BPR Project Partners — Colorado Trout Unlimited

BPR Project Partners

dscn3081-red.jpg Just received word of more support on the Buffalo Peaks Ranch project, which is great news. The Coalition for the Upper South Platte has pledged assistance with the project. Their experience with volunteer programs and stream restoration will be a big help with pulling off the Buffalo Peaks restoration. Be sure to check out their website at http://www.uppersouthplatte.net/ and let them know how much we appreciate their assistance!

On this subject, I would be remiss to express thanks to our other partners as well. Especially Park County, who has pledged a significant financial contribution - you can check them out at http://www.parkco.us/main_page.htm and the beneficiary of their county-wide stream improvement projects, which is the South Park Fly Fishers service at http://southparktrout.com/ This is a great program - if you are itchin to fish some new private waters, be sure to check this source out and support stream restoration in Park County.

Finally, the DOW/USFS for the Fishing is Fun grant, and the City of Aurora for assisting us in this project.

We begin construction on August 27th and look forward to 6 weeks of great weather to get the project done! I hope to see you all there for the Volunteer Weekends September 22nd and 23rd and October 13th and 14th!
