Blog — Colorado Trout Unlimited

Deeter: Free Fly Fishing Lessons Courtesy of Orvis and TU

Field & Stream Ever wanted to learn to fly fish, but assumed it was just too complicated... and thought you didn't have the time or money to climb the learning curve?

Well you are fresh out of excuses. Orvis and Trout Unlimited have combined for a nationwide effort to recruit new fly fishers. Every Saturday in July, between 9 a.m. and noon, all you have to do is show up at an Orvis store, and you can take classes that teach you how to cast... how to rig your gear... everything you need to get started. I'm pretty sure they'll even give you some leads on the best fishing spots in your area. To find a location near you, go to

You don't need to buy anything. But if you do, they'll give you a break.

If you go and complete the classes, you'll get a $15 savings card from Orvis, and a certificate for free membership in Trout Unlimited, worth $35 in total.

Now, some of you might be asking, "why do we want more fly anglers? Doesn't that squeeze my space on the river?" The answer is an emphatic "no." New fly fishers make our collective conservation voice louder and stronger, which leads to all of us having more space on more rivers.

“Fly fishers are a significant part of Trout Unlimited’s membership because of our mission to protect, conserve and restore coldwater fisheries and their watersheds in North America. Our volunteers are excited to help newcomers learn and enjoy the sport of fly fishing,” said Christopher Anderson, Trout Unlimited.

In a nutshell, this is a brilliant program (one I wish more fly companies had the vision and resolve to emulate) and I hope you or someone you know takes part.

Development in Colorado going with the flow of water deficit

By Bruce Finley The Denver Post

Colorado River water consumed yearly for agriculture and by the 30 million Westerners who rely on it now exceeds the total annual flow.

A growing awareness of that limited flow is leading to increased scrutiny of urban development — especially projects that require diverting more water to the east side of the Continental Divide.

"We're no longer in a surplus situation," said Bill McDonald, the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation's deputy commissioner for policy and budget. "The teeter-totter has tipped."

Indian Mountain man wins fishing contest

The Flume
By Danny Ramey

The fishing competition was one of a trio of events honoring the late Charlie Meyers, who wrote an outdoors column for The Denver Post for many years. Earlier in the day, the Colorado Division of Wildlife held a dedication for the Charlie Meyers State Wildlife Area.

The Charlie Meyers Wildlife Area is a 640-acre portion of the Spinney Mountain Wildlife Area that encompasses the "Dream Stream" segment of the South Platte River, said Jennifer Churchill, the Colorado Division of Wildlife public information officer for the northeast region.

"It was a favorite stream of his," said Churchill.

Meyers was also active in getting the "Dream Stream" opened up for public access and in fighting for regulations to preserve the quality of fishing there.

Around 100 people attended the dedication, said Churchill.

Colorado Trout Unlimited rounded out the day with a night of barbecue and storytelling at the American Safari Ranch near Fairplay.

Around 60 people attended the evening portion of the event, said Erica Stock, outreach director for Colorado Trout Unlimited.

Cars decorate Vail Valley river banks

Sarah MausolfVail Daily
There are actually two cars in the banks of the river in Edwards, and one fishing guide estimates there are about 15 cars altogether in the stretch of river that runs through Eagle County.

Local lore claims ranchers placed the cars along the river's edge to stop the banks from sloughing off and prevent the river from encroaching on their land.

“It was done to keep the bank from eroding,” said John Packer, owner of Fly Fishing Outfitters in Avon. “People used to do stuff like that back in the day when it was only slightly illegal. Nowadays, throwing cars in the river is not really kosher.”

Several people familiar with the river guessed the cars date back to the '40s and '50s. Ken Neubecker, a former Eagle resident and past president of Colorado Trout Unlimited, said he once uncovered a car during an Eagle River cleanup event about 12 years ago. Only the roof of the car was peeking out of the river sediment, he said.

Money flows to study of Lightner Creek

by Dale RodebaughHerald Staff Writer

The Southwestern Water Conservation District has contributed $3,600 to help fund the second phase of a study to determine the source of periodic sediment in Lightner Creek.

Initial results of the study point to the Perins Canyon watershed and a stormwater retention basin as possible sources.

For years, water-protection groups and Trout Unlimited have been concerned about the chalky-colored water that from time to time enters the Animas River from Lightner Creek immediately south of the DoubleTree Hotel.

In February 2009, Buck Skillen, a board member of Trout Unlimited, tested water turbidity at the confluence of the waterways. When he poured 60 cubic centimeters of water (the equivalent of two shot glasses or a medical syringe) in a filter, it became clogged by the time 45 centimeters had passed through.

Overall water quality and the effects of sediment on the Animas' gold-medal trout fishery are the major concerns of the coalition of concerned groups that initiated the study last October.

Upper Colorado Makes Endangered Rivers List

Colorado Public Radio
Colorado Matters

The thirst for water along the Front Range makes the Upper Colorado one of the nation's 10 most endangered rivers. That's according to the national watchdog group, American Rivers. The Upper Colorado begins in Rocky Mountain National Park and flows southwest toward Utah. Plans are underway for two separate projects to take more water from it-- near Kremmling-- then send it to Denver and cities in northern Colorado.  Now conservationists say it's not that they want cities to dry up for lack of water. But they don't want that for the river either. Ryan Warner speaks with Ken Neubecker, past president of Colorado Trout Unlimited. Listen to interview:

Sportsman's watchman

A tribute to outdoorsman/journalist charlie meyers

By Karl Licis Special to The Denver Post

On Saturday, the property through which the Dream Stream flows will be dedicated as the Charlie Meyers State Wildlife Area in his honor.

Following, in random order, are some shared thoughts from people with a connection to the stream of dreams.

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"Completely sated." Roger Hill is an expert angler, innovator and author of "Fly Fishing the South Platte River: an Angler's Guide," the first insightful book addressing the Dream Stream. He lives in Colorado Springs and is credited with procuring 12 miles of barbed wire for the Cheyenne Mountain chapter of Trout Unlimited for fencing the property in order to keep out the cattle.

"It's always been a challenge, but also very rewarding. It's had great hatches and demanding fish, but when you were on them it was incredibly good. I have many fond memories of days when the fishing was so good I would leave the river completely sated by the early afternoon."

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For future generations. Sinjin Eberle is board president for Colorado Trout Unlimited, which has been involved in every aspect of making the Dream Stream what it has become. Eberle has limited Dream Stream experience, but he coordinated CTU's Buffalo Peaks project in the upper South Platte drainage. There he met Meyers.

"I was telling him all about the project and he was listening, but he also was observing every mayfly and every rising trout. He was fully in tune with every bit of the nature that was all around him, and that really drove home the point to me about why we're doing these things — the need to pass it on for future generations.

"The Dream Stream, along with two or three other rivers in Colorado, is widely known nationally and internationally, and he was a big part of making it what it is."

Colorado River makes threatened list

By Bobby Magill

The Colorado River through Rocky Mountain National Park and Grand and Eagle counties was highlighted this week as one of the most threatened rivers in the U.S. by environmental group American Rivers. The group creates an annual list of rivers it considers threatened by development, water depletion and other factors.

More than 60 percent of the water in the Colorado River's headwaters has been removed by water diversion projects, feeding growing cities on the Front Range and elsewhere in Colorado, harming the river's trout fisheries and riparian areas, said Ken Neubecker of Colorado Trout Unlimited.

"If you take all the water out, you kill the river," he said.

Front Range projects are river threats, group says

GJ Sentinel
By Gary Harmon

The upper reaches of the Colorado River are endangered by proposed expansions of two transmountain-diversion projects, an advocacy group said. The projects, the Windy Gap Firming Project and the Moffat Tunnel Collection System Project, would increase diversions from the upper Colorado River by at least 48,000 acre-feet a year.

The threat to the river’s fishery, boating and water supply to downstream users placed the Upper Colorado River at No. 6 in the 2010 list of the nation’s most-endangered rivers by American Rivers.

The American Rivers list puts a needed spotlight on how much water is taken from the Colorado River Basin, Ken Neubecker of Colorado Trout Unlimited said.

“We need to start looking at whole picture not just the balkanized water-supply picture” of the way the Colorado River is divided up between the Front Range and Western Slope, Neubecker said.

Trout Unlimited hopes it can use American Waters’ listing of the river as endangered “as a vehicle to raise awareness on the Front Range about the cost of their water” in terms of water quality and quantity on the other side of the mountains, Neubecker said.

Upper Colorado River makes list of endangered rivers

By Tonya BinaSky-Hi Daily News

The Upper Colorado River has secured a spot on America's Most Endangered Rivers list, released today by American Rivers.

The threat of two new water diversion projects that could “sap the life from the Upper Colorado” was a main reason the river was chosen for the report's No. 6 spot.

“The most endangered river listings get the attention of media and policy-makers,” said Randy Scholfield, spokesperson of Trout Unlimited's Western Water Project. “It does help to highlight some of the threats facing these rivers and helps them get the grassroots support they need.”