Blog — Colorado Trout Unlimited

We're doing it again!

We are excited to announce that we are doing another Boulder Boat Works Pro Guide drift boat raffle with a lower entry price and proceeds being split with Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing. Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing, Inc. is dedicated to the physical and emotional rehabilitation of disabled active military service personnel and disabled veterans through fly fishing and associated activities including education and outings. CTU is proud to be partnering up with them and splitting funds raised in this raffle for conservation and our veterans, while also giving one lucky winner a chance to win a boat, trailer, and all the federal taxes paid!

Enter for a chance to win below!

Clean Water rollbacks will put us back 50 years - what comes next?


Final rule announced; what it says and what comes next.

Final Rule Announced. 

On January 23rd, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) announced a final “Waters of the U.S. Rule.”  This rule replaces a 2015 Rule, which clarified the extent of jurisdictions for clean water act protections.  This new 2020 rule not only reverses the clarifications made in the 2015 rule, but further reverses protections that have been in place dating back to the 1970s.

What it Means?

We are awaiting publication of the final rule and will need to review in detail once available. 

Based on our reading of the proposed rule (we will update this after we review the final rule), the new rule would end Clean Water Act protections for millions of stream miles in the country – streams that contribute to the drinking water supplies of 117 million Americans and provide essential fish and wildlife habitat that support a robust outdoor recreation economy worth $887 billion.  The rule would also erase protections for millions of acres of wetlands, a critical part of functioning watersheds, including groundwater recharge, pollution filtration, as well as protecting communities from flooding. In eliminating these protections, the new 2020 Rule would deregulate a host of development activities, such as pipeline construction that will, over time, degrade hunting and fishing opportunities in every state in the country

Stay tuned for more.

What comes next? How can TU members engage?

Because this is a “final” rule, there is no additional opportunity for comment with the agencies.  However, there are still things that you can do to help voice your concerns about this rule and related attacks on clean water protections.

Write to Congress & Your Governors:

  • Congress: Tell your members of Congress that you are angry about this rule and other attacks on the Clean Water Act and concerned about protecting our nations’ waters.  Urge them to oppose any legislative proposals to further weaken protections and urge them to do everything in their power to protect clean water.

  • Governors: Tell your Governors that you are concerned about rollbacks for protections of waters in your state.  Many states will challenge this new rule in court.  Urge your Governors to join a challenge against this rule and do everything in their power to protect state waters.

Share you Stories:  We encourage you to share your stories and concerns through letters to local papers or blog posts on or other online publications.  The TU Communications team has templates and tools available to assist you. Contact Shauna Stephenson ( for help drafting or submitting.


In December 2018, the Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) unveiled a proposal to significantly narrow the scope of protections for our nation’s waters. The proposal would replace a positive, TU-supported 2015 rule (the Clean water Rule) designed to clarify the scope of Clean Water Act protections, which includes protections for headwaters, intermittent and ephemeral streams, and wetlands. The new proposal would substantially weaken the Clean Water Act, one of the Nation’s most effective natural resource laws.

The Clean Water Act and the 2015 Rule are vital to TU’s work and to anglers across the nation. Whether TU is working with farmers to restore small headwater streams in West Virginia, removing acidic pollution caused by abandoned mines in Pennsylvania, or protecting the world-famous salmon-producing, 14,000-jobs-sustaining watershed of Bristol Bay, Alaska, we rely on the Clean Water Act to safeguard our water quality improvements.   

TU members and volunteers contributed more than 4,000 comments for the record, including 25 council and chapter letters and 4,406 individual comments on the proposed rule.

Read TU Comments for the Record:

Additional Materials:

For questions, please contact:

Steve Moyer
Vice President of Government Affairs steve.moyer@tu.orgKate Miller
Director of Government Affairs


#EveryoneOutside "When I'm outside, whether I'm in a small park or a remote area, that's where my soul is rejuvenated," she says. "And it's heartbreaking when someone places a fear that you don't belong...that you aren't welcome in a place you call home" stated Christine Hill.

Public land access and recreation is for everyone, regardless of who you are.

The third film of our #EveryoneOutside series features Christine Hill and Brown Folks Fishing. This film was made with support from Kampgrounds of America and HOKA ONE ONE. Learn more: Visit The Outbound:

January Newsletter: Currents

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New year, new us? 

The new year can be a time of reflection and reawakening. This past year, CTU celebrated it’s 50th anniversary and reflected on the organization’s past accomplishments for Colorado’s rivers and trout. Now, with the new year and start of a new decade, we are looking forward with an eye towards growth. National Trout Unlimited is calling the 2020s a decade of recovery. “Whether its good for our health, our souls, or the rivers and streams we love, let’s make the 2020s a decade of recovery,” wrote Chris Wood, CEO of TU. 

At CTU, we recognize that our past and future accomplishments rely on all of you who help us meet our mission to conserve, protect, and restore. In this next year and beyond, we aspire to create a more diverse and collaborative environment that will expand our mission to new audiences and include every stakeholder when it comes to clean water, healthy fisheries and access to public lands.  We've been making a difference for trout for over 50 years - but with your help, we are just getting started.