Blog — Colorado Trout Unlimited

Colorado voters consider themselves to be conservationists - Not a surprise to us.

A new bipartisan study, the Conservation in the West Poll, was released January 25, 2018 by the State of the Rockies Project, in conjunction with Lori Weigel, Public Opinion Strategies and Dave Metz, Fairbank, Maslin, Maullin, and Metz & Associates. The survey, conducted in eight western states, explores bi-partisan opinions in each state and for the Rocky Mountain West region concerning conservation, environment, energy, the role of government, trade-offs with economies, and citizen priorities. The survey now includes polling in the states of Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah and Wyoming.

Colorado College in Colorado Springs has released all of the polls publications broken up by state, topic, and additional reports about Sportsmen and Agriculture. You can go through them all here, but we are going to take you through some of the most interesting results.

One demographic that we are very familiar with is those who identify as a sportsman or woman. The poll found that 79% are the most likely vote sub-group to identify as a conservationist which is a 4% increase from last year. Among that voter group, 58% preferred that the Trump Administration would focus on protecting clean water, air quality, and wildlife habitats on public lands.


In relation to the recent national monuments and public lands reductions happening to Utah's Grand Staircase and Bear's Ears, a majority of those who identify as a hunter or angler found this to be a largely bad idea and that any future reductions or stripping of other Monuments was also a bad idea. 


Currently, there is legislation around our national monuments and you can speak up against it with our current action alert. 

Another demographic that is extremely involved in the water issues of Colorado are voters who identify as being part of a rural or small town. Now some might think they don't share the same values as those in the growing cities of the Front Range, but that notion couldn't be farther from the truth. Rural communities overwhelmingly share similar values in regards to conservation, development, and public lands.


And to sum up the state's opinions as a whole, below is an infographic showing the support for different initiatives regarding water conservation, national monuments, and outdoor recreation. If you would like a closer look at the reports shown here or any of the images in this post, see the links at the bottom of the page.


Takeaway from the Data

The results of this poll are encouraging and also not unexpected. As part of Trout Unlimited, we know that our members who identify as sportsmen/women, farmers, activists, and outdoor recreationists are and have always been conservationists. This poll just further proves that we are a strong majority of people who believe in the future of clean water, access to public lands, and healthy fisheries. We stand together as a collaborative and influential community that puts conservation first.

Resources and References:

  1. Conservation in the West 2018 Report - Sportsmen
  2. Conservation in the West 2018 Report - Rural
  3. Conservation in the West 2018 Report - Colorado Infographic
  4. Conservation in the West 2018 Report - All Materials & Reports

A River's Reckoning, an official selection of the 2018 Wild and Scenic Film Festival

Paul Bruchez is a fifth-generation rancher whose family raises cattle in the upper reaches of the Colorado River near Kremmling, Colorado, where he also runs a private fly-fishing guide service. “A River’s Reckoning” tells the story of Paul’s awakening to the importance of river conservation and the legacy of his family’s ranch when drought and urban water diversions deplete the Colorado River, threatening the ranch’s operations. When Art Bruchez, the family patriarch, is diagnosed with cancer, Paul and his younger brother Doug are forced to step in and take over. This “river reckoning” pushes Paul and his family to confront new challenges and embrace new ways of thinking to keep their family’s ranch—and others in the valley—alive and productive. Paul and his brother rise to meet these challenges, working with neighbors, Trout Unlimited, American Rivers and other conservation groups and partners to find creative solutions that enhance their irrigation systems while restoring trout habitat in the river. “A River’s Reckoning” is a beautiful story of family, grit, and legacy, all in support of sustaining a ranch at 10,000 feet that depends heavily on stewardship of the Colorado River. The film was recently honored as an official selection of the 2018 Wild and Scenic Film Festival.

You can enjoy the full film below: 

Fly Fishing Show comes to Denver, CO


Start off the new year right, with the 17th annual Fly Fishing Show in Denver, CO. Immerse yourself in the world of fly fishing, whether you are a beginner or expert. They will be having over 10 demonstrations every hour, so there will always be something to see or learn while there. The show will also have continuous fly tying demos and seminars. There will also be casting demonstrations scheduled by Gary Borger, George Daniel, Jeff Currier, Landon Mayer and Alice Owsley and featured fly tiers including Charlie Craven, Dave Whitlock, Tom Baltz, Pat Dorsey and Ed Engle. There will also be a Women's Showcase that will feature networking, discussions, and learning opportunities along with gear and clothing. So if you've been thinking about getting into the world of fly fishing then this is your chance to learn from the best and get yourself started.

You can also stop by the Colorado Trout Unlimited booth along with some of the regional chapters and see what we are up to and get a whole list of upcoming 2018 events to look forward to.

There will be a world premiere of the 2018 Fly Fishing Film Festival to be held Fri. at 6:30. Tickets are $10 in advance or $15 at the door.

The Fly Fishing Show admission is $15 for one day, $25 for two days and $35 for three days. Children under age 5 are free as are Boy and Girl Scouts under 16 in uniform. Active military with an ID are $10. You can purchase tickets in advanced here.

Click here for a complete list of fly-fishing films, classes, seminars and demonstrations, visit or phone (814) 443-3638.

Denver Fly Fishing Show January 5-7

Friday, January 5, 2018: 10:00 am - 6:00 pm Saturday, January 6, 2018: 9:00 am - 5:30 pm Sunday, January 7, 2018: 9:00 am - 4:30 pm

Denver Mart 451 East 58th Avenue, Denver, CO

Your Favorite Instagram Posts from 2017


We have summed up all of your likes, tags, and follows and below are your favorite Colorado Trout Unlimited Instagram Posts of 2017.  If you would like to be featured on our Instagram with your favorite Fishing story or picture, be sure to tag us @colorado_trout_unlimited or use the hashtag #cotroutstories We are looking forward to more fishing inspiration in the year 2018.  

Your Favorite Instagram Posts from 2017

We have summed up all of your likes, tags, and follows and below are your favorite Colorado Trout Unlimited Instagram Posts of 2017.  If you would like to be featured on our Instagram with your favorite Fishing story or picture, be sure to tag us @colorado_trout_unlimited or use the hashtag #cotroutstories We are looking forward to more fishing inspiration in the year 2018.  

Funding the Future of Conservation

Colorado Parks and Wildlife is looking for the legislature to provide it with authority to increase hunting and fishing license fees for the first time in more than a decade, and we expect to see legislation along those lines during the 2018 legislative session. At one level, the reason for such an increase is very simple - the revenue generated by license fees has been eroded by inflation since the last increase, and in order to deliver the same kinds of service the agency needs to have the funding to keep up with those escalating costs.

But the most frequent question we've heard from anglers and sportsmen generally has been to hear more of the story: what are these funds needed for, and what types of investments specifically will the state make if anglers and hunters increase what we pay for licenses?

The most recent issue of High Country Angler offers some answers. Needs run the gamut from modernizing fish hatcheries, to restoring funds for the "Fishing is Fun" program to improve habitat and create new fishing access, to completing needed maintenance on fishing reservoirs that otherwise could be forced to be drained for dam safety reasons.

Read all about it here - and decide for yourself - are these investments good reasons to pay more on my fishing license? You'll have the chance to speak up on that question with your legislators this year.

National Funds to Support Greenback Recovery in CO

JANUARY 4, 2018 – The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) has recently announced their slate of awardees for the competitive Bring Back the Natives Grant (BBN)– a program that will provide $1 million in grants to support habitat restoration and other on-the-ground projects that advance recovery goals of native fish throughout the United States in 2018-19. A partnership between NFWF, the U.S. Forest Service, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Bureau of Land Management, Bass Pro Shops and the Brunswick Public Foundation, “Bring Back the Natives represents the benefits of coordinated efforts between private landowners and federal agencies to improve the health of watersheds,” said Jeff Trandahl, executive director and CEO, NFWF.


As one of the 15 grant recipients, Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) will receive $60,000 to support the design and construction of a critical temporary fish barrier on Cornelius Creek.  Located in the US Forest Service Canyon Lakes Ranger District (USFS-CLRD), the George and Cornelius Creek drainage is one of the most significant Greenback Cutthroat recovery sites to date.

The Greenback cutthroat trout is currently listed as “Threatened” under the Endangered Species Act, and is believed to have been endemic to coldwater streams and lakes of the South Platte River Basin. Once a thriving species, the Greenback has suffered significant impacts from human development, competition from non-native fish, and the introduction of whirling disease.  Once thought to be extinct, the native trout is making a comeback thanks to a coalition of state and federal agencies, non-profits, private landowners, and public volunteers.

The George and Cornelius Creek watershed has been identified as a high priority for establishing a robust Greenback cutthroat trout metapopulation. Due to its relatively low elevation compared to that of many other streams in the basin where cutthroat trout reintroduction may be feasible, these creeks feature thermal conditions that fall within an optimal range for cutthroat trout recruitment. Additionally, these streams are already managed for a Greenback cutthroat trout recovery population with regard to the Endangered Species Act, Section 7.


Due to the complexity of the habitat within the drainage, Colorado Parks and Wildlife and the US Forest Service will take on the project in stages.  With the presence of both whirling disease (WD) and non-native fish in the area, biologists will build three temporary barriers that will segment the two tributaries and allow for effective treatment over the next few years.  Once the streams have been cleared of WD and non-native competitors, the Greenbacks will be introduced.  This process is expected to take several years.

The desired outcome of the entire multi-phase project is successful establishment of a self-sustaining Greenback cutthroat trout population in 14 miles of connected habitat. At this writing, Greenbacks only occur in the wild in four waters, three of which are the result of recent introductions.

The Greenback Cutthroat Trout Recovery Plan (US Fish & Wildlife Service 1998), although in the early stages of being updated, calls for—among several other requirements—stable Greenback populations in at least 31 stream miles in order for the species to be considered for de-listing. Currently, there are no stream populations in the South Platte Basin that meet the Recovery Plan’s criteria for “stable conservation populations.” Therefore, the importance of the George and Cornelius Creek Project, which is slated to create up to 14 miles of such habitat, cannot be overstated.


The Cornelius Creek barrier is essential to the overall success of the project by enabling CPW biologists to treat the upper section of the creek while concurrent restoration work is being completed in the other units.  With the funding provided by the NFWF Bring Back the Natives Grant, CPW will now have the resources necessary to move forward in this critical recovery effort and secure a large drainage for the Greenback.

Note: Due to various treatment protocols for Whirling Disease (which has been found in the area), the entire project will likely be completed near 2026.  The barriers will be in place by the end of 2019.  For more information, please contact Dan Omasta, CTU Grassroots Coordinator (

For more information on the NFWF BBN Grant and other recipients, Click Here.

Behind the Fin: Ben Bloodworth

Join us “behind the fin” with Ben Bloodworth,  President of the Grand Valley Anglers Chapter of Trout Unlimited and Program Coordinator at RiversEdge West (formally the Tamarisk Coalition), located in Grand Junction, Colorado.

How long have you been a TU member?

I have been a TU member since 2001, when I first learned about the organization because I was offered a job to help start up a new office in Anchorage, AK. Sadly, I had to turn the position down (long story involving therapy-inducing spasms of regret), but became a member and have mostly been a consistent member since that time.


Why did you become a member and what chapter are you involved with?

I originally became a member because I believe in the mission of TU. At the time I joined, I had just recently started fly-fishing - as well as attained my Master’s in Environmental Science - so my focus was centered mostly around coldwater conservation (with Trout and the occasional "please-stay-in-TU" gifts being a perk of giving). As a wetland ecologist by trade, I have spent my career working for state agencies and non-profits.

I am currently the President of Grand Valley Anglers (GVA) Chapter in Grand Junction, Colorado.

What made you want to be involved with TU?

The work that TU accomplished nationally (conservation, restoration, rehabilitation, protection) was the main impetus of involvement for me. However, that involvement in the beginning was strictly based upon monetary support (through the annual dues as well as support for individual campaigns) and not direct volunteerism for a particular Chapter..

What is your favorite activity or project you have done with TU?


After all the above-mentioned discussion about conservation work and the like, one may expect that my favorite TU activity would be some awesome stream restoration project. The fact of the matter is that I've been involved with many more of those types of projects in my career than in my volunteerism, so the typical TU project is not what I have enjoyed the most.

As President of the Grand Valley Chapter, my mission here in Grand Junction has been to get a younger and more diverse group of folks involved at the local level. So, while I have enjoyed working on several streamside restoration projects, setting up Trout-in-the-Classroom tanks, and providing community casting events, my favorite projects have been "fundraisers". I use quotes there because, while they are indeed now our Chapter's biggest fundraisers, the events I have started are more about bringing a new crowd out to hear what we as a Chapter are doing. My favorite activities are thus the flyfishing film tours, Iron Flys, and competitions that we are now doing consistently in Grand Junction and I get excited watching how many people who don't know TU come out to enjoy our events and get to know more about who we are.

I know you won’t tell me your favorite spot, but what is your second favorite place to fish or favorite fishing story?

Well, like most fisherman I've got great (in my mind) fishing stories ranging from trout to tarpon, but one of my best ones of late stemmed from a day of bass fishing in Oklahoma, and was much more than just about fishing. This is an excerpt from one of our GVA spring newsletters that tells that story:


"Why was I thinking about TU while fishing for largemouth bass? Well, the gray and white Clouser I was having the best luck with (9 crushing bass on my 4-wt before it was truly hammered) was Pat Oglesby’s. This was one of the flies I had selected from the table in back that Carol had put out at the truly inspiring memorial celebration she held in his memory. Attended by hundreds of people from across the state, it was amazing to see how Pat’s life had touched so many - a life of passion and service for Trout Unlimited, conservation, and youth education. So, while casting for warm water fish, I was thinking about Pat and the cold water fisheries he loved.

GVA supports these cold water fisheries through programs like Trout In the Classroom, Adopt-a-Trout, and conservation and education events for both youth and adults, as well as great community events. These are the things that Pat was passionate about and the things which those of us who get involved in GVA programs commit our time. Casting that Clouser I was thinking about this time, my passion for the TU mission, my vision for GVA in the future, and about trying to carry on the commitment to service that was the life of Pat. The amazing congregation of friends and family to celebrate at the memorial was evidence of Pat’s desire to help everyone with whom he came into contact, not only in their knowledge of fly-fishing, casting, or tying, or even in understanding why conservation is important, but in being better at living a life that matters.

So, whether it is while bass fishing, or teaching a kid to cast a fly, I challenge all of us to consider what a life of service can mean and how we can contribute, not just to the Chapter, but to the people, rivers, and places around us. How we can be more like a man that leaves an amazing legacy, and maybe a few effective flies behind…"

What does being a part of TU mean to you?

Being a part of TU for me is about being associated with a group that gets things accomplished, and accomplishes them well. It is about conserving our fisheries and assuring their long-term sustainability so that we can continue to catch gorgeous trout all across our beautiful country in the future, no matter what the climate, political or otherwise. It is about working together and sharing a beer on the river with fellow flyfishers who feel the way I do about protecting and restoring our native fisheries. And, to be clear, it is about fun, not Board meetings!

What else do you do in your spare time or work?


I currently work for RiversEdge West (formerly the Tamarisk Coalition), a small non-profit based in GJ that works with partners all across the southwest to restore and sustain native riparian areas.

In the little spare time left after work and TU, I cook, garden, read, canoe, camp, hike, backpack, and every now and then get to fish. These activities are often shared with my girlfriend, a little less often shared with my dogs, and still a little less often shared with my kids (who live back East). Oh, I also like to play volleyball, soccer, and guitar...

When Collaboration Works

Collaboration is key when it comes to making positive steps towards conservation. Trout Unlimited's Colorado Water Project is one of those collaborative initiatives working with agricultural leaders and organizations to conserve, protect, and restore our limited water resources around the state. Cary Denison, TU Project Coordinator, Gunnison Basin, was featured in the first segment of "This American Land" and talks about the ways that conservation can work with western water laws in providing the stakeholders with what they need and how Trout Unlimited is part of that conversation.

Water is a limited resource in the west and is one of the major talking points for Coloradoans when discussing conservation. The state experiences very little rainfall in summer, fall, and spring but the mountains collect feet upon feet of snow-pack. Snow-pack is like Colorado's natural water storage that slowly melts as the warmer seasons approach, filling our streams, creeks, and rivers with the water needed to last until next winter. With the decreasing amount of precipitation, that snow-pack is becoming a resource that we cannot solely count on. That's where water conservation comes in.

Water conservation is key in using this limited resource wisely and free up more water for other uses including nature. Not to mention more water for our trout to flourish in.

Check out the episode below!

Interested in the story or project?

Contact Cary Denison, Project Coordinator, Gunnison Basin,

When Collaboration Works

Collaboration is key when it comes to making positive steps towards conservation. Trout Unlimited's Colorado Water Project is one of those collaborative initiatives working with agricultural leaders and organizations to conserve, protect, and restore our limited water resources around the state. Cary Denison, TU Project Coordinator, Gunnison Basin, was featured in the first segment of "This American Land" and talks about the ways that conservation can work with western water laws in providing the stakeholders with what they need and how Trout Unlimited is part of that conversation.

Water is a limited resource in the west and is one of the major talking points for Coloradoans when discussing conservation. The state experiences very little rainfall in summer, fall, and spring but the mountains collect feet upon feet of snow-pack. Snow-pack is like Colorado's natural water storage that slowly melts as the warmer seasons approach, filling our streams, creeks, and rivers with the water needed to last until next winter. With the decreasing amount of precipitation, that snow-pack is becoming a resource that we cannot solely count on. That's where water conservation comes in.

Water conservation is key in using this limited resource wisely and free up more water for other uses including nature. Not to mention more water for our trout to flourish in.

Check out the episode below!

Interested in the story or project?

Contact Cary Denison, Project Coordinator, Gunnison Basin,