Upcoming Boulder Creek Bash — Colorado Trout Unlimited

2025 CTU River Stewardship Gala is March 13th! Our Silent Auction is Now Live!

Upcoming Boulder Creek Bash

repyourwater By: Ameen Hosain

RepYourWater is an apparel company based out of Colorado, centered on a love for fishing and the outdoors.  With conservation as one of its main cornerstones, the company paired with Colorado Trout Unlimited early on in order to aid in the conservation of Colorado’s beautiful waters.

This year for the company's fifth anniversary RepYourWater is hosting an event called the Bash for Boulder Creek. This event is meant to celebrate the company’s fifth year, as well as raise money to help the Boulder Flycasters restore an adopted section of Boulder creek; an urban fishery that sees much destruction and pressure.

The event will take place on Saturday, June 19th , from 4:30pm to sundown, at RepYourWater’s hangar on the edge of the Erie Municipal Airport Tarmac. Tickets are $15 for adults and $5 for children, with the option to pay an additional $20 for a limited edition hat from the event, with all proceeds going directly to the Boulder Flycasters and their conservation project. Bash-4-Boulder-Creek-2-558x417

Great beer and food will be offered, as well as live music and a silent auction with tons of RepYourWater gear being sold.  Do not miss out on a great opportunity to connect with other conservation stewards and have some fun! Get your tickets now!
