Blog — Colorado Trout Unlimited

"State of CTU" Video

At the Colorado TU Rendezvous, prior to passing the gavel on to new President Marshall Pendergrass, Past President Rick Matsumoto shared a video highlighting the "State of Colorado Trout Unlimited" over the past year - it has been a great several months for trout and watersheds in Colorado.  Check it out!

And the winner is...Doug Nielsen!

Congratulations to Doug Nielsen of Lakewood, Colorado!  Doug is the lucky winner of our Spring 2015 Statewide Raffle and a weekend getaway to the Madison Valley Ranch in Montana. Thank you to everyone who purchased tickets!

Family Flyfishing Festival with Team USA

The World Youth Fly Fishing Championships are coming to Colorado this August (click here to learn more about the event and how you can take part)!  In conjunction, on August 15th at the historic Camp Hale, hosted by Nova Guides Lodge, families will have the opportunity to interact and learn from the best young flyfishers from around the world including the three-time defending gold medal winners of Team USA. Whether you are the next aspiring Team USA member or a first time angler, the Family Fly Fishing Festival has something for you.

Just as the World Youth Fly Fishing Championships will bring together anglers from around the world, Colorado Trout Unlimited aims to bring our State together for the Family Fly Fishing Festival and Conservation Symposium. Youth of all ages and adults alike are invited to have some fun with the tournament’s competitors while learning some new skills along the way.

On the private ponds of Nova Guides, instruction - including from members of Team USA - will be offered for anglers of different abilities. Other outdoor activities from partners like Colorado Parks and Wildlife, River Watch, and the Eagle River Watershed Council will be available for the whole family: fly casting, fly tying, entomology and fish art and more. Lunch will be provided during the Conservation Symposium where guests can learn about the waters of Colorado and the groups who work to protect them - including learning about restoration efforts planned in the Camp Hale area with the National Forest Foundation.


When:  Saturday, August 15, 2015 What Time: 10:00 am – 2:00 pm Activities:  Fly fishing demos and learning, fly fishing on lake, speakers Where:  Nova Guides at Camp Hale Directions:  directions or smart phone map link

Registration is $10 per person or $30 for a family of four.  Click here to sign up!


Five Rivers TU/Hermosa Win National FS Award

The Five Rivers Chapter and its partners have been selected for a US Forest Service Rise to the Future Award for their Hermosa Creek project efforts.  The award will be presented by Forest Service Chief Tom Tidwell at a formal ceremony in Washington, DC in May. Chapter President Buck Skillen will be on hand to accept the award. The Chapter, based in Durango, will receive the US Forest Service's national “Rise to the Future Award for Collaborative/Integrated Aquatic Stewardship." According to the Forest Service, the Chapter, along with partners at Colorado Parks and Wildlife, the San Juan National Forest, and the Mountain Studies Institute, are being “recognized for their commitment to restore native Colorado River cutthroat trout to a portion of their historic range and share that with students.”

Work toward restoration of cutthroat trout has been taking place since the 1990s in the Hermosa Creek drainage – which was also recently protected as a first-of-its-kind federally designated Watershed Protection Area through legislation sponsored by Senator Bennet and Congressman Tipton. The Five Rivers Chapter has assisted with funding and volunteers for stream improvement and riparian planting projects, helping the agencies as more than 17 miles of Hermosa Creek have been secured for genetically pure cutthroat trout populations. The Mountain Studies Institute has also partnered in providing volunteer support and in using the projects as a working stream laboratory to hold field classes for students Fort Lewis College.

A healthy Hermosa Creek cutthroat

Hermosa  Creek is an amazing example of TU working at all levels as both advocates and as on-the-ground restorers.  The Rise to the Future award is the latest success story for Five Rivers and its long-term efforts on behalf of Hermosa Creek. And the chapter and its partners are certainly not sitting on their laurels - work continues toward connecting separate recovered habitats into a combined “metapopulation” above a downstream barrier point on Hermosa Creek.

Congratulations, Five Rivers TU - and keep up the great work!