Blog — Colorado Trout Unlimited

The New Fall 2022 Issue of High Country Angler is Live!

Check out the Fall 2022 issue of High Country Angler e-zine, including these stories:

  • Landon Mayer on landing big fish with Nothing but Net;

  • Brian LaRue on fishing Slough Creek's Third Meadow in Yellowstone;

  • An Interview with Brenden Stucky and RJ Hosking of RareWaters and how they're working to advance angling and conservation;

  • Duncan Rose dives deep in Protecting Home Waters discussing one chapter's journey through the Outstanding Waters process;

  • Tales of a mythical tailwater, the South Fork of the Snake River by Peter Stitcher;

  • An Interview with Bret Bishop, Team USA Captain, and double-gold winner at the World Masters Fly Fishing Championships in Italy;

  • More information on CTU's 2022 Fall Rendezvous and a recap of Troutfest in images;

  • Columns by Mark Shulman, Hayden Mellsop, and the Old Professor!

September 2022 Currents

This month’s issue of Currents features information on CTU’s 2022 Fall Rendezvous, reconnecting the Colorado River at Windy Gap, big changes to Trout in the Classroom, and much more! You can read the September issue by clicking here.

Support the No Turbine Action Group

Colorado Trout Unlimited, families from Tasmania, and some of Australia’s gifted fly tyers have come together to give you a chance of winning one or more prizes.

Help Keep Tasmania’s Highlands Unique

The No Turbine Action Group Inc (NTAG) is fighting to save a large unique area in the Tasmanian Highlands (home of the threatened Wedge-tailed Eagle) from being destroyed by a massive wind farm planned by Korea Zinc. World-renowned Penstock Lagoon sits on the boundary of the project and is visited by thousands of Australian and international fly fishermen every year.

The No Turbine Action Group Inc (NTAG) is a broad-based community organisation that supports renewable energy projects but believes that the proposed St Patricks Plains wind farm in the Highlands is in the wrong place. Click here to view their concerns.

First Prize

Homestay for two in Colorado USA in the heart of the Rockies, hosted by members of Colorado Trout Unlimited, leaders in cold-water conservation who are at the apex of America’s fly fishing fraternity. Includes 8 nights accommodation in TU leaders’ private homes on both the Front Range and Western Slope of Colorado, plus meals and guided adventures. A chance to visit and fish many of the iconic Gold Medal rivers and streams such as Rocky Mountain National Park, The South Platte, Roaring Fork, Frying Pan, Colorado, and Gunnison Rivers.

We are grateful for the generous sponsorship of Colorado Trout Unlimited USA – PLEASE add your support to keep a popular fly-fishing environment special. The stay is valued at AUD$8,000 plus AUD$2,000 in cash (flights, transfers not included). Total prize AUD$10,000.

Second Prize

Homestay for two on the banks of world-famous fly-fishing venue, Penstock Lagoon, in Tasmania’s stunning Central Highlands. Includes 4 nights’ accommodation, guided fishing, meals with one dinner at the Great Lake Hotel, and transfers in Tasmania.

The stay is valued at AUD$3,000 plus AUD$1,000 in cash (flights not included). Total prize AUD$4,000.

Third and Fourth Prizes

A boxed selection of 140 trout flies, tied by skilled and renowned Tasmanian fly tiers.

3rd and 4th prizes are each valued at AUD$500.