Blog — Colorado Trout Unlimited

Clean Rivers are Healthy Rivers

Colorado’s rivers are one of our greatest assets – providing the water we need for our communities and farms, supporting our robust recreation economy, and sustaining our environment.  Now, Colorado Trout Unlimited has launched the Great Colorado River Cleanup so that people across the state can give something back to our rivers by removing trash from the banks and channels of our waters.  Whether you fish on a gold medal Colorado stream - take walks along your community’s riverfront greenway – raft or kayak on some of our state’s outstanding whitewater – or simply enjoy the sight of healthy, flowing rivers – by participating in or organizing a stream cleanup on your local waterways you can make a difference! River cleanups are good for our river corridors and the fish and wildlife that live in them – and they are fun, family-oriented projects that Coloradoans of all ages can take part in.  With partners including our lead sponsor, Teva, and river stewards like American Rivers and a host of local watershed groups, there is a team of dedicated Coloradoans ready to help our rivers from the South Platte and Cache la Poudre to the Colorado and Animas.

See what cleanups are coming soon on waters near you, and join in the Great Colorado River Cleanup!


Cleaning up the Colorado and Roaring Fork

By all accounts, this year’s Glenwood Springs River Cleanup, on Saturday, August 25, was a success. About 85 volunteers, including almost a dozen in boats, turned out to pick up trash from an estimated nineteen miles of public riverbanks along the Colorado and Roaring Fork Rivers.   The event was organized by the Glenwood Springs River Commission, a nine-member citizen board that advises Glenwood’s City Council on issues related to the rivers and the City’s River Trail system. The River Commission credits the excellent volunteer turnout largely to a series of ads in local newspapers, mostly financed by a substantial gift from the Ferdinand Hayden Chapter of Trout Unlimited. Volunteers met at Two Rivers Park to register for cleanup assignments. Fueled by coffee donated by Starbucks, volunteers on land picked up trash along the Glenwood Canyon bike path from the Grizzly Creek rest area to the west end of the Horseshoe Bend tunnels, as well as from about three miles of riverbank along the Roaring Fork and Colorado within the city limits. Boaters reached from their boats and scrambled onto shore to pick up litter and larger trash along the south side of the Colorado River in Glenwood Canyon and on both sides of the Colorado from the city limits to the South Canyon boat launch ramp west of town. Other boaters combed less-accessible stretches of the Roaring Fork within Glenwood Springs.

American Rivers, a nationwide nonprofit that advocates for healthy rivers, provided the trash bags, and the Colorado River District chipped in additional cash for the project. The trash, which amounted to several truckloads, included everything from the smallest pieces of foil wrappers to pallets, culverts, and an artificial Christmas tree complete with lights. The most common items were water bottles, soft drink cans, and fast food cups. City of Glenwood workers picked up full trash bags left at work sites by land-based volunteers, and hauled them to the landfill.

After the work was done, volunteers were treated to a community barbecue made possible by the generosity of Glenwood Springs businesses. Rick Wernsmann of the 19th Street Diner donated burgers and sausages and cooked them on a commercial-sized grill. The burgers and brats were accompanied by side dishes stirred up by six Glenwood Springs restaurants. Glenwood Canyon Brewing furnished the beer, and soft drinks were donated by the local Coca Cola distributor. Through it all, the volunteers were serenaded with smooth country-rock music provided by a Carbondale-based band called “All the Pretty Horses.”

This was the second annual community-wide river cleanup, and with the success of this year’s event, it’s pretty certain the River Commission will continue to promote a cleanup day into the future.

Article and photos submitted by the Ferdinand Hayden Chapter of TU.


Volunteer and protect Colorado's only greenback stream

 A new genetics study revealed that Bear Creek, near Colorado Springs, holds the only remaining wild population of greenback cutthroat trout - and TU volunteers with the Cheyenne Mountain Chapter are already rolling up their sleeves to help protect the creek with an October 6 workday!

To help reduce the sediment entering Bear Creek, restoration work will focus on soil decompaction, seeding, transplanting, naturalization, split rail fence installation, and sign installation. We have a lot to do in one day, so we need a big turnout of volunteers. We need 40+ volunteers!

In conjunction with the Bear Creek Roundtable, CMCTU's partner, Rocky Mountain Field Institute ("RMFI"), recently completed a site visit on the lower section of Bear Creek and has developed the Roundtable's "plan of attack" for closing multiple sediment producing social trails and campsites located on the City of Colorado Springs property adjacent to Bear Creek.Interested in participating in this important restoration work?  Want to actively get involved with protecting the threatened Greenback Cutthroat Trout in Bear Creek?  Then join us on October 6.  Please contact RMFI's Liz Nichol at 719-471-7736 or rmfi @ to sign up!

Where & When

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Starting from the caretaker's House at the bottom of High Drive in Colorado Springs (intersection of Gold Camp Road and High Drive/Bear Creek Road)


Redrawing the map on native cutthroats

A new study just released from the University of Colorado, published in the peer-reviewed journal Molecular Ecology and funded in part by Trout Unlimited, will redraw the map on Colorado's native cutthroat trout and has shone a spotlight on a small tributary of the Arkansas River near Colorado Springs. The study, conducted using historic fish samples from the 19th Century, attempted to shed light on what native trout lineages were found in Colorado - and where they were found.  Among the most notable findings:  the fish generally believed to be greenback cutthroat trout and native to the Front Range are in reality from native trout lineages west of the Contintental Divide, while one remaining greenback population remains in Bear Creek on the flanks of Pikes Peak.  Trout Unlimited is actively working to protect habitat and address issues with trail impacts and sedimentation in Bear Creek.

The Denver Post has reported on the study and its implications for cutthroats and for Bear Creek.  Trout Unlimited also issued a press release on the study.

Does this mean that the work done to date on greenback restoration is for naught?  Fortunately, that is not the case. First - the restored populations are still valuable native Colorado trout albeit of a different lineage and their conservation is important, just as is that of the greenbacks themselves. Moreover, work that has been done in preparing sites for successful relocations (such as planning efforts in the Poudre headwaters for large-scale greenback restoration) as well as general TU efforts in improving habitat and watershed health, will help create a better home for the greenbacks in those locations where they are reestablished going forward. Our work to date provides a solid foundation for our future restoration efforts with the greenback.

Of course having to push the "reset" button on our native trout restoration strategies is a disappointment, but the flip side of any disappointment is opportunity. It has been said that "extinction means it is too late."  The good news for greenbacks is that we are not too late and our efforts in the years to come will help ensure that our children and grandchildren can have the opportunity to fish for this unique Colorado native. 


Q&A about the new genetics study on Colorado’s native cutthroat trout

What are the key findings from the new University of Colorado genetics study?

By looking at DNA from historic fish samples as well as stocking records, the study’s authors – led by principal investigator Dr Jessica Metcalf – have identified six different genetic lineages of native trout for Colorado (compared to the four previously identified) and have in some cases suggested that the lineages have a different historic range than was previously thought.  Specifically, they identify lineages for the Arkansas drainage (Yellowfin – now believed extinct), the South Platte drainage (Greenback – now found in one small stream in the Arkansas basin, Bear Creek), the Rio Grande drainage (Rio Grande), the Green/Yampa basins (Colorado River), the Colorado/Gunnison basins (previously unnamed), and the San Juan basin (previously unnamed – now believed extinct).

So if there’s only one population left in the Arkansas basin, then what are the “greenbacks” I’ve caught in places like Rocky Mountain National Park?

Based on the genetic markers identified by Dr. Metcalf and her colleagues, it appears that most such populations are likely a different Colorado native trout – from either the Green/Yampa lineage or the Colorado/Gunnison lineage.  So you have caught a real Colorado native – just not a greenback.

Can I catch a true greenback in Bear Creek?

No.  Because the population is small and susceptible to hooking mortality, it has been – for several years – closed to fishing.  We hope that as new sites are restored with these fish that anglers will again have the opportunity to fish for native greenback cutthroat trout.

Does this mean that the fish previously thought to be greenbacks are no longer protected under the Endangered Species Act?

No.  The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service will be initiating a review of cutthroat trout in Colorado to examine the genetic results as well as results from an ongoing study looking at physical characteristics of the different fish and any other relevant science.  To assist in that process, they will convene a group of leading experts in the field to help advise them on proper classification among the different cutthroats – and on the question of which lineages are imperiled and warrant continued Endangered Species Act protection.  From those results, they will then begin a formal rulemaking process to make any changes.  Until that rulemaking takes place, all populations previously protected as “greenbacks” will remain protected under the Endangered Species Act.

What is TU doing to protect the one remaining greenback population in Bear Creek?

The one population of greenbacks still known to exist are found in Bear Creek near Colorado Springs – ironically, the result of an early stocking effort by a local hotelier that believed that cutthroat fishing would help draw tourists.  The Bear Creek watershed is suffering from sedimentation and the impacts of both motorized and non-motorized trails, as well as from an existing gravel road (High Drive) that parallels the lower part of the stream.  Trout Unlimited, with leadership from our local Cheyenne Mountain Chapter and in partnership with federal, state, and municipal agencies and local stakeholders, is working on volunteer projects to help address sediment impacts and to rehabilitate unauthorized user-created trails that are impacting the stream.  At the same time, Trout Unlimited has reached out to mountain bikers and motorbike users to collaborate on assessing and relocating sections of trail that are creating impacts on the stream.  With support from this diverse group of stakeholders, the Forest Service is currently completing a trails assessment that will clearly identify problem sections of trail and options for relocating those sections away from Bear Creek to eliminate those impacts.  We anticipate work will begin on trail relocation in 2013.  We also applaud CH2MHill, which is donating its services for a road assessment on High Drive to help guide efforts to modify the road so as to reduce its significant impacts on sedimentation in the lower reaches of the cutthroat habitat.  We are working with the Forest Service and other partners to seek funding for road improvements as well.

So what will be the future for greenback restoration?  Will populations of the Colorado/Gunnison fish be removed and replaced?

That decision will rest with the Colorado Division of Parks and Wildlife and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, along with their agency partners on the Greenback Recovery Team.  Fish from the Bear Creek lineage are now being raised in multiple hatcheries for restocking into appropriate waters, and we expect that efforts to establish new populations using those fish will take place fairly soon.  There are locations that have been identified as potential restoration sites that could be used in this effort without removing cutthroats from previously “restored” waters, and those may be the logical first places to move with restoration.  That will provide the agencies with more time to come up with answers for the long-term question of what to do with cutthroats that have been re-established in waters outside their native range.

Women Anglers on the Rise

There are no exact numbers, but by and large, fly-fishing has long been regarded as a "male-dominated" activity. There's little doubt that a female angler on the banks of a trout stream a few years ago would raise an eyebrow. Not anymore.

An unscientific survey of Colorado's fly-fishing cognoscenti confirms that somewhere in the past decade, women have made a significant ingress.

"Fly-fishing is very restorative," said Erica Stock of Trout Unlimited. "It's not a race. It's not a competition. It's meant to relax you."

And so, she explains, fishing emanates a kind of welcoming atmosphere from one angler to the next, whether male or female. Sure, there's a bit of my-fish-is-bigger rivalry on any stream, but Stout said fishing's inherently mellow nature takes the edge off most clashes of ego. She also notes that, much like yoga, fishing offers a kind of mental relaxation that is often hard to find.

"It has a meditative quality," she said. "You have to remember that you will never achieve perfection, so you have to go into a kind of Zen Buddhist mind-set."

The mental aspects of fishing tend to level the playing field between the sexes, especially in a sport in which the gentle touch is more effective than raw strength.

"It's funny how often we'll have a couple out on a trip and the woman will often do better," said Dave Johnson, owner of the Crystal Fly Shop in Carbondale.

Johnson eschewed beginner's luck for a more pragmatic explanation: "Women have a great sense of listening to their guide," he said.

Guides and fly-shop owners are listening to their female customers as well. Johnson said that there's not a fly shop he's aware of that doesn't offer some kind of specialty female gear, most notably in vests and waders, where fit makes a big difference.

Read the rest of the story at The Denver Post online.

Photos by Brenna Richardson.

Ferdinand Hayden Chapter Cleans Up!

One of the best ways to involve TU chapter members and the community as a whole in an event that gives back and gets great exposure is through a river cleanup day.  This year, through ongoing support from Teva Footwear, Colorado TU has launched the Great Colorado River Cleanup. Communities all across Colorado are coming together to improve the rivers that are so important to these towns.  This year, the Ferdinand Hayden Chapter was the kickoff chapter for these events – and they started off with a bang! The chapter partnered with the City of Glenwood Springs and helped turn out more than 90 citizens to gather trash along the banks of the Roaring Fork and Colorado Rivers. Andrew McGregor, head of the Glenwood Springs Department of Community Development said “I really appreciated the support and participation from Trout Unlimited.  It’s a great partnership.”

Teams of volunteers scoured steep banks and dense vegetation to get at the trash -   enough to fill more than two and half big dumpsters!  A BBQ at Two Rivers Park was held after the cleanup for all the well deserving volunteers – social time as well as satisfaction for a job well done.

The Ferdinand Hayden Chapter also partnered with the Roaring Fork Conservancy earlier in the year and participated in cleanups with the Town of Carbondale on the Crystal River and on the Frying Pan in Basalt.  Certainly a great way for the chapter to get exposure and contribute to their local waters at the same time.

Great work, Ferdinand Hayden, and stay tuned for more cleanups coming soon!

Article and photos by Ken Neubecker.


Watershed: The Movie

Narrated by Robert Redford, this award winning film that explores "a new water ethic for the new west" is coming to Colorado. WATERSHED tells the story of the threats to the once-mighty Colorado River and offers solutions for the future of the American West.

Here are some local screenings:

Unfortunately, the September 27 Denver screening at the Denver Film Center is sold out, but you can try these:

October 18, 7:00pm at the Third Street Center in Carbondale. Contact the Roaring Fork Conservancy for availability.

October 16, 7:00pm at the Glenwood Springs Community Center. Contact the Roaring Fork Conservancy for availability.

Watch the trailer.

Buy a copy for your non-profit.

More good news for Hermosa Creek

A long-planned move to re-establish the Colorado River cutthroat trout in the Hermosa Creek watershed occurred Wednesday when the headwaters stretch of the drainage was stocked with the native fish. Colorado Parks and Wildlife biologists and volunteers, including Trout Unlimited, planted 11,000 fingerlings about 3 inches long and 200 10-inchers in the main stem of Hermosa Creek upstream from Hotel Draw.

Fish were carried in bags from trucks and emptied into Hermosa Creek at various points. If the fish had to be carried any distance, they were transported in super-oxygenated water to ensure they arrived in good condition...

Preparation for the stocking Wednesday began in August 2011, when about nine miles of Hermosa Creek above Hotel Draw was treated with Rotenone to kill non-native fish, mostly brook trout...

Native cutthroat trout don’t compete well with other species, so efforts to increase their population – they occupy only 14 percent of their historic habitat – focus on giving them exclusive use of certain waters.

“Some fishermen just want to catch a fish and eat it,” said Buck Skillen, a member of the 5 Rivers Chapter of Trout Unlimited and a volunteer with Parks and Wildlife. “But there are a lot of us who think it’s pretty important to have a native fish."

To read this article in its entirety, please visit The Durango Herald.

Abandoned Mines and Our Water

Colorado mining authorities have dug through a mountainside and reopened the dark granite shaft of an abandoned mine that turned deadly — trying to find options for dealing with one of the West's worst environmental problems.

The Pennsylvania Mine, perched above timberline, discharges an acidic orange stream moving 181 pounds per day of toxic metals into Peru Creek and the Snake River, which flow into Denver Water's Dillon Reservoir.

The poisoning of the watershed has gone on for more than 60 years.

Yet state officials say the risk of lawsuits prevents cleanup of this mine and thousands of other abandoned mines that have impaired 1,300 miles of Colorado streams and, according to federal estimates, the headwaters of 40 percent of Western rivers.

Today's digging reflects growing frustration. Colorado county governments recently resolved to lobby for congressional action as water quality and healthy mountain fisheries are increasingly important to the Western economy.

Read the rest of Bruce Finley's article in The Denver Post.

Dolores basin cutthroat streams win water quality protection

The Water Quality Control Commission has voted to adopt "Outstanding Water" designations - which apply water quality standards designed to preserve the high-quality condition of some of Colorado' best and most important waters - for three native cutthroat trout streams in the Dolores basin. The new designation will ensure that water quality is maintained without degradation for the native Colorado River cutthroat trout in the Little Taylor, Rio Lado, and Spring Creek drainages.  The Commission found that the waters supported high-quality water and had "exceptional recreational or ecological significance."  Thanks to the Commission's decision, these fisheries will continue to thrive in the high-quality water that has kept them healthy in the past.

This success story was made possible through the efforts of the Dolores River Anglers committee of the 5 Rivers Chapter, with help from TU's Backcountry Coordinator Matt Clark.  The Dolores River Anglers will soon be becoming a stand-alone chapter - TU's 24th in Colorado - and with this important victory for their local waters, they are already off to a great start.  Congratulations!