Year End Giving to CTU — Colorado Trout Unlimited

Year End Giving to CTU

In order to continue to protect Colorado's rivers and water quality, engage the next generation of conservationists and anglers, and to improve fishing throughout the state, we rely on funds raised by our members and supporters. As we approach the end of the year, a time when most look at their organizational giving, Colorado TU offers different ways to fund our projects and missions. CTU uses collaboration and volunteers to leverage every dollar received and turns it into $10. And donations to Colorado TU are fully tax deductible!

Colorado TU welcomes donations of any amount!  To join Century Club, our largest group of loyal donors, donate $10 or more per month.  Join our flagship donor program, the River Stewardship Council, for $100 per month. These donations help improve our work throughout Colorado.

carp-slam-2016-2370In 2015 Colorado Gives Day raised more than $28 million in funds and supported  over 1,800 non-profits. In 2010, Community First Foundation created Colorado Gives Day as an annual statewide movement to celebrate and increase philanthropy in Colorado through online giving.

If you want to get in on the excitement of Gives Day and support healthy rivers and fisheries, check out to schedule your donation or head to the site on December 6th to help out!

On November 29th, #GivingTuesday takes Social Media by storm. Last year over $116 million was raised for charities in 70 different countries all through online donations, powered through Social Media. On Colorado TU's Facebook page there is a "donate button" that allows followers to donate to our mission through the excitement of #GivingTuesday!

While shopping on Amazon this holiday season, be sure to use, Amazon Smile to help fund our work of making fishing in Colorado better for everyone and protecting our rivers. A portion of your sale will be donated back to Colorado TU from Amazon.

Give to CTU by giving a license plate. Through a $25 donation to CTU will provide you with the certificate you need to obtain your Protect Our Rivers license plate or give the license plate to someone else as a gift this holiday season!

Thank you from all of us at Colorado TU for doing your part to protect and restore Colorado’s rivers and fisheries!
