Bear Creek Porter for Greenbacks — Colorado Trout Unlimited

Bear Creek Porter for Greenbacks

Story telling has long been accompanied by beer, just as flyfishing has long been accompanied by storytelling. What would a fishing story told around the campfire be without beer? The fish would be smaller, the fights shorter, and the flies more nymph like. Naturally the story book relationship between beer and flyfishng is used to make money, think Busch Light’s cutthroat cans, but some brewers use it to raise awareness. Think Pikes Peak Brewing Company’s Bear Creek Porter. Bear Creek Porter is brewed with water taken directly from Bear Creek, home of the greenback cutthroat trout. A porter by request, the dark, coco, fan favorite is served seasonally to create conversation about greenbacks through beer. This is a cooperative mission spearheaded by Cheyenne Mountain Chapter of Trout Unlimited and Pikes Peak Brewing Company.

Allyn at Bear Creek Porter


Greenback cutthroat trout need every bit of help they can get. The current state of affairs is hopeful but management agencies like Colorado Parks and Wildlife, need Colorado Trout Unlimited (CTU) to make partnerships they cannot. By engaging locals in the places they frequent, CTU chapters throughout the state can grab the attention of their constituents through a universal talking piece.

The Bear Creek Porter is a conversation starter. Imagine this. A local, regular walks into Pike Peak Brewing Company, notices Bear Creek Porter is the seasonal beer, orders it and enjoys it. They ask the bartender about the beer and come to find that the Bear Creek the water for the brew comes from, is the same Bear Creek they take their children hiking most weekends. The patron then tells their family and friends about the beer and the trout.

This ripple effect is the start of a grass roots movement. To protect and restore greenbacks it will take a public who understands that engaging in conversation is the most important thing we can do to spread ideas. What better way to start a conversation than with a beer.

Bear Creek Porter talking
