Blog — Colorado Trout Unlimited

Public lands package passes House - includes the Colorado Outdoor Recreation and Economy (CORE Act)

The Thompson Divide Withdrawal and Protection Act is part of the CORE Act and has 83 miles of cutthroat trout habitat and 4 miles of gold medal water and would protect 1,549 miles of streams and 244,429 acres of land. It is a sporting paradise.

The Thompson Divide Withdrawal and Protection Act is part of the CORE Act and has 83 miles of cutthroat trout habitat and 4 miles of gold medal water and would protect 1,549 miles of streams and 244,429 acres of land. It is a sporting paradise.

Excerpt from Trout Unlimited,

By Sam Davidson

Today, the House of Representatives passed the Protecting America’s Wilderness Act (H.R. 803). Trout Unlimited strongly supports this legislation, as it will better conserve and restore public lands, watersheds and coldwater fisheries in four Western states and support the country’s commitment to countering the impacts of climate change by protecting at least 30 percent of our lands and waters by the year 2030.

Chris Wood, CEO and president of Trout Unlimited, noted “Few places are more important to trout and salmon than our public lands. All our Western salmon and steelhead rivers, and a majority of blue-ribbon trout streams in the West, flow from or through public lands. Our public lands are of immense cultural importance to indigenous people. They help drive rural local economies. They are a great equalizer—owned by all Americans, our public lands are the places where we can go, often for little or no entry fee, to fish, hunt, hike, or simply to catch our breath. In the face of climate change, we must do more to protect our headwaters and trout and salmon strongholds. The Protecting America’s Wilderness Act does this for some of the most iconic fishing waters in five states, and Trout Unlimited salutes the congressional champions of this timely and important addition to our country’s wilderness legacy.”

TU lauded the sponsors of six bills, in particular, for their leadership in conserving our public lands, trout and salmon streams. Rep. Jared Huffman (CA-2) authored the Northwest California Wilderness, Recreation and Working Forests Act; Rep. Peter DeFazio (OR-4) authored the Southwest Oregon Watershed and Salmon Protection Act; Rep. Salud Carbajal (CA-24) authored the Central Coast Heritage Protection Act; Rep. Judy Chu (CA-27) authored the San Gabriel Mountains Foothills and River Protection Act; Rep. Joe Neguse (CO-2) introduced the CORE Act; and Rep. Raul Grijalva (AZ-3) authored the Grand Canyon Protection Act.

A similar package of public lands bills, under the same title, passed the House last year. But the legislation never advanced in the Senate. So, this carefully crafted suite of bills—built over years of public outreach by its sponsors and feedback from local elected officials and businesses, chambers of commerce, and recreation and conservation interests—needs to pass both chambers of Congress again in this legislative session.

Continue reading about the five bills in H.R. 803 that TU supports, in particular HERE.


Whether you are celebrating or participating, we can all find ways to learn more about the history of family, friends or neighbors during Black History Month. Below are just a few notable stories and activities to explore anytime:

Black Firefighters Blazing Trails from Outdoor Afro

The Story of Lincoln Hills founded in 1922: the only outdoor resort catering to African-Americans in Colorado

Celebrate Black History Month 2021 in Denver

Black History Month 2021 Virtual Workshops/Programs from EcoInclusive

Economic Benefits of Public Lands and the Value of Diversity

11 African American Outdoor Leaders Who Inspire Us

Check out Brown Folks Fishing, a community-based organization that is by and for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) anglers.

As Colorado Legislature kicks off, here are bills we’re watching

repost from, by Kara Armano

Trout Unlimited is known for its rock-rolling work where we are often found wearing waders and making rivers and streams better for trout and salmon, and of course, anglers. But we also spend plenty of time in our finest attire in the halls of state and federal legislative buildings advocating for smart water policies, protecting public lands, and funding allocations to continue our on-the-ground efforts.  

With Colorado’s legislative session about to ramp up, here is a look at some of the bills we are watching in the Centennial State and how we’ll play both offense and defense to advance our goals of conserving, protecting, and restoring our coldwater fisheries and their watersheds.  

Extend Colorado’s Healthy Rivers Fund — This successful funding mechanism is set to expire, but we are looking to extend it for another 10 years. This is financed by the Colorado tax check-off program, which provides taxpayers the opportunity to contribute a portion of their tax refund or to make a donation on their state income tax return. These funds assist Colorado Trout Unlimited and other watershed-based groups in efforts to protect our land and water resources. It is administered through the Colorado Water Conservation Board in association with the Water Quality Control Division and the Colorado Watershed Assembly. Since 2003, this fund has raised over $1.1 million to fund more than 80 local watershed projects.  

The bill will be introduced by Sen. Cleave Simpson and Rep. Donald Valdez. Colorado Trout Unlimited does not want to see this fund expire, so we are asking that it be approved for 10 more years.  

State parks funding — Amidst the many restrictions over the past challenging year, we’ve seen more and more people turn to outdoor recreation as a safe outlet for enjoyment and to benefit their mental and physical health. While a growing appreciation for our outdoors means more allies in its defense, it also means growing pressure on public lands, including our state parks. To rise to that challenge, Colorado Parks and Wildlife is looking to expand its funding base to help support sustainable recreation management and development of new parks and opportunities to serve the growing demand. 

Drawing from an example already in place in Montana with a 75 percent participation rate, legislation will be introduced to fold an annual state parks pass into vehicle registrations in Colorado. Those who don’t want the pass can opt-out, while the proposed fee level will be significantly less than the current annual pass rates for those who do obtain the pass. Parks passes for out-of-state visitors or those who decide to purchase after registering their vehicle will still be available for the current standard fee. While the per-pass revenue will be less, CPW anticipates a significant revenue boost due to a much larger volume of pass sales facilitated by the convenience of having passes folded into annual vehicle registration. CPW’s priorities for the funding include maintenance and expansion of state parks, search and rescue/outdoor education programs, and wildlife management both within and outside of state parks, with an emphasis on non-game species. CTU is supporting this effort as the new dollars will help meet our state’s growing demand for hiking, camping, fishing, and other outdoor recreation at Colorado’s 42 (with more to come!) state parks. 

Recreational in-channel diversion — There will be a bill to streamline the RICD process to avoid the necessity of significant in-river construction for smaller projects and to broaden the definition of whom can apply for these diversions.  

We will be watching this bill and helping our partners determine the best language to ensure a positive outcome for our constituents.  

Budget defense — With the current pandemic, state budgets across the country have been pushed to the brink, and that is certainly no different in Colorado. While creative measures to find funds for imperative state needs must be pursued, CTU will defend against redirecting funds that are specifically dedicated to natural resources, such as those earned under Proposition DD from sports betting to help fund the Colorado Water Plan. Likewise, we will defend against budget cuts and furloughs at important state agencies like Colorado Parks and Wildlife that manage fish, wildlife, and habitat programs critical to our mission. 

Of course, we’ll keep you updated throughout the course of the Colorado’s legislative session. If any of these particular items need assistance in terms of advocacy efforts like calling, emailing or Tweeting your elected official, we’ll be in touch.  

Support Colorado’s Healthy Rivers Fund!

Picture from Colorado Watershed Assembly, source.

Picture from Colorado Watershed Assembly, source.

Helping Rivers and Watersheds through Your Colorado Tax Return

The Healthy Rivers Fund, originally called the Colorado Watershed Protection Fund, was created in 2002 with a voluntary tax check-off line on Colorado State income tax forms where Coloradans can contribute a portion of their tax refunds. The program is unique among income tax check offs for its extensive oversight. The fund is housed within the Colorado Water Conservation Board (CWCB), and is used to support grants for projects within Colorado to preserve and enhance watershed health. Applications are reviewed and grants awarded collaboratively by the CWCB, the Colorado Water Quality Control Division, and the Colorado Watershed Assembly (a non-profit dedicated to collaborative efforts to preserve the ecologic health of Colorado watersheds). Over the years, the fund has helped support dozens of collaborative local projects by Trout Unlimited chapters and other local watershed stewards, benefiting rivers and streams across the state.

Picture from Colorado Watershed Assembly, source.

Picture from Colorado Watershed Assembly, source.

You can help by supporting the Healthy Rivers Fund on your own 2020 Colorado tax return! By contributing a portion of your state tax refund toward the Healthy Rivers Fund, you will support the grant program and see your contribution pooled with those from thousands of other Coloradans and then leveraged by the local watershed partners to make a difference for the rivers you love.

Colorado Trout Unlimited is also helping lead the charge to keep this program going in future years. The program is set to expire with tax year 2020, unless extended by bill. We are working with sponsors Senator Cleave Simpson and Representative Donald Valdez to extend the program for another 10 years, until tax year 2030. The program has been both popular and successful at helping to protect our rivers and riparian habitat, and we are optimistic that the reauthorization will enjoy broad bipartisan support. We will share more information as the bill is introduced, including how you can let your legislators know you support the Healthy Rivers Fund and its continuation for the next decade.

Learn about past projects funded by the Healthy Rivers fund here.

Feds Put Brakes on Risky Tennessee Pass Railroad Proposal

Along the Arkansas River near Granite. Colorado. 1997. From Wikimedia Commons

Along the Arkansas River near Granite. Colorado. 1997. From Wikimedia Commons

The Federal Surface Transportation Board (STB) put a pause on the Midland and Pacific Railway Company’s effort to fast-track approval for leasing the Union Pacific Railroad line over Tennessee Pass through STB’s exemption process. The railroad had requested a streamlined “non-controversial” exemption that would move ahead its lease for the line. The STB rejected that request in order to allow time for a more robust review of the proposal. Trout Unlimited and other conservation groups, along with Chaffee County’s Board of County Commissioners and many local citizens, filed comments with the STB raising concerns and making it clear that the proposal certainly was not “non-controversial.”

The Tennessee Pass line has been dormant for 24 years. During its previous operations, it had a history of safety concerns including derailments. In a joint letter, Colorado TU and the Collegiate Peaks, Eagle Valley, and Southern Colorado Greenbacks chapters raised concern that the operations could put at risk fisheries in both the Eagle and Arkansas Rivers that have improved dramatically over those years – including more than 100 miles of Gold Medal water on the Arkansas. A derailment could release significant volumes of hazardous materials into the river, jeopardizing its high-quality fishery. Given the importance of river-based recreation to communities in both valleys, it could also jeopardize local economies as well.

You can read a copy of TU’s joint comment letter here, and local news coverage on the proposal from the Colorado Sun and Ark Valley Voice.

‘Hunters and Anglers for CORE’ Cheer Reintroduction of Colorado Public Lands Legislation

Colorado’s Camp Hale area from

Colorado’s Camp Hale area from

repost from by Kara Armano
February 2, 2021

Widely popular CORE Act would open miles of public fishing access and protect big game habitat

Washington, DC (February 2, 2021)—Several of the nation’s leading sporting conservation groups are proclaiming their support for the Colorado Outdoor Recreation and Economy (CORE) Act introduced in both chambers of Congress today by Sens. Michael Bennet and John Hickenlooper and Reps. Joe Neguse, Diana DeGette, Ed Perlmutter and Jason Crow.

Announcing their unified support for the legislation under the banner of “Hunters and Anglers for the CORE Act,” the coalition including Trout Unlimited, Backcountry Hunters & Anglers, Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership, National Wildlife Federation and Artemis cheered the reintroduction of the comprehensive bill aiming to protect more than 400,000 acres of public lands and waters in Colorado, including significant protection for the fish and wildlife habitat most valued by the sporting community.

“Hunters and anglers in Colorado and throughout the nation recognize the importance of protecting the unique landscapes the CORE Act represents and the fish and wildlife that depend upon them,” said Scott Willoughby, Colorado public lands coordinator for Trout Unlimited’s Angler Conservation Program. “As we continue to see habitat deteriorate and public access to quality fishing and hunting areas decline, it has become painfully obvious that passing the provisions found in the CORE Act is long overdue. ‘Hunters and Anglers for CORE’ remain as committed to seeing this legislation across the finish line as we are to upholding our sporting traditions for future generations in Colorado.”

Initially introduced as the CORE Act of 2019 by Sen. Bennet and Rep. Neguse, the widely popular bill passed in the U.S. House twice with bipartisan support in the 116th Congress, most recently as part of the National Defense Authorization Act. Beyond a few House floor amendments, the bill remains largely unchanged in the 117th Congress, merging four previously independent bills into a single public lands protection package covering portions of the San Juan Mountains in southwest Colorado, the Curecanti National Recreation Area near Gunnison, the Thompson Divide southwest of Glenwood Springs and the Continental Divide surrounding the WWII alpine training grounds at Camp Hale. The proposed legislation would protect critical cold-water streams, enhance high-value habitat for several species of wildlife and increase public access for anglers in some of Colorado’s premier fisheries.

A recent Trout Unlimited analysis of fish and wildlife habitat protected in the bill’s framework found that the CORE Act safeguards some 2,416 miles of streams, 100 miles of native cutthroat trout stream habitat, 12 cutthroat trout lakes spanning 804 acres, nearly 7 miles of Gold Medal fishing water and an additional 88 miles of Gold Medal waters downstream of protected headwater landscapes. The bill would also open about 12 miles of public fishing access in the Gunnison River basin, protect hundreds of thousands of acres of critical elk and mule deer range and nearly 100,000 acres of important migration corridors at a time when both the State and Federal government have prioritized protecting animal migration routes.

“The CORE Act protects important wildlife habitat, including headwaters and migration corridors critical to the health of Colorado River cutthroat trout, elk, mule deer, rocky mountain bighorn sheep, desert bighorn sheep and many other species,” said Brien Webster, program manager for Colorado Backcountry Hunters & Anglers. “This bill has been years in the making through local stakeholder collaboration. Colorado Backcountry Hunters & Anglers remains committed to helping pass the CORE Act, securing needed protections for wildlife and habitat and expanded recreational access for sportsmen and women.”

Through the designation of some 73,000 acres of wilderness, nearly 80,000 acres of new recreation and conservation management areas and a 200,000-acre mineral withdrawal in the water- and wildlife-rich Thompson Divide area southwest of Glenwood Springs, the CORE Act safeguards backcountry fishing and hunting opportunities and preserves healthy fish and wildlife habitat by protecting key areas from activities that could otherwise degrade fish and wildlife values for native trout, elk, mule deer, bighorn sheep, moose, black bears and other game species.

The bill’s introduction also arrives shortly after President Joe Biden’s pledge to protect 30 percent of our country’s lands and waters by 2030, as part of a broader strategy to combat climate change. The threats posed by climate change, drought, wildfire and loss of fish and wildlife habitat elevate the importance of adopting the CORE Act as a solid down payment on the nation’s commitment to protecting our lands and waters—and the wildlife that depends on them—in an effort to meet these challenges. 

“The CORE Act preserves prime hunting and fishing destinations across Colorado,” said Madeleine West, director of the Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership’s Center for Public Lands. “This legislation is built with support from local communities, businesses, and recreation and sporting groups—a model for the way on the ground conservation should happen. We want to thank the Colorado delegation for listening to hunters and anglers and working to strengthen habitat for fish and wildlife for future generations.”

Colorado’s outdoor recreation industry employs over 500,000 people and is responsible for 10 percent of the state economy, a significant portion of which can be attributed to fishing and hunting. The legislation introduced in Congress today is a product of more than a decade of collaboration and compromise by small business owners, veterans, sportsmen and women, local county commissioners, municipalities, outdoor recreationists and conservation groups, and each of its four provisions have consistently polled favorably among local communities. “Hunters and Anglers for the CORE Act” applaud the collaborative efforts of Colorado’s congressional leaders and communities in crafting this thoroughly vetted legislation and reiterate our support for passing the CORE Act early in the legislative session.

Highlights of CORE Act habitat protection benefiting hunters and anglers:

Curecanti Boundary Establishment Act

Colorado’s Curecanti National Recreation Area

In addition to formally establishing the boundary of Curecanti National Recreation Area and improving coordination among land management agencies, the bill ensures the Bureau of Reclamation upholds its commitment to expand public fishing access in the basin, which was lost when the Aspinall Unit was created. The Bureau originally agreed to provide 26 miles of public fishing access in the Gunnison Basin, but has only accounted for about 14 miles to date.

Within Curecanti, 9,180-acre Blue Mesa Reservoir is the largest Kokanee salmon fishery in the U.S. and, along with neighboring Morrow Point Reservoir, has accounted for multiple state records for rainbow trout, mackinaw and kokanee, along with trophy brown trout. The Gunnison River, from 200 yards downstream of Crystal Dam and through Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park to its confluence with the North Fork, is designated Gold Medal and Wild Trout Water, including 2.4 miles within Curecanti NRA. Formal boundary designation will also add a layer of protection for 2.2 miles of cutthroat trout stream and 775 acres of cutthroat lake habitat, 5,926 acres of mule deer migration corridor and 7,123 acres of elk migration corridor along with 50,323 acres of elk winter range.

Thompson Divide Withdrawal and Protection Act

Colorado’s Thompson Divide

With its bounty of fish and wildlife habitat, the Thompson Divide area remains critically important to sportsmen and women in Colorado and across the nation. The three main game management units that lie within its boundary are among the most desirable to elk and mule deer hunters in the state, and the largely roadless area serves as year-round habitat for those and other species. More than 34,000 acres within Thompson Divide double as elk migration corridors.

The area also contains several conservation populations of Colorado River cutthroat trout, considered critical to the recovery and maintenance of the species to its native range. Among the 1,550 miles of stream radiating in all directions off Thompson Divide, about 83 miles qualify as native cutthroat stream habitat along with nearly 12 acres of cutthroat lake habitat. The northern boundary of the withdrawal and protection area includes 4.4 miles of Gold Medal fishing water along the Roaring Fork River, and Thompson Divide’s headwater tributaries extend to additional high-quality fisheries in the North Fork of the Gunnison River, the Crystal River and the Colorado River, which sustain surrounding retailers, fishing guides and outfitters that help drive the local recreation economy.

Continental Divide Recreation, Wilderness and Camp Hale Legacy Act

Colorado’s Camp Hale area

The nearly 100,000 acres along the Continental Divide surrounding Camp Hale served as the genesis of Colorado’s robust outdoor recreation economy, not only through the legacy of skiers that that passed through the WWII alpine training grounds and returned to the region post-war, but also through word of the hunting and fishing opportunities the soldiers enjoyed. The landscape is rife with elk and mule deer habitat and migration corridors, including more than 10,000 acres of severe winter elk range that the animals depend upon for survival.

The 474 miles of stream within the bill’s boundaries serve as headwaters to Gore Creek and the Eagle, Blue and Colorado rivers, feeding clean, cold water into multiple Gold Medal fishing sections and supplying more than 11 miles of native cutthroat trout stream habitat along with half a dozen cutthroat trout lakes.

San Juan Mountains Wilderness Act

Colorado’s San Juan Mountains

Wilderness and special management area proposals in the San Juan Mountains of southwest Colorado would protect headwater tributaries of the Animas River among more than 325 stream miles that contain nearly 5 miles of cutthroat stream habitat. Four lakes spanning 6.6 acres within the proposed Sheep Mountain Special Management Area also hold the rare native trout. Roughly 50,000 terrestrial acres serve as summer range and calving areas that support mule deer and elk populations on public lands in the region, and a large elk winter concentration area is found in the Uncompahgre National Forest along the proposed 6,500-acre Naturita Canyon Mineral Withdrawal Area that includes cutthroat trout habitat within a tributary to the San Miguel River near Norwood.

February Currents: A voice for Colorado's Rivers

Copy of CURRENTS (4).jpg

Currents is Colorado Trout Unlimited’s monthly newsletter. We feature stories about our work, chapters, and partners. You can also learn more about upcoming events and ways to participate across the state.