Vote YES on Question 7A — Colorado Trout Unlimited

Vote YES on Question 7A

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Dear Trout Unlimited Members and Supporters,  

We are writing to urge you to vote in support of Question 7A on the November 3 ballot in 15 western Colorado counties. 

Often referred to as the hardest working river in America, the Colorado River originates on Colorado’s West Slope and provides water supply to western Colorado families, businesses and farms and ranches.  The Colorado River and its tributaries also offer endless environmental and recreational benefits enjoyed by locals and visitors alike. The Colorado River is the economic driver for western Colorado, and it is the foundation of the high quality of life we enjoy on the West Slope.  

Though not widely known, the Colorado River Water Conservation District provides a hugely important service to western Colorado. Put simply, the River District works to protect the waters of the Colorado River for the benefit of Colorado’s West Slope. For over 80 years, the River District has delivered wide-ranging benefits to water interests in the 15 West Slope counties it serves.   

But because of Colorado’s tax laws – which severely limit the ability to raise taxes, even for important purposes like protecting Colorado water – the River District has been forced to scale back its services to western Colorado in recent years. Without additional resources, the River District will need to make additional cuts.      

Question 7A would allow the River District to increase its mill levy from .252 to .5 mills – or $1.90 per $100,000 of residential property value – with the median residential property tax increase sitting at just $7.03 per year. Expected to raise $4.9 million per year, Question 7A directs the River District to spend the new revenues for four specific purposes: 

  • Fighting to keep water on the West Slope; 

  • Protecting adequate water supplies for West Slope farmers and ranchers; 

  • Protecting sustainable drinking water supplies for West Slope communities; and 

  • Protecting fish, wildlife and recreation by maintaining river levels and water quality. 

Trout Unlimited and its local chapters across western Colorado strongly support Question 7A. We have worked with the River District in the past on projects that provide mutual benefits to river health and agricultural producers.  Some of these projects have involved modernizing irrigation infrastructure, while others have created programs that allow for innovative and flexible irrigation water use, with coincident benefits for stream flows or water quality. Question 7A will allow us to build on our past successes with the River District and provide even greater benefits to West Slope rivers in the future.  

Please vote YES on Question 7A. 

Best Regards,  

Drew Peternell                                                                                                 David Nickum

Director, Trout Unlimited Colorado Water Program                         Executive Director, Colorado TU
