Blog — Colorado Trout Unlimited

2022 CTU Awards

On October 22nd, CTU announced its annual awards at the Fall Rendezvous in Glenwood Springs.

Outstanding Volunteer:

Jim Williams – for his 17 years of committed service to the river conservation and fly fishing youth camp, as a counselor on site in 15 of those years and as a supporter and advocate for it throughout

Duncan Rose and Raymond Rose – for lending their scientific expertise and leadership in developing river conservation strategies for the upper Dolores River grounded in strong science and addressing the risks posed by changing climate in the basin

Chapter Communications:

Gunnison Gorge chapter for their commitment and consistency in maintaining newsletter and online communications with their members and community throughout the challenges of the Covid pandemic.

Chapter Youth Education:

Denver for their innovation in strengthening the Trout in the Classroom including adaptations that helped sustain it through pandemic challenges with participating schools – including community tanks, live streaming of tanks for remote learning, and improved telemetry for tank condition monitoring.

Chapter Project: 

San Luis Valley for their multifaceted work on Jim Creek in partnership with NTU staff (Kevin Terry) including fencing and maintenance to protect the stream, culvert replacement to reconnect it, habitat improvements to restore habitat, and ongoing brook trout removal to sustain the native Rio Grande cutthroat fishery.

Exemplary Chapter:

Rocky Mountain Flycasters for their strong programs across all aspects of chapter activity, including community partnerships with local businesses, governments, and watershed coalitions; leadership in native trout restoration in the Poudre Headwaters; wild trout habitat protection through riparian fencing with CPW at the Cherokee SWA; and youth education including TIC tanks and an annual summer day-camp

Trout Communications Award:

The Colorado Sun for their extensive efforts to provide meaningful and in-depth local coverage of water issues and challenges – making relevant news and analysis available to educate Coloradans about issues from water quality protection on the Denver South Platte to the basin-wide challenges with demands exceeding supply in the Colorado River basin.

Exemplary Industry Partner Award:

Rare Waters – for their generous support of conservation as part of their business model and their leadership in engaging private landowners with angling recreation and river stewardship.

Mayfly Outdoors – for their support of conservation through various collaborations and their vision and leadership in improving habitat and providing public angling access along the Uncompahgre River in Montrose

Trout Conservation Award:

Andrew Todd for his work in building public interest in angling and native trout through the Flyathlon (combining trail running, fishing, and craft beer drinking) and establishment of Running Rivers as a nonprofit to crowdsource funds through Flyathlon events in support of native trout conservation – to the tune of more than $500,000 to date.

Bruce Hoagland Award for Leadership in Conservation:

Ken Neubecker for his lifetime of conservation leadership as an advocate, educator, and conservator – especially for the Eagle, Roaring Fork and Upper Colorado Rivers; as well as for his efforts in strengthening Trout Unlimited as a force for conservation through his work in helping to establish the Eagle Valley and Colorado River Headwaters chapters.

2022 CTU Rendezvous Recap

Over the weekend of October 21st through the 23rd, Colorado Trout Unlimited held its annual Fall Rendezvous at the Hotel Colorado in Glenwood Springs. The weekend was full of leader training, breakout sessions, the ‘State of CTU’ breakfast, national Trout Unlimited staff presentations, discussions with government officials, keynote speeches by fly-fishing industry professionals, and a few happy hours.

Hotel Colorado

The weekend kicked off with chapter leader training focusing on subjects such as communication tools, risk management, fundraising, and more. Afterward, state and national Trout Unlimited staff discussed projects around the state, including abandoned mine cleanups and water projects such as Colorado’s Gold Medal projects. The day ended with a special happy hour properly named ‘the Icebreaker’ where donated Upslope Brewing beer and complimentary food were provided.

Friday Chapter Leader Training in the Roosevelt Room

Saturday morning, during breakfast, CTU president Greg Hardy gave the annual State of CTU where he discussed several important victories in the past year, as well as a vision for the future. After, national Trout Unlimited senior staff Peter Barker, Beverly Smith, and Joanne Theurich (also dubbed PB&J) discussed a vision for engagement and chapter impact. Following these presentations, chapters broke into groups to discuss topics focused on specific regions.

PB&J - Peter Barber, Beverly Smith, and Joanne Theurich - Trout Unlimited

We came back together for a catered lunch, then, a panel discussed the emphasis on the conservation impact of the Colorado River crisis. After a short break, concurrent sessions were held in different rooms that focused on defining your cause and inspiring community engagement, raising your community profile and expanding engagement, and talks on conservation, protection, and restoration.

As we moved into the evening, the annual awards banquet took place where the CEO of Mayfly Outdoors, Jeff Wagner, spoke on creating community through sustainable business. After, the annual CTU awards were announced and presented. See the list below of winners.

CEO of Mayfly Outdoors, Jeff Wagner, speaks to a packed Devereux Ballroom

Sunday morning started with breakfast, then the fall board meeting was held. After, some split into groups for fishing outings led by local members and executive committee members.

Overall, the weekend was a huge success, full of education and social interactions. New and existing members were able to come together to discuss what works for their chapters so others could take home new knowledge to engage their community.

First-time attendee Cade Kloberdanz, president of the Grand Valley Anglers chapter said, “As a first-timer at rendezvous I wasn’t really sure what to expect. In my particular part of the state, we are pretty far removed from most other chapters and from CTU’s main hub which can make you feel really isolated. The rendezvous was pretty incredible at bringing all the chapters together and reminding us that we all have the same mission. The connections and friendships I made in a short time will be an invaluable resource going forward and I can’t wait to attend again next year.” Vice President of Volunteer Operations, Beverly Smith, said, “My cup feels so filled up seeing and being a part of all of the TU goodness in Colorado.”, and Chief Operation Officer, Joanne Theurich, said, “I am so glad we were able to be a part of the meeting.  I am energized every time I spend time with our grassroots volunteers; the work you are doing is amazing and it makes me super proud to be a part of TU!”

Thank you to everyone who attended and helped plan the weekend. It was a huge success, and we can’t wait to see you again next year.

More photos from the weekend:


South Platte and Clear Creek Win Big Thanks to Conservation Coalition

By Reid Baker

Hopeless. Irreversibly damaged. A river beyond repair.

These were the concepts and phrases uttered by organizations on one side of the room hoping to uphold the status quo ruling of 2020. These companies are monoliths of industry. Household names with deep pockets and much to gain. One, a company with Super Bowl ads.

On the other side, Trout Unlimited sat with a coalition of grassroots organizations, all largely volunteer supported, fighting for what they believed was anything but a lost cause: the future of the South Platte River and Clear Creek. Two streams that unite a multitude of communities and support a wealth of public recreational opportunities in the Colorado Front Range.

This hearing, held last month, was in front of the Water Quality Control Commission (WQCC), the governing body in charge of review and designation of water quality Antidegradation Classifications. Two years earlier, the WQCC downgraded stretches of the South Platte River and Clear Creek to Use Protected from their previous designation of Reviewable. These somewhat cryptic monikers carry big implications for any river.

When downgraded from Reviewable to Use Protected, companies with discharge permits could release more waste and contaminants into the drainage, and new polluters could more easily apply for permits to do the same. Permitted companies in this section include Suncor Energy, Metro Water Recover and Molson Coors. The latter two were vocal proponents of Use Protection at this September 2022 review meeting. 

And in what could only be described as a powerful turn thought only to exist in cinematic underdog stories, the WQCC ultimately ruled in favor of the grassroots coalition by re-instituting the classification of reviewable. This status restores the requirement that industrial polluters adhere to specific guidelines aimed at protecting these two streams, both which have dramatically improved over the last several decades.

This major win for Trout Unlimited did not come without dedication, cooperation and leveraging a wide range of resources from multiple interested groups.

Colorado Trout Unlimited (CTU) and Denver Trout Unlimited (DTU) only became aware of the 2020 ruling after the standards were already rolled back to Use Protected, a sign that advocates for lowering protection standards worked quickly and quietly, hoping to avoid public scrutiny and detailed review.

If allowed to be maintained, this standard would be upheld until at least the next review period of 2025, and the river would undergo years of flimsy safeguards, undoing decades of improvement through tireless work and support from a variety of conservation groups. Furthermore, once designated Use Protected, the onus of returning protections would have to overcome years’ worth of precedent that only further allowed degradation. Simply put, a vicious circle and self-fulfilling prophecy.

DTU has spent decades committed to the South Platte River through its metro Denver stretches. The chapter has raised hundreds of thousands of dollars to put back into the river through improvement projects and cleanups. They also espouse a commitment to increasing the quality and quantity of water as it flows through the city. Use Protected designation would be a major, and possibly irreversible, setback in their central mission.

Each fall, DTU hosts their annual fundraising fishing tournament, Carp Slam, which just completed its 16th year. In this event, competitors from the metro, state and even around the US come to Denver to compete in the pro-am tournament to catch fish, mainly Common Carp, in the South Platte River and raise money to be invested into this unique urban resource.

But TU alone would likely not have been enough to press for resolution, and the organization needed additional allies for the cause. TU was fortunate enough to partner with Conservation Colorado, GreenLatinos and Western Resource Advocates to form a strong alliance of like-minded and passionate supporters. DTU and CTU worked hand and hand with these organizations to show the improvement these streams continue to undergo, along with their importance to the communities around the metro area. But even together, the campaign had much work to convince the WQCC the ruling of Use Protected warranted being overturned.  

Proponents of the Use Protected status relied on a lynchpin rule that argued if one of 12 critical water quality parameters was deemed irreversible, then Use Protection status was warranted. The only standard of the 12 parameters the river could possibly exceed, however, was in relation to E Coli levels. If the group could prove that E Coli levels were sustained and permanent, the designation of Use Protected could be upheld.

The coalition of conservation groups knew that the E Coli argument was what opponents would lean heaviest on. Under the guidance of Trout Unlimited counsel Mely Whiting, TU hired PhD Katie Schneider from Schneider Water Consulting, LLC in Golden, CO, to conduct an independent water quality assessment of the South Platte River through the challenged sections. DTU utilized funds raised in the 2021 Carp Slam to pay for this analysis.

Dr. Schneider’s study ultimately determined that while E Coli certainly was at high levels, it did not maintain a level beyond repair, and could be alleviated through appropriate conservation measures. Of the 12 total critical water parameters, only E Coli was at a problematic level, while the 11 others were to degree that supported a river system worth protecting.

Through the clarity of accredited science, Clear Creek and the South Platte River were not in fact hopeless or beyond repair.

Armed with this study combined with the growing coalition of advocacy groups including several downstream municipalities, American Whitewater, Colorado Parks and Wildlife and the EPA, parties convened on September 12, 2022 to re-assess the 2020 Use Protection ruling.  At the end of the day, Molson Coors and Metro Water Recovery could not prove against the findings, and within 24 hours the WQCC unanimously voted to restore the rivers to Reviewable status.  

“We couldn’t be happier with today’s decision,” DTU President, Sam Agnew, said after the ruling. “It was an incredible coalition that made this possible. We proved that this river that flows right through downtown Denver is far from a lost cause so long as there are folks who are willing to stand up for it.”

“Trout Unlimited truly thanks the Commission for listening,” said Mely Whiting, Legal Counsel for Trout Unlimited’s Colorado Water Project. “This is a victory for the communities that live by and recreate in these urban streams, and whose members came out to ask that their home rivers be protected.”

It can be easy today to adopt a cynical view at times. That the system is too challenging to overcome, especially when it is backed by big money. Compared to publicly traded companies with in-house legal teams and plenty to lose, what chance does a handful of volunteers within a conservation nonprofit stand? Especially when already behind the 8-ball of an urban river with mixed public perception.

But sometimes David does beat Goliath. Sometimes the underdog does win after all. This isn’t just the plot of a feel-good TV drama. And while we should celebrate this win in the moment, what is more important to remember is that we all maintain this optimism and build a network of allies as TU members and chapters. There will be future battles on this and other issues. The next ruling on these standards is in 2025. We will have to pick up this torch at least once more. So until that time, stay positive, and remember what can be accomplished when we come together with our communities and stand behind our home waters.

Colorado TU Launches Fall Raffle

Drawing takes place at 8 pm on Friday, October 21, at the Colorado TU Rendezvous in the Hotel Colorado at 526 Pine Street in Glenwood Springs, CO.  Need not be present to win.

Help river conservation and get your chance to win two full days of guided fishing for two - a float trip with Confluence Casting and walk/wade with Vail Valley Anglers - plus two nights at the historic Hotel Colorado!

Prize Package

One lucky winner will enjoy a fantastic west-slope getaway including fishing and lodging on the Colorado and Eagle Rivers (or other area waters)!  This prize package valued at $1950 includes:

Colorado River float trip.  Experience a full-day guided float fishing trip for two with Jack Bombardier and Confluence Casting on the "lower Upper" Colorado above Dotsero.  Lunch and tackle included, subject to availability.

Vail Valley Anglers. Enjoy a full day of walk-wade fishing for two on the Eagle River - or other area waters as conditions recommend - with Vail Valley Anglers.  The winner will receive a $650 gift card from VVA, which covers the rate for a full guided day.

Two nights at the Hotel Colorado.  Settle in with comfort at the historic Hotel Colorado in Glenwood Springs for two nights in a Parlor Suite.  Valid through 8/17/2023, this certificate can be redeemed subject to availability and with holiday blackout dates (Nov 23-25 and Dec 24-25, 2022; Jan 1, May 26-28, and July 2-4, 2023).

The total prize package value is $1950.

Thank you to our great outfitting and lodging supporters for their generous participation and support!

Raffle Proceeds

Proceeds from this raffle will support Colorado Trout Unlimited's mission to protect, conserve and restore Colorado’s coldwater fisheries and their watersheds.

Raffle Entries

Purchasers will receive an email receipt immediately after detailing their transaction. Ticket numbers will be assigned in the order that purchases are processed. Purchasers may submit a request for their raffle ticket number(s) anytime and no later than 1 hour past the stated raffle's online sales end date/time. Requests can be done by replying to the email raffle purchase receipt or by directly contacting Requests will be completed no later than 24 hours from the end date/time of online raffle ticket sales and before the drawing itself.