Trout, Climate, and You! — Colorado Trout Unlimited

Trout, Climate, and You!

Sometimes in the chaos, there is opportunity to step up and take the bull by the horns - make a difference and all that. A recent study suggests that trout will be heavily impacted by climate change - here is an excerpt that should shake every conservationist or angler (or angler-conservationist) to the bone...

Today’s paper, in the peer-reviewed Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, also predicts that by 2080, rainbow trout, whose native habitat includes Idaho in the Rocky Mountain states, could be reduced by 35 percent. Two introduced trout species in the study will not do well, either: Brook trout habitat could decline by an estimated 77 percent, and brown trout by 48 percent.

That stinks...we gotta do something!  (See the full article here)

Well, we are. As recently as a couple of weeks ago, a team of volunteers descended upon the Roan Plateau to work on a tiny section of Trappers Creek - a place they have been working for around 20 years! Climate change or not, these native cutties are important, and ColoradoTU and Grand Valley Anglers have been busting it to keep that stream intact and cool.

In the Steamboat Springs area, TU is working on Elk Creek on a major restoration project. In Durango, the 5 Rivers Chapter has been driving the Hermosa Creek restoration for years, and is collaborating with state and federal agencies to make change happen. And there are many, many more places TU is working to conserve, protect, and restore.

Its worth it. You can pitch in to - there is plenty to do!
