chapter leader — Blog — Colorado Trout Unlimited

chapter leader

Behind the Fin with Mike McGinnis


Join us Behind the Fin with Mike McGinnis, president of the Evergreen Chapter of Trout Unlimited, located in the Colorado foothills west of Denver.

How long have you been a TU member?

I celebrated my 40th year in TU last year having joined originally in 1977. 41 years now.

Why did you become a member and what chapter are you involved with?

In the beginning, I was very interested in the establishment and revitalization of trout in streams where I grew up in Tennessee.  Preservation of habitat became the focus shortly thereafter.  I have been President of Evergreen Trout Unlimited for approximately 10 years.

What made you want to be involved with TU?

 Establishment of trout water and preservation of habitat.

What is your favorite activity or project you have done with TU?

The Kids Fishing Clinics provide great joy to me.  To see the kids get so excited to catch fish always gives me a thrill.  I think we are establishing great conservation stewards for the future.

I know you won’t tell me your favorite spot, but what is your second favorite place to fish or favorite fishing story?

Actually, my favorite river of all time is the Little Red River in North Central Arkansas.  I grew up on that water and it will always be my favorite.

What does being a part of TU mean to you?

Being a part of TU means a lot to me.  In some small way, I think we are having an impact and I would like to think we're gonna leave the streams cleaner, the fish healthier and the love for the sport consistent.

What else do you do in your spare time or work?

I fish, golf, camp, ski, hike, hunt and do most outdoor activities.  Always have.


Check out the Evergreen Trout Unlimited Chapter

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