Trout in the Classroom Biggest Release Year Yet! — Colorado Trout Unlimited

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Trout in the Classroom Biggest Release Year Yet!

Over 45 Trout in the Classroom (TIC) Sites have released the rainbow trout, they raised since October, into local watersheds. This year we had over 60 sites/schools participate in the TIC program, and thus far 2,865 trout have been released. We still have a few more schools set to release, but overall, the program has been a huge success and our biggest year yet.

Some schools even made the local news and made videos of their TIC Release Events!

Ute Pass Elementary TIC Release Event

Shepardson STEM Elementary TIC Release video.

We are excited to announce some additional capacity and training that will be added to the 2024/25 TIC Program. This summer we will be offering three (possibly more) TIC trainings for educators and TU Chapter Coordinators/Volunteers. Check out our dates and events below.

Charles Hay Wood TIC Release Event

Grand River Academy TIC Release Event

Outdoor Wilderness Lab TIC Release Event

To help with this training we have hired a part-time seasonal employee (who will be starting in late May/early June) and we will be hiring two part-time TIC Seasonal Coordinators (one from the Front Range and one for the Western Slope). These new TIC Coordinators will help coordinate the TIC program during the school year, support our TIC Sites and Educators, and connect the program more with CTU, TU, and TU Chapters.