Blog — Colorado Trout Unlimited

Streamside Chats - Chris Wisniewski and Trout Fish Tasmania

CTU is excited to kick off the 2023 Streamside Chats on February 9th at 7pm MST with Chris Wisniewski and Trout Fish Tasmania.

This is a free Zoom event, and you can register by clicking below.

2023 River Conservation and Fly Fishing Camp

2023 Camp applications are open for young women and men 14 to 18 years.

Are you an adventurous leader, passionate about conservation, curious, eager to learn, and seeking to discover others that share your interests? Then this camp is for you; apply online by April 10, 2023. We want you to share in this unique outdoor experience.

The camp was established in 2006 when 20 campers gathered in Parshall, Colorado to complete a week-long program of STEM-based conservation education and instruction in the art of fly fishing. The camp was the vision of CTU Board of Directors member, Sharon Lance, who envisioned a program designed such that participants can imagine multiple education and career paths that align with their personal passion for the outdoors. More than 250 teens have attended the camp representing all corners of the state of Colorado, and some states beyond. Campers complete a week-long program that balances STEM-based conservation education with building and improving fly fishing skills. They participate in hands-on conservation activities and receive one-on-one and group instruction in the art of fly fishing. Their experience is enriched as they make lifelong relationships, "finding their people" and bonding with peers of similar interests. The program exposes campers to the complexity of water management in the west and its nexus with recreation. The diversity of the conservation program is designed so that participants can envision multiple education and career paths that align with their personal passion for the outdoors.

“The opportunity to attend Trout Unlimited’s Fly Fishing Youth Camp came when I was at a crossroads in my life. I had been making poor choices as a young man and a very dear friend of mine took me fly fishing, presumably so the rivers might help straighten me out. As a result of his tutelage and kindness, I was gifted a spot in the upcoming Trout Unlimited Youth Camp. Being delighted to partake in the retreat, I soon learned many lessons that would stick with me through my years of fishing and adulthood alike. I have very fond memories of everything from learning different casting methods, tying basic fly patterns, and the joy that comes from showing off your catch! I will always be grateful for experiencing the fly fishing community through the Youth Camp the way I did. The biggest takeaway for me will always be learning how to take care of our rivers while they in turn, take care of us.”

- Sam Goldstein - 2010 Attendee

CTU at the Denver Fly Fishing Show - Volunteer With Us

CTU staff and volunteers will be at this year’s Denver Fly Fishing Show February 17th - 19th at the Gaylord Rockies Event and Convention Center. Drop by and see us, or you can sign up to volunteer at our booth for a block of time and receive a parking reimbursement and admission to the show while you’re not at the booth. Sign up through the button below to see available times.

A note from Ben Furimsky , Director of The Fly Fishing Show:

You are cordially invited to the 21st Anniversary of the Denver Fly Fishing Show at the Gaylord Resort & Convention Center. For the 20th anniversary, the Denver Fly Fishing Show was the largest gathering of the fly fishing community in the world and it looks like we may top that this year! Plan to attend this exciting and all-inclusive event. Some highlights will be:
• The largest exhibit floor in the history of the Denver Fly Fishing Show
• New 2023 products from manufacturers.
• Programs and learning opportunities for youngsters and families.
• Women’s Fly Fishing Showcase with an exhibitor venue focused on the
woman angler.
• Fly Fishing Fashion Show
• Casting demos and instruction with Gary Borger, Simon Gawesworth,
Michael Mauri , Jeff Currier, Mac Brown and more!
• Fly tying with Landon Mayer, Ed Engle, Charlie Craven, Pat Dorsey,
Tim Cammisa and more!
• Classes with the Experts where you can get one-on-one time with the pros.
• The must-see International Fly Fishing Film Festival on Friday at 6:30
featuring award-winning fly-fishing films.
• The most extensive list of professional speakers you can find.
• Lodges, resorts, exotic vacation destinations offering the best fly fishing
trips on the planet.
• Live, on site podcasting
• Casting competitions for all
• Live and art demonstrations
• Live bamboo rod building demonstrations
• New rods, reels, lines, accessories, clothing, waders, boots, books, DVDs and
anything else you may want to purchase, plus our exclusive author’s booth.
• Conservation organizations and opportunities to volunteer for the sport you
Every day of the Denver Fly Fishing Show offers something different. This is likely
the biggest fly fishing event in the world. Join this community gathering and let’s make it the biggest event in history! You can’t see it all in one day so plan on the weekend and bring your friends and family.

See you there,

Ben Furimsky and The Fly Fishing Show Family

New TIC Community Tank at the CSU Spur Hydro Building

Attending the National Western Stock Show in Denver this month? Then you can come see our new Trout In The Classroom (TIC) Community Tank at the CSU Spur Hydro building. Located at 4817 National Western Dr, Denver, CO 80216, the Hydro building is the newest addition to the CSU Spur campus.

Our Community Tank, with the help of the Denver Trout Unlimited Chapter, currently holds three-month old trout who are actively feeding, swimming, and growing. Come learn more about Trout In The Classroom and the other amazing programs and opportunities the CSU Spur has to offer!

CTU will have a table next to the tank on Saturday, January 14th for CSU Spur Day at the Stock Show and Monday, January 16th for Martin Luther King Day.

Keep Colorado Wild Pass Begins This Year

Charlie Myers State Wildlife Area - Colorado Parks & Wildlife

With the new year, the Keep Colorado Wild Pass goes into effect. Colorado residents will see a $29 charge to their vehicle registration fees, which enables them to visit all state parks. To find more information on the KEEP COLORADO WILD PASS, please click the button below.

additionally, don’t forget you can still get your Protect Our Rivers CTU license plate!