Roan Fight Stays Alive — Colorado Trout Unlimited

Roan Fight Stays Alive

From CTU


The fight for protection of the Roan Plateau continues, with some good news to report from recent weeks.  You may recall that in September, the Bureau of Land Management issued leases for the public lands on the Roan Plateau, and dismissed over 15,000 protests filed by concerned parties ranging from local citizens to the State of Colorado.  On the same day, a team of sportsmen, recreation and conservation groups filed for an injunction in federal court to prevent full-scale drilling of the Roan Plateau and protect its important natural values as they are today.


Last Friday, all parties involved, including the Bureau of Land Management and the oil and gas companies holding the new leases on the Roan, agreed to a ban on surface disturbance on the Roan Plateau until June 2009.  This ensures that the concerns expressed in our litigation will be heard and carefully considered before any development will be contemplated. 
