Blog — Colorado Trout Unlimited

Rocky Mountain Flyathlon

On paper, there is nothing exceptional about Middle Creek. It is not Wild or Scenic, nor has it been bestowed with any Gold Medals or Blue Ribbons. No, on paper, Middle Creek is just like the countless other small tributaries that make up Colorado’s headwaters, an arteriole of our vast hydrologic circulatory system. These humble creeks quietly feed the streams that feed the rivers that feed our Colorado way of life. To get to these waters, you have to drive on paved roads until you get to dirt roads until those dirt roads narrow and then run out. Even then, to truly appreciate the complexity of these creeks, you will still have many miles to go, on foot, on trails that may not have been maintained in a while. You will encounter ticks, mosquitoes, stinging nettle, rattlesnakes, moose, bear, downed trees, and sketchy creek crossings. But if you are patient and dedicated, you can catch and release a spectacular relic of Colorado’s natural history, one of our three remaining sub-species of cutthroat trout. It is the celebration of these unheralded streams, lost trails and majestic native fish that drove me to create the Rocky Mountain Flyathlon. As a trail runner and life-long flyfisherman, fusing the two disciplines seemed natural to me, as trail running allows me to explore and fish our remote cutthroat waters more comprehensively.  And then, back at the trailhead, to make it a proper celebration, I add one of the finest uses of Colorado water; our superior craft beer.

run. fish. beer.

Simple as that.flyathlongmiddlecreek

Three years ago, I decided to share this vision with others.  In 2013, fifteen people crawled out of their tents to participate in an “unofficial” Flyathlon race event held around Monarch Lake in Grand County, CO.  In 2014, we made it official, and thirty-five people toed a shoe-drawn line in the dirt at the base of Middle Creek (yes, the one with ticks and rattlesnakes).  And this year, just weeks ago, our sold-out race brought fifty flyathletes from both near (Crestone and Salida) and far (Maine, Wisconsin, and Texas) to the Middle Creek woods near Saguache, CO.


Flyathlon race-day rules are fairly simple. Complete the prescribed trail run, catch a fish at any point during the run, take a picture of said fish on your race bib, and do it all as quickly as possible.  The bigger the fish, the more time is taken off at the end of your run (with a special double bonus for catching a native cutthroat trout).  In 2015, of the fifty race participants, all but four hooked, landed, and documented their catch, some for the first time ever.  And back at our tent city, all fifty enjoyed BBQ, local craft beer, and an awards ceremony loaded with prizes from local Colorado companies thanks to Osprey Packs, Scott Fly Rods, Ascent Fly Fishing, and Rolling River Anglers.

Each Flyathlon race is specifically designed to get people excited about recreating in the most beautiful parts of the Western United States, to infuse the stuffy old sport of fly fishing with a youthful spirit, and to raise money for and awareness about critical cold-water conservation issues.  Relying on a crowdfunding model with our 501c3 partner Colorado Trout Unlimited, this past year, our flyathletes raised an incredible $22,200.  At least 50% of this money will be re-invested into projects to maintain and enhance the trails, creeks and fisheries within the range of the Rio Grande cutthroat trout, ensuring that our activity is sustainable into the future.  The remaining monies will be used to tackle important coldwater and native fish issues around the Centennial State.BearcreekGreenback,Poolone

Moving forward into 2016, I hope to take the Flyathlon to the next level.  With my outstanding volunteer planning board, I have created an ambitious agenda with additional events added in several other basins in Colorado, as well as potential out-of-state races.  If you feel like you have what it takes to be a flyathlete, please visit our website to get on our email list.  If your organization would like to partner with or sponsor the Rocky Mountain Flyathlon to enable us increase our impact, please contact me directly

I look forward to seeing you on a small creek somewhere deep in the Colorado woods.

run. fish. beer.


Words and photos courtesy of Andrew Todd

CTU Meets the World: Family Fly Fishing Festival

It's a beautiful, warm day in August at Nova Guides Lodge, or at least it was on August 15th when families, competitors and staff from the World Youth Fly Fishing Championships all gathered there for the Colorado TU co-sponsored event: the Family Fly Fishing Festival and Conservation Symposium. This past Saturday, the Lodge at Camp Hale was filled with a plethora of people milling about enjoying all that the event had to offer. The stunning scenery and temperate climate allowed for fly fishing to take precedence over almost everything else; although, Garrett Hanks, CTU's coordinator for the event, made sure there was something for everyone. Entomology, fly tying, fish art, and a conservation symposium, during which Holly Loff, Kendall Bakich, and Marcus Selig spoke on pertinent conservation issues, were the other activities offered. Photos by Brian Young












The festival activities were not the only thing the attendees enjoyed, many were also pleased to see kids and adults alike interacting with each other in such a positive manner. "Fly fishing can be very bonding," one staff member of FIPS Mouche, the International Sport Flyfishing Federation, said. "It builds friendships." That's just one of the many benefits of having an event like this. The conservation symposium in combination with fly fishing and other activities allowed people to come together to share a common interest as well as learn something new.

Marcus Selig from National Forest Foundation.  Photo by Lizzy Wiegers

The conservation focus of the symposium was on recovery of the Eagle River from its legacy of habitat damage and mine pollution - an issue made more poignant by the recent Gold King Mine spill on the Animas River. Holly Loff from the Eagle River Watershed Council spoke on an equally damaging spill from the Eagle Mine that occurred in the 80's. Years after the mine closed, it flooded over into the Eagle River causing a disaster even more striking than the one recently on the Animas River. Although the results of the spill was devastating, Loff emphasized the successful steps that were taken to bring the trout back to the Eagle River, and hopes to see the same thing happen with the Animas River. Kendall Bakich from Colorado Parks and Wildlife discussed how crucial it is to monitor fish health in order to restore fish populations to a healthy, normal range. Marcus Selig added an update on efforts to complete a major riparian and wetlands restoration program in Camp Hale.  The speakers were an important part of the event, not only because they shined a positive light on an otherwise bleak situation, but because they further demonstrated how conservation and fly fishing go hand in hand. After all, we wouldn't have beautiful places to fish in if we didn't put in a conscious effort to conserve them.

The Family Fly FIshing Festival and Conservation Symposium was just one part of the larger events surrounding the 2015 World Youth Fly Fishing Championships.  Team USA didn't let their "home water advantage" go to waste and successfully defended their team gold medals.  Check out the feature in Colorado Outdoors for more on the Youth Championships.


San Luis Valley Volunteer Opportunities and Events

Volunteering  Due to a partial rain delay on the last Hidden Mile workday, volunteers are needed once again to work with the US Forest Service to complete the fencing project on the Hidden Mile of the Conejos. There is one more workday scheduled for Wednesday, August 26th at 9 AM. Volunteers will assist in installing the floating fence on the upper crossing and two more wooden H braces on the lower section along with a few posts to complete it.

If you plan to come help please contact Marty Jones at the following phone number or email address. You may also contact Marty for more information.

Marty- Ph. 719-589-4327

Email -

To reach the Hidden Mile go west from Antonito on highway 17 about 21 miles to the Platoro Road (rd. 250). Turn right on Platoro Road and go about 4 miles. The new parking lot and gate will be on your left.

Tools will be provided. Please bring lunch and water, and wear work clothes, work gloves, sturdy boots, waders, sunscreen, and safety glasses.

Many thanks to the volunteers that helped out last Monday.

The installations of metal H braces on the upper and lower river crossings have been completed, as well as the installation of the floating fence on the lower crossing. All that's left is stringing the upper fence and installing a couple of wood H braces on the lower fence.

Saturday, August 29th is another volunteer opportunity. At 9:30 AM in the Coller Wildlife Area there will be a fall river and highway cleanup. This year the volunteers will do a cleanup along the river as well as the highway. Trash bags and gloves will be available and a most excellent lunch and drinks will be provided. Meet at the usual spot at the big pull-out on the highway about four miles north of South Fork on the way to Creede in the Coller Wildlife Area.


On Saturday, August 22nd the San Luis Valley chapter is hosting a welcome back picnic and casting challenge in Del Norte Town Park. Festivities begin at 11:30 AM.

The chapter will provide grilled meats and soft drinks. Last names ending in A-H can bring salads, last names ending in I-O please bring appetizers and last names ending in P-Z should show up with deserts. Or... Just show up because there will be plenty of food!

Bring your favorite fly rod as there will be casting contests with excellent prizes for both distance and accuracy!

The SLV chapter thanks you for your help!


The Animas & Why Headwaters Matter

Jack Bombardier, an outstanding guide running Confluence Casting working on the Upper Colorado river above Dotsero, wrote the following piece for his friends and clients with his reflections on the Animas spill and the larger context of protecting our headwaters.  He was kind enough to grant us permission to reprint his piece.  For those who are interested in getting one of the "Headwaters Matter" bumper stickers that he mentions in his piece, we have them available through Colorado TU - email for details.                  What Happened To the Animas, or Why Headwaters Matter

A few days ago, after a perfect day on a perfect river (the Colorado) I got home to watch a sickening series of images shown on the nine o’clock news. They were aerial images of the Animas River, looking like a bright orange ribbon of toxicity winding through pastures and past golf courses. The Animas is a river I would have considered just as perfect as my own not long ago. It will be beautiful again one day, but it’ll probably remain tainted for the rest of my lifetime. The Animas begins in the highest of Colorado’s high country, the San Juans, birthplace of five of Colorado’s greatest rivers. The Rio Grande, the Dolores, the Uncompadre, the San Miguel, and the Animas all begin here. There are very few places on earth that are the natal source of so much life, spreading out like spokes in a wheel. The Dolores feeds the Colorado, just before turning its crimson flows towards Moab. The Rio Grande helps water the lower San Luis Valley and is the lifeline of Taos and much of northern New Mexico all the way to Texas and the Gulf Coast. The Uncompadre nurtures one of Colorado’s true breadbaskets, bolstered by an amazing irrigation project built a hundred years ago underneath a mountain using waters from the Gunnison.

And then there’s the Animas. If you grew up back east the way I did, you probably hadn’t heard of the Animas.   The Animas has a pretty colorful history, in all meanings of the word. There are plenty of mines above it, and despite the history of men and women doing amazing things at high altitudes in tough conditions, the main legacy of the mining era is its toxic waste. But the Animas feeds into the San Juan, and the San Juan merges into the Colorado at Lake Powell, and the Colorado below that is the lifeline of Phoenix and Las Vegas and the Imperial Valley. The Animas is fed by a little creek called Cement, probably not so named due its bucolic properties. Abandoned mines leach into Cement Creek, which has been fishless for as long as miners have been extracting wealth from these hills. One of these is called Gold King, and it was walked away from by the last men to work it in 1923. Gold King was one of the many holes in the ground trickling nasty stuff into Cement Creek, which in turn flows the Animas. EPA crews were poking around that hornet’s nest of toxicity when something breached and the small trickle turned into a small flood.

Photo courtesy NBC News

The problem with Cement Creek is that it’s a really stupid creek. The water in it wasn’t content enough to just stay where it was, and enjoy the wonderful views it had of the surrounding countryside. No, that deranged Cement Creek water wants to run downhill towards Silverton due that pesky unseen force known as “gravity”. Gravity is something that scientists can explain the effects of and manipulate, but don’t really understand the true cause of. All we really know is, unless external pressure is exerted upon it water runs downhill, and on the western slope of North America, that means that the true connected end point of Cement Creek is the Pacific Ocean, via the Animas, the San Juan, and the Colorado rivers.

The EPA was attempting to mitigate what they knew was an impending problem, and in the process triggered the exact outcome they were hoping to avoid. Whomever was operating that track hoe or bulldozer probably feels badly right now, or if they don’t they should. But the EPA at least had good intentions, and was trying to do the right thing, but we all know what the road to hell is paved with.

The thing that really all brought this to forefront to me was something I heard from a neighbor the day after the news broke. We were having a nice conversation, and admiring how perfect the Colorado River was looking. Knowing that he is also a lover of rivers, I asked him if he’d seen what had happened on the Animas. Since our properties are more than fourteen miles from a cell phone signal, sometimes it’s easy to get a little behind on world events. Turns out, he had. We exchanged a few comments about it, and then he looked at me with a pointing gesture and said, “Do you know that the EPA did it?”

Now my neighbor is a wonderful person, and one of the nicest people I know. But he’s made his career in the uranium mining industry, and I’ve made my livelihood dependent on having a clean river to run. This is one of those things that happen which some people are just going to look at from different perspectives. In strictly technical terms, he was right. The EPA “did” it. If they had just left it alone, and just gone and done something else with its increasingly limited resources, then maybe the Animas River would have kept being one of the most beautiful rivers in America for another year or two, or for the rest of my life, or maybe even longer. But maybe not. The point is, the EPA didn’t create the problem, they were trying to fix someone else’s mess, and that’s not the same thing.

Then my neighbor said, “Well they didn’t break any laws, there were no rules back then”, as if to say, “if it wasn’t illegal then they did nothing wrong”. He was referring to the miners who a hundred years ago had dug the mine, extracted whatever wealth there was to be had from it, and then walked away. That’s a scenario which was repeated thousands of times in the west. There are an estimated 18,000 abandoned mines in Colorado, and 250 of them are leaching toxins into our watersheds. Once again, he was a hundred percent correct. Back then, doing that broke no laws, or least no meaningful ones. But bad behavior back then is why we have laws to try and regulate that kind of behavior now. If the unfettered free market could be allowed to do whatever it wanted and not just walk away from the mess it had created, then we wouldn’t need an EPA in the first place.

The EPA was created in the early seventies, and signed into existence by a radical environmentalist called Richard Nixon. What’s happened on the Animas should be a wake-up call for everyone that protecting watersheds is important, for they make life as we know it possible. I’ve heard one suggestion that this might be a “Cuyahoga River Moment” for watershed awareness, referring to the Ohio River which caught fire in 1969 and was one impetus for passing the Clean Water Act in 1972. I hope something good like that can come from the poisoning of a beautiful river like the Animas. There are those who would defang the EPA in any way possible, up to and including getting rid of it altogether. They might use this horrible but inevitable accident as a rationale to blame or tear down the EPA, which after all exists to help mitigate problems like these and not manufacture them.

Recently, the EPA and the Army Corp of Engineers have moved to restore the protections given to headwaters under the Clean Water Act, (also passed by that Edward Abbey doppelganger Nixon). These logical rules, which understood that little creeks like Cement Creek are connected to rivers below, and not somehow distinct from them, were relaxed under the Bush administration. Trout Unlimited has been calling attention to this issue, and urging its members to contact their congressperson and ask them to not stand in the way of restoring the original language and intent of the Clean Water Act.

The Yakima River TU chapter in Washington State recently printed up a large number of “Headwaters Matter” bumper stickers. They were created in response to some of the issues faced by the Yakima River, including placer minebumper sticker jpegs. But though the issues in Colorado or anywhere else might not be the same, the message is. Headwaters matter. We all live downriver, and downwind, from someone else. What others do above, has an impact on those below. The higher up a watershed you go, the more lives and ecosystems below are affected by your choices.

The bottom line is, one of the most verdant and beautiful spots on the planet has been irrevocably harmed, not by someone living and breathing today, but by someone who has long since passed. (Unless you believe in reincarnation, in which smashing the next mosquito you see might help balance the karmic scales). The point is, how do we try to make some good out of something that has virtually no upside to it? Supporting the restoration of headwaters protection by the Clean Water Act is an obvious first step. Another positive thing that might come from this is for people to acknowledge that all of the waters that flow from the highest peak to the widest ocean estuary are all one thing, not separate and distinct. Like an aspen glade consisting of what seems to be individual trees that are actually just one big plant, so too is water from mountain streams all the way down to the sea. Just one thing, and all the same thing. Trying to make one set of rules for the water on your right hand, and another for the water on your left, makes no sense. It is all one water, indivisible by God or whatever deity you are accountable to.

As science explores the universe, and searches deep into the cosmos for worlds suitable for human habitation, one thing becomes abundantly clear. The best possible habitat we’ll ever find in our lifetime or in our grandchildren’s is the humble old rock we’re currently stuck on. Headwaters matter, and so do everything those headwaters are connected to, which is to say, everything else. Headwatters are especially important, because they are upstream of everything we hold dear. If the source becomes fouled, then everything downstream of the source becomes impure, as well. Its our duty as citizens and temporary guardians of this planet to keep the waters we depend on as clean as we can from as high up as we can all the way down to the ocean’s edge.

Watching the toxic orange progression make its way from the highest peaks through Durango, and then on to the southwest desert should really make obvious the connectedness of it all to everyone.

Jack Bombardier

Chapter Leadership Training Registration NOW open!!

The Chapter Leadership Training workshop is hosted by Colorado Trout Unlimited (CTU) every year in collaboration with a local Trout Unlimited Chapter. This year the Yampa Valley Fly Fishers (YVFF) Chapter in Steamboat Springs is hosting the workshop. This workshop is for both new and old chapter leaders who are eager to learn how to be more effective leaders and build stronger chapters. The Chapter Leadership Training Weekend will have numerous trainings, networking opportunites, and each attendee will walk away with resources to help their chapter reach its full potential. If you have never been to a Colorado Trout Unlimited training then the registration is free!!  Plus, there will be opportunities to fish the Yampa!! You can't beat that!!

To register and for more information click here!!

Colorado Trout Unlimited Chapter Leadership Training

October 16-18, 2015, Steamboat Springs, Colorado

Draft Agenda

Friday October 16, 2015 Happy hour at Rex’s American Grill – appetizers provided; cash bar.  First timers meet and greet with CTU Council and veteran chapter leaders.

Saturday October 17, 2015 7:00 am       Breakfast (included with registration)

8:00 am       Welcome and TU Orientation: This session will introduce new leaders and update  veteran members to the current structure of TU in Colorado and across the country. TU is rapidly growing and this session is meant to give leaders a better understanding of the TU network and “who’s who” among the people who can be a resource for your chapter.

Garrett Hanks -                Welcome, overview of logistics, opportunities, expectations Marshall Pendergrass-    CTU who we are and what we do. Mac Cunningham-           NLC Role and Presentation about National Organization David Nickum-                 Colorado TU Organization Cam Chandler -               CO Council and Regional Vice President Roles and Responsibilities 9:15 am       Chapter Leader Basics and Best Practices: This session will focus on the basic fundamentals of running a successful and engaging chapter. We will explore how to build a realistic annual work plan for your chapter, communications and engagement with your community, how to run and engaging chapter meeting and how to plan for the future for your chapter.

11:00 am     “One TU” panel: This session will highlight success stories on how local chapters and TU field staff have worked together to accomplish great things, how that cooperation has benefited chapters and staff alike, and ideas on what it takes to make “One TU” work at a local level

12:00 pm      Lunch in Regional Vice President groups: Participants will eat luch in groups formed with other chapter leaders from your region in Colorado. The Regional Vice Presidents will help lead the informal regional conversations. This lunch will give you the opportunity to chat with surrounding chapters on local/regional issues, chapter best practices and more. 1:30 - 5:00 pm    CTU Board Meeting: All are invited to attend the fall board meeting for Colorado Trout Unlimited. If you are the only representative from your chapter attending the weekend then your vote will be needed for all business decisions. (Seperate board meeting agenda will be added here shortly.)

Dinner on your own Saturday evening. Most will likely eat at Rex's American Grill at the Holiday Inn, but nothing formal is organized. Sunday, October 18, 2015 7:00 am       Breakfast (included with registration)

8:00 am       Chapter Tools, Requirements, and Resources: This session will cover the tools and resources that are available to chapter leaders that make running a chapter more streamlined and effective. You will learn about tools that both National Trout Unlimited and Colorado Trout Unlimited have developed. These tools will help you to communicate and engage with your members better. We will also cover some of the basic requirements that a chapter is responsible for on an annual basis.

9:30 am      Chapter Leader Discussion; Best Practices and Challenge Sharing Session- Finding Your Niche as a TU Chapter in Your Community: This session gives the opportunity for the chapter’s to discuss their challenges, share solutions, and express their concerns in finding their chapter’s role within their communities, in serving their members and the TU mission.

11:00 am        Depart for Chuck Lewis State Wildlife Area – conservation tour led by Yampa Valley Fly Fishers (and opportunity to fish!) – lunch provided

Go fishing on Yampa River!!!!!

To register and for more information click here!!

Eagle Valley Fall Classic FF Tournament

Eagle Valley Trout Unlimited’s
2015 Upper Colorado Fall Classic Fly Fishing Tournament

Presented by:

CO Business Bank Logo


Saturday; Sept 19 5-7 PM Dinner, Draw Party, Silent Auction, Live Music Wolcott Yacht Club

Sunday; Sept 20 8AM-3PM Pursuit of finned creatures

Sunday; Sept 20 5-7 PM Après with awards at Vin 48 in Avon

Eagle Valley Trout Unlimited is excited to announce the 2nd Annual “Upper Colorado Fall Classic” Fly Fishing Tournament on Sunday September 20, 2015. An event such as this is long overdue among our great valley fishing and conservation community.

The Fall Classic will shove off the night prior to the fishing event at the Walcott Yacht Club where participants will be treated to a Mediterranean buffet, beverages, and live music. During the event at the Yacht Club, teams will draw for beats and launch orders, there will be a silent auction table, and angler and guide swag will be distributed. The 2015 trout unlimited poster (3)_001following day the first boats will launch at 8 am SHARP from points above Two Bridges access and take out at or before 3PM. From 5-7PM participants will gather at Vin 48 for après and presentation of awards.

In addition to a year’s worth of bragging rights, your amazing show of support in the form of a $600 entry fee will net you the following:

  • Tournament Entry
  • Beer and food for both anglers and guide at the Walcott Yacht Club. (Additional tickets on sale for angler guests and EVTU supporters for $50.00 each)
  • Chance to walk away with great items from our silent auction table during the Yacht Club draw party
  • Swag Bags including Upper C Fall Classic Pint Glasses along with TU shirts and hats.
  • Apps and drink tickets at Vin 48 for après award party Sunday evening.
  • Winning anglers will receive $1,000 cash money and permanent Upper C plaques to display in your home or

As our single most important fund raising event of the year, we hope you will consider having some fun and supporting our efforts to maintain clean, cold, fishable water in the Eagle Valley.

To Sign up, please contact Brian Bloess at 970-306-9424 immediately.   We have limited availability and boats will sell quickly.


Thank you in advance.   Eagle Valley Trout Unlimited; Chapter #102

Animas River catastrophe a call to action on mine pollution

Photo courtesy NBC News Aug. 7, 2015

For Immediate Release

Contact: Steve Kandell,, (970) 946-5801

Ty Churchwell,,

Jason Willis,, (719) 221-0411


Animas River catastrophe a ‘wake-up call’ on mine pollution

Trout Unlimited, stakeholders call for solution

(DURANGO)—Trout Unlimited today called for urgent action to clean up the scourge of abandoned hardrock mines, in the wake of a catastrophic spill of some 1 million gallons of toxic abandoned mine runoff into a tributary of the Animas River above Durango, Colorado.

An orange plume containing high sediment levels and toxic heavy metals coursed down the Animas through Durango on Thursday and moved toward the New Mexico state line. The spill could threaten the health of valuable fisheries and wildlife habitat in the Animas basin. State wildlife officials are currently testing the fishery to gauge impacts.

“This toxic spill into the Animas is a shocking incident that underscores how vulnerable our rivers, streams and fisheries are to abandoned hardrock mine pollution,” said Steve Kandell, director of TU’s Sportsmen’s Conservation Project. “Trout Unlimited will be monitoring the situation in coming days to assess the impact to our waters and world-class trout fishery in the Animas River. Needless to say, the health of our local community and recreation-based economy depends heavily on water quality. This is a wake-up call to Coloradans and the nation on the need to find solutions to abandoned mines.”

There are an estimated 500,000 abandoned hardrock mines, 23,000 in Colorado alone, are affecting some 40 percent of headwaters in the West. Hundreds of these mine sites dot the San Juan Mountains area, many oozing a mixture of toxic heavy metals, and low pH that devastate aquatic life.

For years, Trout Unlimited and other so-called groups have been working voluntarily to clean up these mine sites. Trout Unlimited is actively working with industry, agriculture, elected officials, the Animas River Stakeholders Group and others to find a policy solution that provides more incentives and support for cleaning up these toxic mine sites. This solution needs to reduce the likelihood of a catastrophic event of this magnitude from happening again. To learn more about the abandoned mine problem and how to take action, go to

“Abandoned mines are a cancer threatening the health of rivers and streams in southwest Colorado and many other areas of the West,” said Ty Churchwell, Colorado backcountry coordinator for Trout Unlimited. “If we do nothing, we’re inviting more catastrophes like the Animas spill. It’s time for action.”


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Trout Unlimited is a non-profit organization with 147,000 members nationwide dedicated to conserving, protecting and restoring North America’s coldwater fisheries and their watersheds.