Orvis & Conservation — Colorado Trout Unlimited

Orvis & Conservation

  Did you know? Orvis donates one of the largest amounts to conservation in the fly-fishing industry.

At Orvis, we live by the mantra, "If our company is to benefits from our customers' enjoyment of our natural environment, we must act to preserve it." Thus, we donate 5% of our pre-tax profits to the support of worth-while projects that protect nature. Each year, a number of renowned conservation organizations apply for matching grants from our company.

~ Perk Perkins, Chief Executive Officer

In fact, Orvis has recently donated a large amount to the Western Native Trout Initiative, and has also donated a new Superfine Touch 804-4 rod, a Battenkill Bar Stock II reel, and a WF Trout Wonderline for The Greenbacks to raffle at the Colorado premier of CONNECT next week.

Orvis' dedication to protecting our environment for future generations is greatly appreciated. Please visit their conservation blog for more information on the projects they are currently helping by clicking the image below.

