Chapters and volunteers recognized for their leadership at CTU 2018 Rendezvous — Colorado Trout Unlimited

Chapters and volunteers recognized for their leadership at CTU 2018 Rendezvous

Emma and Heather both received the Outstanding Volunteer Award. Image credit: Emma Brown

Emma and Heather both received the Outstanding Volunteer Award.

Image credit: Emma Brown

Each year, CTU recognizes individuals and chapters that have shown great leadership in Trout Unlimited across the state. This year, they had 11 awards presented on Sunday April 29, 2018 up at Keystone, CO. Congratulations to everyone who was recognized, your hard work was noticed! The awardees are as follows: 

Outstanding Volunteer

Josh Anaya – for his leadership in strengthening communications for the Southern Colorado Greenbacks Chapter and spearheading the Frostbite Fishoff

Emma Brown –for her work with The Greenbacks in leading youth education and trout conservation projects including the Outdoor Mentors program

Anna Drexler-Dreis –for her Grand County community leadership including developing and implementing riparian restoration efforts with the Fraser Flats project

Dick Shinton –for his work with long-time dedication to youth education including the Colorado TU youth camp, chapter fly tying programs, and mentorship for young anglers

Jason Groves – for his leadership in revitalizing the Ferdinand Hayden Chapter as a viable, active local TU presence in the Roaring Fork Valley

Heather Sees- for her vision and leadership in strengthening The Greenbacks and programming for native trout, youth education, and partnerships including with the Mayfly Project

Exemplary Youth Education

Rocky Mountain Flycasters – for its diverse youth offerings including a summer day camp, multiple Trout in the Classroom partnerships, and community education partnerships


John Connolly Outstanding Chapter Communications Award

Grand Valley Anglers – for their exemplary newsletter and online engagement efforts with both their membership and the local community


Exemplary Project

Gore Range Chapter – for its Blue River Explorer Hike program to educate and engage local and visiting youth with the river

Colorado River Headwaters Chapter – for the Fraser Flats Project, the first partnership effort under the “Learning by Doing” program, dramatically improving the local fishery


Exemplary Chapter

Collegiate Peaks Anglers – for its strong community-based partnerships promoting youth education and trout conservation in the Arkansas basin
