Don't just 'give' - Invest! — Colorado Trout Unlimited

Don't just 'give' - Invest!

A Special Message from CTU's

President, Sinjin Eberle

‘Tis the season to be jolly…and for cash-strapped non-profit organizations to turn up the end-of-year fundraising machine.  In the 2009/2010 recession, few categories of organizations have suffered more than non-profits.  These are the same organizations that do the vital work, on the ground, caring for or promoting many of the issues, places, or cultures that we care about, and that make our world interesting and dynamic.  Governments can’t do it, individuals can’t do it – but it must be done, and whatever ‘it’ is, it gets done via the non-selfish work of the staffs and volunteers of people who step up to the plate for these non-profit organizations.

But that aside, we are still asking for people to ‘donate,’ to ‘give with their hearts,’ or to ‘scrape up a little bit for the places/issues we love.’

It seems to me that asking it that way may be the wrong approach, so how about this one – Invest in the causes and places that you care about the most.

People have little trouble thinking about investing in Apple, or Google, or Ford Motor Company, or Berkshire Hathaway, and that investment is going towards giving the investor a better future – planning for something ahead.

So why is it so hard for people the think about investing in another way – in the places or issues that you care about?  It’s still putting your hard earned dollars towards something you want to be there in the future – a free-flowing river, places to hike, fish, or contemplate.  Species you want to see preserved for your kids and grandkids to experience outside of a zoo.  We talk about wanting these places and experiences to thrive into the future and place a real value on them to ourselves and those we love – so why is it so hard for people to see that investing in those things is just as satisfying and forward-thinking as investing in the stock market?

The rivers can’t protect themselves, and certainly the time is past when we can simply assume that rules and governance can always provide the protection that these valuable places need to survive in a healthy and sustainable manner .  They require investment, human efforts and passion, and yes, money, to be there in our futures.  Just like we want Apple or Google or Ford to be there, to thrive, and to provide dividends for us into the future.

This holiday season, don’t forget to invest your money in what really matters, and those things you care about for the future.  It matters much more than another trinket that will sit on a shelf.

To make a high-impact investment in Colorado's rivers and coldwater fisheries, click here please click here.
