Blog — Colorado Trout Unlimited

Stand Up for Clean Water

Whether you fish or just simply understand the value of clean water, there is no law more important than the Clean Water Act. In 2015, the EPA developed a rule that affirmed Clean Water Act protections for “intermittent and ephemeral streams.” Protections for these streams had been threatened by two splintered Supreme Court decisions in the 2000s. These streams —the headwaters of our nation’s rivers —provide us the fisheries we cherish and the clean drinking water we require. But this essential rule is now under threat of being revoked.

Urge your state representatives to stand up for clean water!

Nearly 60 percent of all of the stream miles in the United States are classified as small, intermittent or headwater.

Protecting these waters is essential to ensuring that adjacent or downstream waters remain clear, clean and healthy for fish, wildlife and communities. Trout Unlimited members work hard to protect our headwaters. We understand that keeping our waters healthy is much more effective than trying to repair a stream after it is damaged or destroyed.

Take a stand and speak up for clean water!

Voices from the River: A winter respite

By: Randy Scholfield, communications director for TU’s southwest region. Here on the Front Range, where plains meet mountains, winter weather is always unpredictable, a hit-and-run affair. We might get a foot of snow—and three days later, it’s 70 degrees and you get a hatch of Boulder dudes in shorts and flip-flops.

For the past week, we’ve been having one of those almost surreal winter respites. While it’s been lulling me into expectations of equatorial warmth in February, I know deep down that this is an illusion, a fleeting sideshow. And after weeks of indoor torpor and unhealthy levels of binge TV, I know I need sunshine and a quick fishing fix.

So, on short notice, I grab my rod and head out to seize the unseasonable afternoon.

One of my New Year’s resolutions is to explore more of the miles of creek waters close to home. Boulder Creek, for one, is 15 minutes from my house, and I sometimes neglect it in the search for farther-flung adventures. Through downtown Boulder, the creek is a surprisingly reliable fishery throughout the year.

But my real interest this afternoon is in exploring new (for me) and less-pressured areas of Boulder Creek on the edge of town, where the creek meanders through open space and pastures, often hidden behind a suburban facade of office buildings and warehouse yards.

I park at a post office close to a major intersection, clogged with afternoon traffic, and follow a nearby footpath to the wooded creekline. I’ve heard that what this outlying area of Boulder Creek lacks in quantity it makes up for in quality—while it’s hit and miss, larger browns are sometimes pulled out of these unassuming waters.

Today, the creek through most of its length has a ditchy, diminished look—I’m looking for deeper, tanky holes where trout are likely stacked up against the lower flows. I walk along the creekbank toward the large bridge overpass, the steady hiss of commuter busyness and frantic schedules sounding louder.

Heading upstream into trees, I come up on a long deep holding run below a riffle. The water is a clear, greenish hue with cobbled depths, with several fishy tailouts below the riffles and meandering lines of foam near the far bank.

A few casts into the head of the riffles brings quick confirmation of what I suspect. Through the drift, I see white flashes in the depths as the fish turn in striking at the nymph rig. I quickly bring in a couple of small browns and have a few more strikes. They’re going for a small flashback prince.

Taking a break, I sit on the bank for a minute, where a stream of sunlight slants through the trees. The midday sun is piercingly warm on my neck and lulls me into a happy summerlike reverie. This is February? I should have brought a beer, I think. Hot and thirsty, I take some long swigs of water and drift away, watching the stream.

Then a man appears by my side, almost startling me. He is wearing glasses, a button-down work shirt and one of those government-issue looking name ID tags around his neck. He looks like a bureaucrat.

He introduces himself and says he fishes this stretch regularly on work breaks. Through the trees, I see the outlines of a large glassy building across the highway.

“I caught an 18-inch brown just past the bridge there,” he offers, nodding upstream. He caught it on a Tenkara rod, he says, and pantomimes the battle that ensued, trying to follow the fish up and down the stream with no extra line or drag help.

After a few minutes of angling chat, he wishes me luck and ambles upstream, stopping at different points to lean over and inspect the water.

He, too, is a fellow escapee, chasing this summer lark of an afternoon.

I walk upstream, fighting thick brush to get to glimpsed holes and runs, hoping to find the secret redoubt of one of those big brown outliers.

At one bend along a cutbank, I catch another small fry. And then a few casts later I break off my rig on a submerged inner tube—flotsam of lost summer fun. Maybe it’s a sign that I’ve pushed the day and my luck far enough. The sun is fast sinking in the sky, as I clamber through the brush and make my way back to the creek trail and then the concrete footpath, bicyclists whizzing past.

Tired, I walk lazily back to the car, across a major intersection, feeling the eyes of the lined-up commuters in their machines, seeing the cold blue clouds gathering in the mountains and eclipsing the retreating sun.

The big brown never reveals himself. Not today. And winter will return with a vengeance soon enough.

But that’s OK. Driving home, I know this afternoon is a stolen gift. I’ll take it.

A Climate Plan on the Dolores

By: Randy Scholfield, communications director for TU's southwest region. Like many rivers across the West, the Dolores River in southwestern Colorado is on the front lines of climate change impacts. As the climate warms, the river will face lower flows, higher temperatures, and increasing stresses on fish and aquatic life.

How can we more effectively address these changes on a watershed scale? That’s the question driving a recent study by Trout Unlimited and other groups of the Dolores River basin.

“We know there will be change. The question the study addresses is what kind of change can we expect, the approximate timing and what are the impacts,” Duncan Rose of the Dolores River Anglers chapter of Trout Unlimited told the Durango Herald in a recent article.

To find those answers, the TU study—conducted in partnership with Mountain Studies Institute of Silverton—looked at climate models and trends between 1949 and 2012 that showed wetter periods of higher temperatures followed by longer periods of intense drought.

In projecting those trends into the future, some sobering results emerged: based on worst-case drought scenarios, the 46 trout streams in the Dolores Basin could lose some 44 percent of their flows in the next 50 to 70 years. Some streams, especially at lower elevations, might be lost causes to fish habitat, becoming intermittent or vanishing entirely.

But the study found that other middle- and higher-elevation streams could be made more “resilient” against the worst impacts of climate change through adaptive strategies such as habitat restoration, including improving in-stream structure such as boulders and pools to create cooler refuge areas for trout, and restoring streamside vegetation to provide more shade.

As important, the study field-tested an analytical model to determine which stream miles would best lend themselves to these efforts and provide the most “bang for the buck” for conservation outcomes.

“This is a framework that can be used across the West,” says Garrett Hanks, TU's Southwest Colorado field coordinator. “The issues in the Dolores are similar to many of our coldwater fisheries, and if we're going to be active in managing our coldwater watersheds into the future, this framework can inform many levels of TU’s strategy, such as how to identify and prioritize our protect, reconnect and restoration work.”

TU’s stream resilience work gives hope that many of our best trout waters can survive the worst impacts of climate change. The Dolores study could give TU another science-based tool for deciding where and how to dial in this adaptation work in watersheds across the West.

Why Planning 2.0 matters

By Tyler Baskfield, TU Colorado sportsmen’s coordinator South Park is a sportsmen’s paradise of elk herds, dream trout streams like the South Platte, and endless recreation possibilities. For Colorado Front Range residents like me, South Park is a vast backyard playground, just a short hour and a half drive from Denver. It’s one of the crown jewels of public lands in Colorado.

Unfortunately, it’s also currently in the crosshairs of shortsighted partisan politics.

Sportsmen everywhere should be alarmed by an effort afoot in Congress to roll back the public’s say in managing South Park and other public lands.  Now is the time to speak up if we want to protect these special places.

A critical vote is expected in the Senate in coming weeks that may eliminate the Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) Planning 2.0 initiative through the Congressional Review Act. The House has already voted to repeal the BLM planning rule.

This misguided move to repeal Planning 2.0 is a thumb in the eye of sportsmen and others who believe local residents and governments should have more of a say in how public lands are managed. The BLM developed Planning 2.0 in response to concerns about the lack of transparency in public lands management and the planning process being unduly influenced by special interest stakeholders. Planning 2.0 gives sportsmen, local governments, landowners and residents more input early on in the planning process—and this “smart from the start” approach helps to avoid conflict by bringing stakeholders together to settle thorny land use issues, such as where to site oil and gas development and how best to allow multiple uses of the land while ensuring the health of wildlife, rivers and other natural resources.

Middle Fork South Platte

South Park is one of the places where BLM is piloting Planning 2.0, and so far the majority of stakeholders have embraced the new planning process. Members of the oil and gas industry, Front Range water providers, sportsmen, environmentalists, Republican Park County commissioners, business owners, agency personnel, ranchers—all praise the increased opportunities for input and believe Planning 2.0 will help protect natural resources while sustaining the local economy.

Sen. Cory Gardner rightly called outdoor recreation “a cornerstone of our economy in Colorado” after the Outdoor Recreation Jobs and Impact Act of 2015 that he authored recently passed the Senate. He clearly understands the importance of outdoor recreation, public lands and wildlife resources to local economies and residents. Outdoor recreation accounts for more than $13 billion in economic activity in Colorado and supports some 125,000 jobs, according to the Boulder-based Outdoor Industry Association.

The foundation of that booming outdoor sector is the health of places like South Park.

Colorado sportsmen and outdoor enthusiasts call on Sen. Gardner and other lawmakers to continue to lead and advocate for the state’s important recreation economy and public lands heritage by resisting this reckless stampede to scrap Planning 2.0.

The current administration has a great deal of latitude to implement, or if necessary revise, the rule to ensure that it works for all stakeholders, including public land users, state and local governments and the BLM itself. Using the Congressional Review Act does not help to solve public land management challenges; it will only make it more difficult for the BLM to be good land stewards. The House of Representatives erred when it passed its resolution disapproving of the Planning 2.0, but the Senate doesn’t have to make the same mistake.

Sportsmen everywhere need to raise their voices for public lands. Please take a few minutes to contact your Senators and urge them to oppose efforts to do away with Planning 2.0 and ensure that the public has a voice in public land management.


Raise Your Voice for America's Public Lands

As one of the 324 million public landowners in America, I call on the President and my Members of Congress to protect our public lands sporting heritage by strongly opposing any wholesale effort to sell or transfer our country’s public lands. Some of the best fish and wildlife habitat and hunting and angling opportunities available to sportsmen and women are found on these lands. Public lands, owned by all Americans, are indispensable and we must care for them as such.

Further, I ask that Congress and the President work together to address 21st century land management challenges in ways that protect and restore fish and wildlife habitat, ensure that Federal land management agencies have the tools and funding necessary to effectively manage our lands, and uphold America’s public land hunting and fishing traditions.

Visit the TU Action Center to tell our lawmakers why you support Public Lands!

Speak Out for Sound Management of BLM Lands

  The US Senate will soon be voting on whether to block the Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) "Planning 2.0 Rule" - and our Senators need to hear your voice as an angler who values our public lands!  BLM properties in Colorado include some of our most outstanding fisheries like the Colorado River and the Gunnison Gorge, as well as important native trout habitats - and sound planning and management of these lands if essential.

Speak out for sound management of BLM lands!

This new rule updates the BLM’s outdated rule and gives the public a stronger voice in public land management decisions. The revised rule will increase agency transparency and opportunities for public involvement in federal land planning, and ensure that important fish and wildlife habitats and looked at up front and at a landscape level, not left as an afterthought.confluence-of-the-thompson-creeks-in-foreground-canyon

Trout Unlimited and our partners in the hunting and fishing community have supported Planning 2.0, but this common-sense proposal is under threat of being repealed by Congress using the Congressional Review Act which would not only block the rule but prevent anything substantially like it being adopted in the future.

Please take a few minutes to contact Colorado's Senators and urge them to oppose efforts to do away with Planning 2.0, to ensure that the public has a voice in public land management!

Behind the Fin: Ed Calmus

How long have you been a TU member?          Around 30 years – not always actively involved before I retired


Why did you become a member and what chapter are you involved with?          

I believe in the mission of TU, the need to protect, preserve, and restore our rivers and streams.  My chapter has always been West Denver TU


What made you want to become involved with TU? 

I have had many memorable experiences that revolved around fly fishing.  I have seen the beautiful and pristine places where trout thrive.  I wanted to do what I can to enable others to have these experiences, now and in the future.


What is your favorite activity or project that you have done with TU? 

Improving our chapter’s communications has been my favorite, from making a better website, to producing videos, using social media, and developing a communications strategic plan.


EdsPicI know you won’t tell me your top spot, so what is your second favorite fishing spot or favorite fishing story? 

I learned fly fishing on small streams, and graduated to the larger rivers and tail waters.  Recently I have rediscovered the small streams.  Upper Clear Creek and Homestake Creek are favorites.  When I go back to the large rivers, I usually fish the Arkansas.


What does being a part of TU mean to you? 

A chance to give back and help insure future anglers will share in the great experiences of fly fishing.


What else do you do in your spare time or for work? 

I manage an HOA in Frisco, Co, and am on the board of the University of Denver Retiree Association.  I like reading, skiing, fly tying, and tinkering with cars.

Public Lands: Why our voices matter

Many anglers and hunters have been weighing in in opposition to proposals to sell or dispose of our federal public lands.  Recently, Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) proposed legislation that would have sold off some 3 million acres of federal lands including more than 90,000 in Colorado – though we never saw a final listing of exactly which lands were going to be sold.  In response to the overwhelming voice of sportsmen speaking out against this type of measure, here is what Rep. Chaffetz announced via his Instagram account: "I am withdrawing HR 621. I'm a proud gun owner, hunter and love our public lands. The bill would have disposed of small parcels of lands Pres. Clinton identified as serving no public purpose but groups I support and care about fear it sends the wrong message. The bill was originally introduced several years ago. I look forward to working with you. I hear you and HR 621 dies tomorrow."

The voice of hunters and anglers is strong, and we CAN make a difference when we speak out.  To all of you who have helped speak out on this issue, recently and throughout the past few years, thank you - and keep it up!

“We are pleased to hear Representative Chaffetz has changed course on his effort to sell public lands and we thank him for listening to the voices of sportsmen and women. Across the country we have seen a groundswell of support for our public lands,” Trout Unlimited CEO Chris Wood said. “Selling them off cheats not only this generation but all those who follow.”

We can still make our voices heard and sign the petition that we want to keep America's public lands in public hands!

Anglers All: 3 Tips for Staying Warm on the Water (Other Than Whiskey)

By: Ryan McSparran, Anglers All Content Writer and Shop Sales Winter fly fishing opportunities abound for those brave enough to seize them. Here at Anglers All, we’re fortunate to have some of those opportunities right here in our backyard. Thanks to the help of TU and others, improvement projects continue to make the South Platte a better fishery every year. The South Platte from Littleton on to the north offers year-round excitement for trout, carp and the occasional smallmouth or walleye.

Tailwaters in Colorado and neighboring states like Wyoming offer excellent winter fishing and very light crowds when compared to the warmer months. For the adventurous souls willing to meet the challenges of cold weather, there are good things to be found.

I recently took a poll among the associates here at the shop. Most of them fish regularly throughout the winter. I asked for their best tips for staying warm on the water. How do they stay comfortable and have fun, even on the coldest days? Here’s what I heard.

“Get a big, tall glass,” manager Greg Garcia began with a grin on his face. “Shake up a nice martini until it’s really cold. Then stay inside and enjoy tying flies.”

In fact several of my conversations began that way. “Tie flies” and “Go tarpon fishing” were among the most popular opening answers.  But as we drilled into the realities of winter fishing in Colorado, the tips were consistent across the board. In fact, the advice really boiled down into three points.

  1. Layer Properly

First and perhaps most obviously, it begins with what you’re wearing. But don’t just “dress in layers.” Be sure you’re layering property.

“No cotton!” several associates said emphatically. If you’re wearing cotton, that Gore-Tex won’t do you any good. Don’t wear cotton socks or anything else. Cotton absorbs moisture and holds it next to your skin.

“Wear a liner and wool sock combo,” Greg told me after we got back on track. “The liner will wick moisture into the second layer. Dry skin equals warmer feet.”

But be sure not to overdo it on the socks.

“Wearing too many socks that constrict your circulation will have the opposite effect,” warned Anglers All travel coordinator, Doug Garvey. “You want some dead air space to trap heat.”

For long underwear, consider synthetic base layers or merino wool. Over that you’ll wear insulation layers like fleece or down, depending on temperatures. Then finally, apply your outerwear, including waders and jacket.

“It’s important to wear something that’s breathable and wind proof,” said shop associate, Courtney Despos. “A good wading jacket is essential. It does more than protect you from flurries. It’s stops wind and allows moisture to escape.”

Convective heat loss from wind can take a serious toll. Having a jacket with a waterproof, breathable membrane will totally block wind while still allowing natural vapor to escape, keeping you dry from the inside.

  1. It’s the Little Things

For many seasoned anglers, a solid pair of waders and warm clothes may be obvious. But don’t overlook the little things. Losing heat in your head, neck and hands can quickly end your day.

Snow River“I carry two pair of gloves,” Doug told me. “I fish with a half-finger glove or foldover mit. Then I keep a pair of full-finger gloves in an inside pocket. If my hands get cold, I can pull out those warm gloves.”

Several other associates said almost exactly the same thing. Fishing with a backup pair of gloves can extend your time and comfort on the water. Just as importantly, do whatever you can to keep your gloves dry.

“Pinch your barbs and have your hemostats in a spot that’s easy to grab,” Doug continued. “If you’re prepared, you can quickly release the fish with your net without submerging your hands.

Inside your gloves, your wader pockets or even your boots, you might consider bringing a few hand-warmers. Next, consider what you will need in terms of headwear.

“I like to bring two hats with me,” said shop associate, Ben Baxter. “I carry a warm beanie and a regular cap. If I feel myself getting too warm, I quickly take off the beanie. The last thing you want is for your head to get sweaty.”

Ben also suggested a wool Buff or neck gaiter. Keeping the back of your neck warm is something that’s easy to forget about until it’s cold. Being able to cover your neck and ears can make a tremendous difference.

  1. Drink Something Hot

When you’re properly layered and have all your bases covered, there’s not much left to do but get out there and enjoy the solitude of a winter day on the water! But when you get back to the truck or when it’s time to take a break, there’s nothing better than having something hot to drink.

“Don’t forget to bring your Yeti with some coffee or hot tea,” Ben concluded.

Doug echoed Ben’s remark. “A thermos of hot chili or soup will never taste better,” he said.

And of course, I couldn’t forget to pass along the one piece of advice that every one of these trout bums repeated.

“Don’t forget the whiskey!”*

Since 1969, Anglers All  has provided anglers with with the best information and equipment no matter the year, the water conditions, or the species of fish. Based out of Littleton along the South Platte River, Anglers All works with Trout Unlimited on restoring the S. Platte back to a healthy fishery. Anglers All offers classes and clinics on fly tying and much more!

* Please note that whiskey does not make you warmer and instead can actually make you colder. Alcohol causes your blood vessels to dilate, moving warm blood closer to the surface of your skin, making you feel warmer temporarily. However, at the same time, those same veins pumping blood closer to the skin's surface cause you to lose core body heat .