Reprieve for the Roan — Colorado Trout Unlimited

Reprieve for the Roan

When BLM gave the green light for gas drilling on 54,631 acres on the Roan Plateau in 2008 it looked like a slam dunk. But a federal judge says there was a foul on the play.Judge Marcia Kreiger says the agency didn't look hard enough at alternatives such as directional drilling that might have reduced impacts on the Roan, which harbors genetically pure populations of Colorado River Cutthroat Trout. Here's an excerpt from a piece by Dennis Webb in the Grand Junction Sentinel:"

"In a 38-page ruling in a lawsuit by conservation groups, U.S. District Court Judge Marcia Krieger ruled that the agency failed to adequately address an alternative that would have kept drilling off the plateau top by making use of directional drilling from surrounding lands. It also failed to sufficiently consider cumulative air quality impacts in conjunction with anticipated development in the region, or to adequately address ozone impacts."

Read: Judge's ruling means second look for Roan drilling plan from the Grand Junction Sentinel.

Read more about the Roan at Sportsmen for Responsible Energy Development.

The Roan was featured by Field & Stream as one of its Best Wild Places in 2010. Read Part 1 of the 3-part series. Read Part 2. Read Part 3.

More Good News for the Roan

The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation has approved a $125,000 grant to Colorado TU to support continued restoration atop the Roan Plateau, including fencing, restoring native vegetation, removing non-native fish and reintroducing native cutthroat trout.
