What's Up With Women — Colorado Trout Unlimited

What's Up With Women

Hey LADIES!! Trout Unlimited is working hard to create opportunities for women to get involved in both our conservation work, and getting out on the river to fish!!

Read the latest Women's Initiative Newsletter to find out what has been happening across the country!!

February Women's Newsletter IMG_0859

Are you a women but do not feel like you have connected with Trout Unlimited yet? If so, we have the perfect weekend planned for you!! Come to our annual Rendezvous. We have an entire weekend planned just for women!! Find more information at this link:



The women's workshops and agenda at Rendezvous are a big part due to the great work by CTU's First Lady, Beckie Pendergrass.

Beckie has been a Real Estate broker in Montrose for the past 25 years except for an eight year's break doing development and humanitarian work overseas in Thailand and Ghana, Africa. She is also a "Trout Bum's Widow" being married to Marshall - an avid fly-fisherman and current President of Colorado Trout Unlimited. Being married to the president of an organization could possibly be a busy and exhausting role, however Beckie has taken the role of first lady and embraced it!!

Beckie PendergrassBeckie has been involved with local TU chapter activities in Montrose & Telluride the last 8 years since returning from Ghana - coordinating banquets, fund-raiser events, etc. Her and Marshall have been traveling across the country attending National TU regional and annual meetings learning all about the great work TU has going on. Her biggest impact in Colorado has been her involvement in the CTU Rendezvous by coordinating the Women's Weekend. She not only initiated this program but has been the key to its continued expansion. The ladies that connect with Beckie always leave wanting more! Come meet Beckie this year at our Rendezvous at Hotel Colorado.
