‘Hunters and Anglers for CORE’ Call for More Access and Habitat Protections

‘Hunters and Anglers for CORE’ Call for More Access and Habitat Protections
Pending public lands legislation would open miles of fishing and conserve big game habitat
Gunnison, CO—Hunter and angler advocates gathered on the banks of the Gunnison River today with Senator Michael Bennet to talk about sporting protections in the CORE Act. The four-part legislation would protect more than 400,000 acres of public lands and waters in Colorado, including significant protection for the fish and wildlife habitat most valued by the sporting community.
Representatives from Trout Unlimited, National Wildlife Federation, Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership, Artemis, and Backcountry Hunters and Anglers joined Sen. Bennet in Gunnison to proclaim their unified support for the legislation under the banner of “Hunters and Anglers for the CORE Act.”
“Hunters and anglers in Colorado and throughout the nation recognize the importance of protecting the unique landscapes the CORE Act represents and the fish and wildlife that depend upon them,” said Scott Willoughby, Colorado Public Lands Coordinator for Trout Unlimited’s Angler Conservation Program. “As we continue to see habitat deteriorate and public access to quality fishing and hunting areas decline, it has become painfully obvious that passing the provisions found in the CORE Act is long overdue. ‘Hunters and Anglers for CORE’ wants to put an end to that and calls on the Senate to push this legislation over the finish line.”
Scott Willoughby/TU (970) 390-3676
Aaron Kindle/NWF (303) 868-2859
Nick Payne/TRCP (720) 369-5499