CTU Youth Camp — Colorado Trout Unlimited

CTU Youth Camp

I wanted to pass along a quick update on the youth camp.  Things are coming together well, thanks to the tireless efforts of Larry Quilling, strong support from the Beattie family at Peace Ranch, and with a tremendous assist from members in the local watershed.  A big "thank you" to the Ferdinand Hayden Chapter and the Roaring Fork Conservancy, who have really stepped up to the plate in helping with this event.  Their support will go a long way in making this year's camp a major success.

Since we last sent out reminders, we've had a number of additional qualified kids apply for the camp and we are nearly at capacity.  If your chapter is still trying to recruit any young people for the camp, please urge them to get their applications in (BY EMAIL) to me or Larry as soon as possible ... as we have already begun providing "at large" spots in the camp, the guarantee of one kid per chapter cannot be assured for late applicants, rather we are now on a "space available" basis -- so kids who still want to take part should apply as quickly as possible.

I've attached the application form with this message.  Emailed applications can go to David Nickum (dnickum@tu.org) or directly to camp coordinator Larry Quilling (Larry.Quilling@seagate.com). 

Thank you!

David Nickum

Youth Camp 2007 Application
