CTU Presents: Behind the Fin — Colorado Trout Unlimited

CTU Presents: Behind the Fin

Everyone has a story to tell and now it’s time to tell yours. Colorado Trout Unlimited is bringing members a new online blog segment entitled “Behind the Fin,” a spotlight on a member of Trout Unlimited. Behind the Fin will take a deeper look into the personalities that make up Colorado Trout Unlimited and expose those responsible for all of the great work we’ve done together. Many projects have been completed to save water resources and restore fisheries in Colorado and now it’s time to recognize the volunteers who make it happen.

Fraser troutRiverstock

With help from the staff of CTU, members will be highlighted in an article on the CTU website that will recognize their achievements both within and outside the trout world. Behind the Fin will be a great way for fellow members to get to know each other better and enhance the member community.

To be highlighted, it’s as easy as answering a few questions. Some include:

  • How long have you been a TU member?
  • Why did you become a member?
  • What is your favorite activity or project that you have done with TU?
  • What is a favorite fishing spot and favorite fishing story?
  • To you, what is the best tactic or fly for catching trout?
  • Beyond being an awesome angler, what else do you do in your spare time or for work?

Using these answers and some other basic information, CTU will help write an article that can be shared and highlighted on the Colorado Trout Unlimited website – telling your story around the world.

If you’re interested in sharing your story with CTU and its members, or you know of someone who you think should tell their story, please submit any inquiries to Stephanie Scott at SScott@tu.org.
