Blog — Colorado Trout Unlimited

The New Winter 2023 Issue of High Country Angler is Live!

Check out the Winter 2023 issue of High Country Angler e-zine, including these stories:

  • Landon Mayer on how winter angling can be great with Snowy Season Success

  • Brian LaRue on fishing hard-to-access tailwater with Fish Yampa's 'Wonderland' with Unique Snowmobile Access;

  • Dick Shinton with Colorado Trout Unlimited Youth River Conservation and Fly Fishing Camp;

  • Kyle Perkins celebrates TU volunteers with Reintroced Greenback Cutthroats are Reproducing;

  • Remembering Dave Whitlock by Kirk Deeter;

  • Peter Stitcher with Old Timer Fly Fishing Wisdom That Will Help You Catch More Fish;

  • Columns by  Hayden MellsopJoel Evans, and the Old Professor!

Distant Waters Special - And a Donation to CTU

Is a fly fishing adventure in New Zealand on your bucket list – or have you already been and are eager to return?  Then as a TU member and supporter, you may have the chance to give yourself a little holiday gift thanks to our partners at Distant Waters


Below is a unique opportunity to fish New Zealand if you have the means and availability. With a recently deferred trip with Distant Waters Angling Adventures in New Zealand, they have offered bookings for February 14th through the 22nd 2023 at a special discounted rate of $5,999 - $2,000 off the original price – including airfare from the west coast to New Zealand. This is a prime fishing time in the heart of New Zealand’s summer.  Additionally, Distant Waters will donate a portion of each booking directly to CTU. There are only four spots available, so act quickly! If  you have questions or would like to take advantage of this opportunity, please contact Kevin  Wigfield with Distant Waters at 303-550-2990. You can learn more about their trip offerings – including helicopter access to remote backcountry fishing! – at their website


Thank you for your support, and happy holidays to you and yours.

CTU Youth Programs Update

First off, thank you to everyone who donated and supported CTU Youth during our Colorado Gives Day campaign! We accomplished our goal and then some, for a grand total of $7,675! Thank also to Barbara Luneau and Mark Rayman for offering a matching incentive and helping to double our donor’s donations by $2,500.

2023 is looking bright for CTU’s Headwaters Programs. We are beginning to plan out our 2023 STREAM
Girls and STREAM Keepers schedule. If you are interested in offering a STREAM Girls or STREAM Keepers program in 2023 fill out the forms below.

Trout in the Classroom (TIC) is looking forward to 2023, as well. We will be installing a new TIC Community Tank at the CSU Spur Hydro Building in late December or early January. We hope to have the tank working and fish swimming by the time The National Western Stock Show is running. If you are going to the Stock Show be sure to visit the new CSU Spur Hydro Building and TIC Community Tank on the second floor.

We are excited to announce our 2023 River Conservation & Fly Fishing Camp will be June 11 - 17, 2023. Registration is now open for Camper applications and Camp Counselor applications. Visit our Camp website for more information.

Want to help CTU’s 2023 River Conservation & Fly Fishing Camp? Below are some great ways to show your support.

Thank you for all the support in 2022. We can’t wait to continue fostering the next generation of conservations and anglers in 2023!

If you would like to increase your impact, please contact Natalie Flowers and/or visit our Supporting CTU Youth page to see our greatest needs, sponsorship opportunities, and more.

Colorado Gives Day - Thank you!

All of us at Colorado Trout Unlimited would thank everyone who donated on Colorado Gives Day.

We are humbled by and so appreciative of the amazing support we received on December 6th. We also want to give a big thank you to Anglers All (abandoned mine restoration) and Barb Luneau and Mark Rayman (youth education), for their matching donations that helped us to raise even more funds for our work around the state! We look forward to 2023 and to continuing our coldwater conservation work in Colorado.

CTU raised an impressive $65,475 online, exceeding our goal of $65,000.