running rivers — Blog — Colorado Trout Unlimited

running rivers

Run. Catch. No cheating.


REPOST from The Dirtbag Diaries Podcast:

"There are a lot of serious problems in this world, but the solutions don’t always have to be serious. Fly-fisherman and trail-runner Andrew Todd channeled his concern for Colorado’s native trout and the watersheds that support them into the creation of a joyful, irreverent, event: The Flyathlon.

The rules:

  1. Run 10-miles
  2. Catch a fish
  3. Don’t be a jack-donkey
  4. No fish in your Camelbak that you brought from somewhere else.

Cordelia Zars–and a group of Flyathletes–on Gunnison, Colorado’s Lake Fork River joined Dirtbag Diaries for an interview, listen below. 

Learn more and register for a Flyathlon at or check out Andrew’s non-profit at "

There are a lot of serious problems in this world, but the solutions don’t always have to be serious. Fly-fisherman and trail-runner Andrew Todd channeled his concern for Colorado’s native trout and the watersheds that support them into the creation of a joyful, irreverent, event: The Flyathlon. The rules: 1. Run 10-miles 2. Catch a fish 3. Don’t be a jack-donkey 4. No fish in your Camelbak that you brought from somewhere else. Today, we join producer Cordelia Zars--and a group of Flyathletes--on Gunnison, Colorado’s Lake Fork River. Learn more and register for a Flyathlon at or check out Andrew’s non-profit at