most respected guides. You'll join Pat and spend the day fishing on Colorado’s South Platte in Cheesman Canyon! Don't miss this opportunity to fish CO waters with one of the greats. Valid for 2022; subject to availability. Donated by Blue Quill Anglers. Website:

2) Suite for Rockies Game at Coors Field - Play Ball! Watch the Rockies in the Molson Coors corporate suite at Coors Field. Winner's choice from these available 2022 games:

Sunday, June 19th, at 1:10 PM: Rockies vs. Padres

Saturday, July 13th, at 6:40 PM: Rockies vs. Padres

Friday, August 12th, at 6:40 PM: Rockies vs. Diamondbacks

Deluxe suite holds 12 people and includes food and Molson Coors beers! Additional tickets can be purchased if needed. Available game dates may be limited. Auction buyer should contact Molson Coors as soon as possible after the auction to choose from available games. The longer one waits, the fewer games are available. Valid for the 2022 season. Donated by Molson Coors.

3) Fish & Luxurious Stay in CO! – Spend 2 fabulous days at the upscale glamping resort Bison Peaks Lodge near the Tarryall River at Lake George, Colorado! This trip includes lodging and fishing for 2 anglers in South Park with a dedicated guide from Tumbling Trout Fly Shop. Revel in the stunning panoramic views of the serene Puma Hills and Tarryall Mountains through floor to ceiling windows at the lodge! Donated by Bison Peaks Lodge and Tumbling Trout Fly Shop. Donated by Bison Peaks Lodge and Tumbling Trout Fly Shop. and

4) Return to Oz - a trip down under to Tasmania, Australia!

Home to the 2019 World Fly Fishing Championships, Tasmania Australia was written up in TROUT Magazine by editor Kirk Deeter as one of the best trips he has ever experienced. To quote Kirk, "On a scale of 10, this was a 15." You and a guest can 'return to Oz' where trout fishing began in the Southern Hemisphere. This package will include six days of fishing traveling across different waters in Tasmania, and two days in the historic State Capital of Hobart including a private tour of Parliament House with the Honorable Minister Guy Barnett.

You'll enjoy experiences available nowhere other than through this special package: two of your six fishing days will be with Malcolm Crosse, the icon of Australian fly fishing (akin to Lee Wulff in the US), staying at his rustic cabin on the shores of Penstock Lagoon in the Central Highlands. In addition to your guided fishing, you'll have the chance to tour the historic Hobart area with two nights lodging at the Customs House Hotel on the Hobart Harbor, plus a tour of Parliament House and archives with the Honorable Guy Barnett MP, Tasmanian Minster for Primary Industries and Water, Energy, and Resources, including dinner in Parliament House as his guests. Then visit the Salmon Ponds historic site where over two decades the Tasmanian efforts in the late 1800s resulted in the first Brown trout spawning in the Southern Hemisphere. Travel on to the first hydroelectric facility built in Tasmania in 1922 which is an Australian National Historic Site.

Expires 3/31/2024, dates to be coordinated and subject to availability.

Details on the guided fishing:

Trout Guides and Lodges Tasmania is the State body representing professional guides and fishing accommodation providers in Tasmania. Trout Guides and Lodges will provide two days of guided fly fishing and two days of local accommodation to the prize winner. The fly fishing experience will comprise one day lake fishing in the Central Highlands of Tasmania and one day on one of Tasmania's rivers either in the Midlands or the North of Tasmania. The accommodation will be provided to complement the fishing itinerary. Each day of fly fishing will be conducted by a professional guide who is a member of TGALT and will include all gear and be fully catered.

RiverFly Guided Fly Fishing with owner and international award-winning guide Daniel Hackett will also provide two days of guided fly fishing for two anglers. His service is based out of the Launceston, which is a UNESCO City of Gastronomy with great restaurants to go along with the fly fishing. Lodging at a top notch hotel included.

Return to Oz!

5) Exclusive Private Water Fishing for 4- Four anglers will enjoy a day of guided fishing on winner's choice of two exclusive North Fork South Platte trophy trout waters: Shawnee Meadows near Shawnee, or Rawhide Flyfishers near Bailey. These properties are carefully managed to provide an outstanding angling experience for large trout, and have undergone extensive habitat restoration with Freestone Aquatics to provide improved holding habitat for fish as well as for spawning and bug life. You and your guests will have a day to remember! Dates subject to availability. Donated by Freestone Aquatics, RareWaters, and Confluence Land Company

6) Experience the Incredible Fishing on the Gunny Gorge - The winner and a guest will enjoy a two-day guided float trip down the Gunnison Gorge with Black Canyon Anglers. The trip includes lodging and dinner the night prior to the launch. On the float all meals are taken care of, and if rental equipment is needed, it will be provided. This wilderness adventure features unrivaled scenery and geology, with sightings of big horn sheep, mule deer, river otters, eagles and most importantly, unparalleled fly fishing for “Trophy” rainbow and brown trout! Subject to availability; gratuity not included. Donated by Black Canyon Anglers.

7) Casa De Campo Trip of a Lifetime - The Argentinian fishing trip you've been waiting for! Enjoy 7 nights and 6 days for two near Alumine, Argentina! Casa De Campo Lodge is located two hours north of Junín de los Andes, an area known for some of the most prolific dry fly fishing in the world. These waters, especially the spring creeks, provide great sight fishing opportunities for trophy-size brook, brown and rainbow trout. Your hosts will delight you with their traditional homemade Argentine meals. Outdoor porches and sitting areas give guests the opportunity to enjoy the sunset hours with a drink & hors d' oeuvres after the day's adventures. Lodging, meals, beer and wine, transportation between airport and lodges, fishing license and gear included. Don't miss out on your chance to experience an Argentina fly fishing adventure! Expires May 15, 2024; subject to availability. Air not included. Donated by Set Fly Fishing.

8) Beach Getaway to Hawaii - Toss your cares to the wind for an incredible vacation in a hot destination! Enjoy a 5-night stay for up to four at the Outrigger Waikiki Beach Resort. Enjoy the comforts of a cozy sitting area with inviting decor and ample space to accommodate up to four guests in your room, which includes a balcony. Stay steps away from the sand and sun of the famed Waikiki Beach in inviting accommodations with premium amenities. Guests are just moments from the most iconic island attractions and activities Oahu has to offer! Donated by Winspire.