Blog — Colorado Trout Unlimited

Ask Congress to Protect Our Headwaters

On May 27, the EPA and Army Corps of Engineers issued new Clean Water rules that restore long-standing protections to headwater streams and adjacent wetlands under the Clean Water Act.  The rules are a balanced package that maintains long-standing Clean Water Act exemptions for standard farming practices, while clarifying that the Act's protections extend to the tributary streams and wetlands that shape the quality and health of downstream rivers. These waters were historically protected under the Clean Water Act until two politically charged Supreme Court decisions in the 2000s put them into regulatory limbo. The court ruled that there must be a proven nexus between these small, sometimes-intermittent waters and the larger rivers they feed in order for the former to receive Clean Water Act protections. Armed with the science that proves such a connection, the EPA and the Corps crafted this rule that protects the clean water sources of America’s rivers. Unfortunately, some in Congress are pushing to block the rules from being implemented.  Legislation to do just that has passed the House and will be considered in the Senate, and other amendments to block the rules will likely be proposed in the coming weeks and months.  Please take a moment to weigh in with your Representative and Senators Bennet and Gardner, and ask them to support the Clean Water Rules and protect Colorado's headwater streams!

Headwaters Matter! New rules protect water quality

Yesterday (May 27) the EPA and Army Corps of Engineers issued new Clean Water rules that restore long-standing protections to headwater streams and adjacent wetlands under the Clean Water Act.  From TU's Colorado press release:  

Colorado anglers stand behind new clean water rule

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Anglers in Colorado support a new rule announced today that restores protections for America’s headwater streams under the Clean Water Act.

“The waters this rule protects are the sources of our nation’s coldest, cleanest water,” said Trout Unlimited President and CEO Chris Wood. “Not only do they provide the needed spawning and rearing habitat for our trout and salmon, they are the sources of our iconic rivers and streams—they provide the water we all use downstream. The EPA and the Corps were right to craft this thoughtful rule in a way that protects our headwaters and our fish, but also protects the downstream uses of our nation’s water.”

Wood said the rule doesn’t require any new actions on the part of existing water users, but it does require anyone wishing to pursue a new development that impacts small streams to get a permit to do so.

The rule restores protections to America’s headwater streams that were removed after two politically charged Supreme Court decisions in the 2000s. The court ruled that there must be a proven nexus between these small, sometimes-intermittent waters and the larger rivers they feed in order for the former to receive Clean Water Act protections. Armed with the science that proves such a connection, the EPA and the Corps crafted this rule that simply protects the clean water sources of America’s rivers.

“Colorado is a headwaters state, and we understand the importance of protecting the sources of our great western rivers,” said David Nickum, executive director of Colorado Trout Unlimited. “The new rule restores long-standing protections to these small streams and wetlands, which ensure healthy waters downstream and support our state’s $9 billion outdoor recreation economy. Anglers understand that healthy rivers depend on healthy tributaries—this rule simply acknowledges that reality.”

“TU members in Colorado are grateful to the Corps, the EPA and the Obama administration for developing the new rule, and we are thankful to many members of Congress who have defended it from attack,” said Drew Peternell, director of TU’s Colorado Water Project. “The rule is the product of many months of consultation and input from Americans and Congress. The agencies listened to the concerns of diverse interests and found an approach that will ensure clean water for our communities, industry, farms and ranches, and environment.”

“This is a rule for everyone,” Wood continued. “The most important thing this rule does is restore Clean Water Act protections to headwater streams, and that means the world to anglers who understand the importance of these waters to their success in the field. But these waters are important to everyone, not just anglers. If you turn on a tap, this rule helps make sure the water that comes out is clean and fresh.”

Wake-up call for Colorado River users

As the California drought continues, Colorado River water users are reminded of the importance of working together to effectively address water needs in the basin.  There are a variety of interests competing for water rights, however it is only through a collaborative effort that we will see success in meeting the diverse water needs.  As Eric Kuhn, general manager of the Colorado River Water Conservation District points out, “collaboration is needed today to keep us ahead of our significant water challenges, before they spiral into a crisis that pits one water use sector against another.” Trout Unlimited is committed to continue to work with and engage agriculture, municipal and industrial stakeholders in finding innovative and effective solutions in meeting future water needs.  Colorado TU’s Randy Scholfield recently wrote an op-ed piece highlighting the Upper Colorado River Basin and the current efforts going on there – you can read it here.

To get involved in this effort please email Stephanie Scott at

CTU Welcomes New Water Policy Intern!

Howdy y’all!  My name is Zach DeWolfe and I am currently wrapping up my senior year at Metropolitan State University of Denver studying Political Science and Water Studies.  I am originally from Austin, Texas, but have been in Colorado for the past four years.  Living here has allowed me to fully explore my passion for the outdoors, whether through fishing, climbing, hiking or mountain biking.  Through these experiences I have developed an appreciation for these places and a sense to protect and preserve them.  I am thrilled to join CTU this summer in addressing such key water policy issues as the ongoing development of the Colorado State Water Plan, and ensuring that our goals and values are well represented.  

West Denver TU Partnering with Orvis to Monitor Rivers

PRESS RELEASE from WEST DENVER TROUT UNLIMITED: Trout Unlimited (TU) and Orvis have had a productive collaborative and supportive relationship over the years as reflected, for example, by their work to remove harmful culverts, teach the Nation how to fly fish and, in general, to protect and enhance coldwater fisheries. Trout Unlimited has also benefited from Orvis’ grant program designed to help organizations improve local streams.

Colorado’s West Denver Chapter of TU has been in the forefront of the State’s River Watch program to work with voluntary stewards to monitor water quality and other indicators of watershed health. West Denver has focused its effort primarily on Clear Creek, a local Front-Range stream. However, the U.S. Forest Service has requested that West Denver do testing on U.S. Forest sites throughout the State to help the Agency evaluate the effectiveness of restoration efforts, track on-the-ground conditions that affect the success of trout, identify possible trout strongholds, and monitor water quality changes over time and geography.

However, in order to do this testing, West Denver needed additional testing equipment. Thus, West Denver applied for a stream-improvement grant from Orvis, and received $2,000 to buy needed equipment. This equipment will allow West Denver to obtain high-quality data to educate citizens and decision makers about the condition of Colorado’s waters.

Volunteer Opportunity in San Luis Valley!!

Hidden Mile Volunteer Information The project dates are May 16th to May 24, 2015. You are welcome to work any or all days of the project. Even if you can only come for part of a day it will be greatly appreciated.

SLV Volunteer PhotoThe project will be at the Hidden Mile section of the Conejos River. The work will be building and repairing fence to protect the riparian area.

To reach the Hidden Mile go west from Antonito on highway 17

about 21 miles to the Platoro Road (rd 250). Turn right on the on Platoro Road and go about 4 miles until you see a sign and balloons at the work site.

Please wear work clothes, work gloves and sturdy boots. If you have fencing tools please bring them. For those who don’t have tools they will be provided on site. Some work may involve crossing the river so waders would be helpful if you have them.

Please bring lunch and water.

Work will begin at 9am due to the long travel time to the project.YVFF volunteers

Free camping will be available for all volunteers at Conejos campground located several miles above the Hidden Mile site. The site will have a vault bathroom but no electricity or water.

Volunteer time tracking sheets will be available at the site- please fill in hours and sign out at the end of each day you work and include travel time as part of your total hours.

To sign up for the project please email David Kenvin at or call 719-657-0724 or cell 970-214-4221.

You can also call Marty Jones at 719-589-4327 or cell 719-937-3634.