June Currents
The U.S. Senate is expected to vote next week on the Great American Outdoors Act, providing full dedicated funding to the Land and Water Conservation Fund and providing $9.5 billion over five years to help address deferred maintenance needs on public lands. CTU thanks Senators Bennet and Gardner for their support of this important legislation. We also thank our many members who have reached out to their elected officials in support of public lands; your voices have helped build the political momentum that is propelling this legislation. If you haven’t yet done so, consider taking a moment to thank our Senators for their efforts on this bill by clicking here.
Additional stories include:
CTU Introduces Virtual Happy Hours
Now Hiring: CTU Youth Coordinator Full-Time
Keeping it Close to Home: Pike, Bass and Panfish on the fly
Colorado Water Plan Listening Sessions
Featured Fly: Matt Callies’ Hare’s Ear Nymph
Spring 2020 High Country Angler
Featured Business Partner: Anglers All and more!