Ask BLM: support balanced plan for fish, wildlife & energy on the Roan — Colorado Trout Unlimited

Ask BLM: support balanced plan for fish, wildlife & energy on the Roan

In November 2014, Secretary of the Interior Jewell, BLM Director Kornze, Governor Hickenlooper, and a group of energy and conservation stakeholders announced a settlement of long-standing litigation over oil and gas development on the Roan Plateau.  The agreement struck a balance between protecting outstanding habitat for big game and native cutthroat trout fisheries, and enabling responsible development of natural gas resources on less sensitive lands.

The agreement was only a first step - now the BLM needs to finish the job and put in place a new final management plan that incorporates the settlement's protections and approach to responsible energy for the Roan . The BLM has issued its new Draft Environmental Impact Statement and is expected to make a final decision on the Roan in the next few months, so speaking out now can make a difference!  Click here to sign our petition to BLM supporting a balanced approach that protects the Roan's unique cutthroat trout and outstanding big game habitat.

Roan web action card - trout
